Heterodox Economic Research

Heterodox Economic Research

Regular Conferences

ASSA Meetings - US

The acronym ASSA stands for "Allied Social Science Association" and is basically a marketing label denoting an annual three-day conference in some major US-city at the start of every new year. The conference is organized by the American Economic Association and serves as a major gathering in mainstream economics. However, the AEA also invites a series of 'recognized' partners to contribute sessions to the conference. In this course a series of heterodox economic associations based (partly) in the US, like URPE, AFEE, ASE or IAFFE, are regularly enriching the ASSA-conferences by providing space for the discussion and advancement of heterodox economics. Hence, the ASSA is a an interesting place to be as it represents the full diversity of economic thought, although, regrettably, in roughly correct proportions.

The official ASSA-page managed by the AEA can be found here.
Calls for heterodox ASSA-sessions are collected and published in the Heterodox Economics Newsletter.

Annual Conference in Political Economy

The Annual conference in Political Economy is a pluralist and interdisciplinary conference organized by the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE). Submission of individual papers as well as full sessions are welcome. Aside from a generall Call for Papers various groups announce sub-calls for specialized topics. The conference is held in September and takes place at various locations.

Further information can be found here.

Annual Conference of Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics

SASE is an international, inter-disciplinary academic organization covering economics, sociology, political science, organization studies, management, psychology, law and history. The annual conference usually takes place in the end of June or beginnig of July every year. The conferences features different research groups and is open to submissions of a variety of streams announced at the beginning of each year. In general, submissions to the SASE conference must be made through one of the mini-conferences or through a research network.

Further information can be found here.

Annual EAEPE Conference

The annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) is a highly pluralist venue. Aside from a generall Call for Papers various research groups announce sub-calls for specialized topics. The conference is held in September and takes place at various locations in Europe. The conferences features different research groups and is open to submissions of a variety of streams announced at the beginning of each year. In general, submissions to the SASE conference must be made through one of the mini-conferences or through a research network.

Further information can be found here.

Annual conferences of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE)

The Association for Heterodox Economics organizes an annual conferences dedicated to all streams and branches of heterodox economic research. The conference is typically taking place in the UK.

See here for more information: https://hetecon.net/ahe-conferences/

Conferences of the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) - Berlin

This conference-series takes a pluralist stance on economic issues. Its particular focus is on questions in macroeconomic theory and policy from a post-Keynesian perspective. The conference takes place in Berlin, is held annually at the end of October and is organized by the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) in cooperation with the Macroeconomic Policy Insitute (IMK) at the Hans-Boeckler-Foundation.

Further information can be found: https://www.fmm-macro.net

PhD Conference of the Post-Keynesian Economics Society

Starting in 2015, PKES has run a one-day conference for PhD students. This provides an opportunity for PhD students to present their research and receive feedback from a range of academics. PhD workshops have sometimes included special sessions on particular topics, for example stock-flow consistent modelling. The PhD conference usually takes place in London.

Information on the conference can be found here.

Pluralumn* workshop

The Pluralumn* workshop is an annual conference dedicated to all schools of thought under the umbrella of pluralist economics. The conference originated as the scientific workshop of the alumn* of the German Network for Pluralism in Economics, but is open to all young scholars (broadly conceived) sympathetic to the pluralist project. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the organizing team in all years, we explicitly encourage researchers from adjacent disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, and the natural sciences to apply. The conference usually consists of panel talks and keynotes, and explicitly aims to foster collaboration of young pluralist scholars and provide opportunities to develop research ideas and gather career advice in dedicated sessions. Past installments were held in a hybrid format to enable participation from abroad.The conference language is English. More information on past installments can be found on the network's website (https://www.plurale-oekonomik.de/pluralumni/, in German).

All conferences will be advertised via the Heterodox Economics Newsletter. Please also reach out to us via pluralumn@posteo.de for any further questions.

Post-Keynesian Economics Society Annual Workshop

PKES runs a one-day Annual Workshop in May or June in London. This features a series of panels plus an extended lunch and evening meal to allow for networking. PKES Annual Workshops are open to all and free to attend.

For the current programme please see here: https://www.postkeynesian.net/events/annual-workshop/

Young Economists Conference. html

Progressive economists and social scientists should research an economy that works for working people. Productive and reproductive labor are the driving forces of society. Recent debates on labor shortages and the care crisis emphasize that centrality, at the same time the literature consistently shows that inflation, the climate crisis and political polarization over-proportionally impact workers, the unemployed and those primarily performing unpaid care labor.  

The Young Economists Conference fosters debates on the dynamics and inequalities of labor, current realities as well as proposals for future changes. A thorough and multi-disciplinary analysis can provide a realistic understanding of the economy and the groundwork for necessary change.  

The Chamber of Labor Vienna, the Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, the Society for Pluralism in Economics Vienna and INET’s Young Scholars’ Initiative as well as our partner organizations (the VWZ Center for Students of Economics at WU Vienna, the Student representatives for the Master's Programs Economics, Socioeconomics & Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy at WU Vienna and the Roter Börsenkrach representatives for students of economics at the University of Vienna) host the Young Economists Conference in Vienna, Austria.

They invite researchers in the early stages of their career (Master, pre- or post-doc) from all professions, especially economics, political sciences and sociology, to submit their work. They especially encourage female and LGBTIQ* contributors as well as researchers of color and first generation academics to present at the conference.  

INET’s Young Scholars’ Initiative generously sponsors up to ten travel stipends for researchers from countries in the Global South. The conference language is English. The conference is free of charge, presenters will be reimbursed for train travel cost within Austria, accommodations are paid for. An outstanding contribution will be awarded the Eduard März Prize of €1,000.

For further information visit the website: https://wien.arbeiterkammer.at/yec

Regular Summer Schools

EAEPE Summer School

The EAEPE Summer School is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in particular in the field of institutional and evolutionary analysis. Each year, the Summer School focuses on a specific topic. Lectures by internationally renowned scholars will be given in the morning, while advanced PhD students and early-career researchers have the opportunity to present their research in the afternoon and will benefit from comments and suggestions from experts in the field.  Lectures will address the Summer School's topic from different perspectives and approaches. In the spirit of the pluralist character of the EAEPE, contributions will come from a range of diverse fields, e.g. human development, environment-economy interactions, methodology of economics, institutional history, comparative economics, transition economics, institutional change, innovation and technology, and labour economics. As to the participants' presentations, contributions from all fields using institutional, multidisciplinary approaches are welcome. The summer school is usually held in the first week of July and takes place at University Roma Tre, Faculty of Economics.

Further information can be found here.

ECLAC Summer School on "Latin American economies"

In ECLAC's analytical tradition, production structure, technological progress and trade specialization are the main variables that explain long-run economic and social development. ECLAC's contributions are part of a tradition in economic theory that combines the Keynesian paradigm with the Schumpeterian and evolutionist traditions. The former pays special attention to income distribution and full employment policies, while the latter focuses on the dynamics of learning, technological innovation and diffusion and its impact on the production patterns. These traditions recognize that industrial and technological policies are crucial to foster developing countries' convergence with the developed economies in terms of technological capabilities and per capita GDP. In ECLAC's School, the participants debate these topics in an open, plural and multidisciplinary framework. They study empirical and theoretical topics emphasizing recent Latin American economic history and its impacts on economic perspectives and policies.

Information on the ECLAC Summer School can be found here.

ESHET Summer School

The Summer School is open to PhD students and young scholars from the fields of History of Economic Thought, Economic Philosophy and Economic History. Four to six papers will be presented each day on open themes, chosen on the basis of the students’ fields of research, related to the history of economic thought, economic methodology, economic philosophy or economic history. The subjects of the papers may differ from the Summer School’s main theme. The presentations will take place in the presence of the members of the scientific committee and of some invited speakers, thus covering a broad area of expertise. Each presentation will be commented by a discussant, chosen among the young scholars, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

Information on the ESHET Summer School can be found here.

FMM Summer School on "Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies

The biannual Summer School on Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policy usually takes place between end-July and early August and is hosted by the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) and the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) at Hans Böckler Foundation. The summer school aims at providing an introduction to post-Keynesian macroeconomics and to the problems of European economic policies as well as presenting some ongoing research to interested graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers. The summer school usually consists of overview lectures, a panel discussion, student study groups, and a computer lab on SFC modelling. In the past leading international researchers in the area featured the summer school, like Marc Lavoie (Canada), Tom Palley (USA), Robert Blecker (USA), Eckhard Hein (Germany), Mark Setterfield (USA), Gennaro Zezza (Italy), Steve Fazzari (USA), Maria Nikolaidi (UK), Yanis Dafermos (UK), Engelbert Stockhammer (UK), and Ozlem Onaran (UK). Following issues are focused on: History and methods of post-Keynesian macroeconomics, Money and macroeconomics, Distribution and growth, Finance and crisis, Unemployment and the labour market, European economic policies, Stock-flow consistent modelling.

More information can be found here: https://www.fmm-macro.net.

Graz Schumpeter Summer School

Every two years, the Graz Schumpeter Centre organises a one-week Summer School in July, to offer PhD-sudents and Junior Scientists a platform to discuss economic issues of relevance. This includes presentation and critical discussion of their own scientific work. Several internationally renown economists also present their insights and offer a glance at contemporary cutting-edge economics.

Information on the Schumpeter Summer School can be found here.

INEM Summer School in Philosophy of Economics

The summer school is intended to foster reflection on the changing identity of economics after the empirical turn, model transfer in between economic sub-fields, how economics is modelling the social structure of science, and other cutting edge topics in history and philosophy of economics.

The school consists of lectures, presentations, and tutorials. The invited speakers lecture on the topics related to the school’s general theme, while students have 30 minutes to present their papers. During tutorials, a faculty member discusses with a student their paper in a one-to-one 1-hour discussion.

Papers by students can address any topic in the philosophy, methodology, or history of economics, also a topic different from the summer school’s main theme.

For further information visit the website.

PKES Summer School

Summer School in Post-Keynesian Economics and Political Economy

Starting in 2013, PKES has run an annual multi-day Introductory Summer School in Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy. This is primarily aimed at final-year undergraduates and master's students. Some background in Economic theory at the underground level is an advantage but not a requirement. Post Keynesian Economics and Political Economy seeks to provide foundations for progressive economic policies. For this reason, the summer school may also be of interest to a broader audience. Subsidised accommodation is usually available for attendees.

For further information visit the website.

Summer School in Social Economics

The Association for Social Economics irregularly organizes Summerschools on social economics, which provide a pluralist and interdisciplinary approach to social and economic issues. The summer school usually provides an overview of recent social economic research by prominent ASE scholars, major social economics concepts and themes, and information about both ASE scholarly journals Review of Social Economy and Forum for Social Economics. There will be two days of lectures with Q&A, informal meetings between participants and lecturers, and a set of reading materials for preparation. The summer school takes place in mid-June every year.

Information on the Summer School in Social Economics can be found here.

The Hyman P. Minsky Summer Seminar

The Minsky Summer Seminar is organized by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College with support from the Ford Foundation and is held in mid-June every year at the Levy Institute in New York, US. The annual Summer Seminar provides a rigorous discussion of both the theoretical and applied aspects of Minsky’s economics, with an examination of meaningful prescriptive policies relevant to the current economic and financial crisis. Organized by Jan Kregel, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, and L. Randall Wray, the Seminar program is geared toward graduate students and those at the beginning of their academic or professional careers. The teaching staff includes well-known economists concentrating on and expanding Minsky’s work.

Further information can be found here.

Book Series

Advances in Austrian Economics, Emerald Insight

Advances in Austrian Economics is a non-dogmatic Book Series and open to all who are interested in the Austrian-subjectivist tradition. They stand ready to publish the work of critics so long as it challenges Austrians and subjectivists to think more deeply about their subject. In general, the annual hopes to encourage both sympathetic encouragement and well-crafted criticism.

Further information: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=1529-2134

Advances in Heterodox Economics, Routledge

The Advances in Heterodox Economics series promotes the development of heterodox economics beyond the existing paradigms of Austrian, Feminist, Institutional-Evolutionary, Marxian, Post Keynesian, Radical, Social, and Sraffian economics. The series aims to publish books in five areas: (1) the synthesis of two or more heterodox approaches in the general fields of microeconomics and macroeconomics, or in specialized fields such as ecological or development economics; (2) the history and philosophy of heterodox economics, including intellectual biographies, institutional histories, and histories of theoretical controversies past and present; (3) the development of novel heterodox theories, such as feminist theories of international trade; (4) explorations of heterodox approaches to economic education; and (5) anthologies of heterodox work from all approaches in a specific field or area. The editor, associate editor, and editorial board work closely with individual authors and editors to ensure the quality of all published works.

Series Editors: Series Editors: Mark Setterfield, New School For Social Research (setterfm@newschool.edu) and Peter Kriesler, University of New South Wales (p.kriesler@unsw.edu.au)

For more information visit: http://www.routledge.com/books/series/RAHE/

Advances in New Institutional Analysis, Edward Elgar

Understanding the nature and role of institutions in the dynamics and failures of modern economies is an increasing concern among scholars and policy makers. Substantial progress has been made in economics as well as in other social sciences, particularly political science, history, sociology and the managerial sciences. New institutional scholars have been, and remain, at the forefront of this movement. Alternative views have also been proposed that deserve consideration. This series intends to promote the development and diffusion of these analyses with books from leading contributors as well as younger up-and-coming scholars.

The series will include topics such as:

  • Institutions and growth

  • Transaction cost economics

  • The role of formal rules and legal institutions

  • Regulation and deregulation

  • Political institutions and the state

  • Institutions and modes of governance

  • Contracting issues

  • Customs, beliefs and institutional changes.

    The series will be essential reading for researchers in economics, the social and managerial sciences, as well as policymakers.

Series editor: Claude Ménard, Professor (Emeritus) of Economics, University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, claude.menard@univ-paris1.fr

Website: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/economics-and-finance/advances-in-new-institutional-analysis-series.html

Advances in Social Economics, Routledge

This series presents new advances and developments in social economics thinking on a variety of subjects that concern the link between social values and economics. Need, justice and equity, gender, cooperation, work, poverty, the environment, class, institutions, public policy, and methodology are some of the most important themes. Among the orientations of the authors are social economist, institutionalist, humanist, solidarist, cooperativist, radical and Marxist, feminist, post-Keynesian, behaviorist, and environmentalist. The series offers new contributions from today=s most foremost thinkers on the social character of the economy. Published in conjunction with the Association for Social Economics

Series Editor, John B. Davis, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Marquette University, US, john.davis@marquette.edu
Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Advances-in-Social-Economics/book-series/SE0071

Critical Studies in Finance and Stability

The 2007/8 Banking Crash has induced a major and wide-ranging discussion on the subject of financial (in)stability and a need to revaluate theory and policy. The response of policy-makers to the crisis has been to refocus fiscal and monetary policy on financial stabilisation and reconstruction. However, this has been done with only vague ideas of bank recapitalisation and ‘Keynesian’ reflation aroused by the exigencies of the crisis, rather than the application of any systematic theory or theories of financial instability.

Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability, edited by Jan Toporowski from SOAS, University of London covers a range of issues in the area of finance including instability, systemic failure, financial macroeconomics in the vein of Hyman P. Minsky, Ben Bernanke and Mark Gertler, central bank operations, financial regulation, developing countries and financial crises, new portfolio theory and New International Monetary and Financial Architecture.

Series Editor: Jan Toporowski, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Critical-Studies-in-Finance-and-Stability/book-series/RCSFS

Economics as Social Theory, Routledge

Social theory is experiencing something of a revival within economics. Critical analyses of the particular nature of the subject matter of social studies and of the types of method, categories and modes of explanation that can legitimately be endorsed for the scientific study of social objects, are reemerging. Economists are again addressing such issues as the relationship between agency and structure, between economy and the rest of society, and between the enquirer and the object of enquiry. There is a renewed interest in elaborating basic categories such as causation, competition, culture, discrimination, evolution, money, need, order, organization, power probability, process, rationality, technology, time, truth, uncertainty, value, etc. The objective for this series is to facilitate this revival further. In contemporary economics the label theory has been appropriated by a group that confines itself to largely asocial, ahistorical, mathematical modeling . Economics is Social Theory thus reclaims the theory label, offering a platform for alternative rigorous, but broader and more critical conception of theorizing.

Series Editor, Tony Lawson, University of Cambridge, UK, tony.lawson@econ.cam.ac.uk
Website: https://www.routledge.com/Economics-as-Social-Theory/book-series/EAST

Frontiers of Political Economy, Routledge

In recent years, there has been widespread criticism of mainstream Economics. This has taken many forms, from methodological critiques of its excessive formalism, to concern about its failure to connect with many of the most pressing social issues. This series provides a forum for research which is developing alternative forms of economic analysis. Reclaiming the traditional political economy title, it refrains from emphasizing any single school of thought, but instead attempts to foster greater diversity within Economics.

Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Frontiers-of-Political-Economy/book-series/SE0345

Historical Materialism Book Series, Brill

After the disappearance of Marxism as a (supposed) state ideology, a need for a serious and long-term book publishing programme on Marxism was recognized. Most publishers of scholarly work have abandoned any of the systematic publication of critical research on Marxist theory that they may have indulged in during the 1970s and early 1980s. The HM book series addresses this great gap with original monographs, translated texts and reprints of classics works.

Editorial Board / Council Member: Loren Balhorn, David Broder, Sebastian Budgen, Steve Edwards, Juan Grigera, Marcel M. van der Linden, Peter Thomas, and Gavin Walker. historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk

Website: https://brill.com/display/serial/HM

IAFFE Advances in Feminist Economics, Routledge

The International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) aims to increase the visibility and range of economic research on gender; facilitate communication among scholars, policymakers, and activists concerned with women's wellbeing and empowerment; promote discussions among policy makers about interventions which serve women's needs; educate economists, policymakers, and the general public about feminist perspectives on economic issues; foster feminist evaluations of economics as a discipline; expose the gender blindness characteristic of much social science and the ways in which this impoverishes all research - even research that does not explicitly concern women’s issues; help expand opportunities for women, especially women from underrepresented groups, within economics; and, encourage the inclusion of feminist perspectives in the teaching of economics.

The IAFFE book series pursues the aims of the organization by providing a forum in which scholars have space to develop their ideas at length and in detail. The series exemplifies the value of feminist research and the high standard of IAFFE-sponsored scholarship.

Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-IAFFE-Advances-in-Feminist-Economics/book-series/IAFFE#:~:text=The%20International%20Association%20for%20Feminist,policy%20makers%20about%20interventions%20which

IIPPE Political Economy and Development, Pluto Press

Political economy and the theory of economic and social development have long been fellow travellers, sharing an interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional character. Over the last fifty years, mainstream economics has become totally formalistic, attaching itself to increasingly narrow methods and techniques at the expense of other approaches. Despite this narrowness, neoclassical economics has expanded its domain of application to other social sciences, but has shown itself incapable of addressing social phenomena and coming to terms with current developments in the world economy. With world financial crises no longer a distant memory, and neoliberalism and postmodernism in retreat, prospects for political economy have strengthened. It allows constructive liaison between the dismal and other social sciences and rich potential in charting and explaining combined and uneven development. This series objective supports revival and renewal of political economy both in itself and in dialogue with other social sciences. Drawing on rich traditions, we invite contributions that constructively engage with heterodox economics, critically assess mainstream economics, address contemporary developments, and offer alternative policy prescriptions.

Series Editors: Ben Fine and Dimitris Milonakis
Website: http://www.plutobooks.com/page/IIPPE

INEM Advances in Economic Methodology, Routeldge

The field of economic methodology has expanded rapidly during the last few decades. This expansion has occurred in part because of changes within the discipline of economics, in part because of changes in the prevailing philosophical conception of scientific knowledge, and also because of various transformations within wider society. Research in economic methodology now reflects not only developments in contemporary economic theory, the history of economic thought, and the philosophy of science; but it also reflects developments in science studies, historical epistemology, and social theorizing more generally. The field of economic methodology still includes the search for rules for the proper conduct of economic science, but it also covers a vast array of other subjects and accommodates a variety of different approaches to those subjects.

The objective of this series is to provide a forum for the publication of significant works in the growing field economic methodology. Since the series defines methodology quite broadly, it will publish books on a wide range of different methodological subjects. The series is also open to a variety of different types of works: original research monographs, edited collections, as well as republication of significant earlier contributions to the methodological literature. The International Network for Economic Methodology (INEM) is proud to sponsor this important series of contributions to the methodological literature

Series Editor: Esther-Mirjam Sent
Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-INEM-Advances-in-Economic-Methodology/book-series/SE0630

International Papers in Political Economy, Palgrave Macmillan

This series consists of an annual volume with a single theme. The objective of the IPPE is the publication of papers dealing with important topics within the broad framework of Political Economy. 

The original series of International Papers in Political Economy started in 1993, until the new series began in 2005, and was published in the form of three issues a year with each issue containing a single extensive paper. Information on the old series and back copies can be obtained from the editors:

Philip Arestis (pa267@cam.ac.uk) and Malcolm Sawyer (mcs@lubs.leeds.ac.uk).

Website: https://www.springer.com/series/14844

International Studies in Business History, Routledge

Recent years have seen an explosion of research in business history. Business history is now seen variously as a key to understanding a vital aspect of the past, a source of parallels and insights into modern business practice, and a way of understanding the evolution of modern business practice. This series is not limited to any single approach, and explores a wide range of issues and industries.

Authors wishing to submit proposals for publication consideration in the Routledge International Studies in Business History series can contact series editors Heidi Tworek (heidi.tworek@ubc.ca) and Ai Hisano (aihisano@iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp).


Modern Heterodox Economics, Pickering & Chatto

The now-completed book series "Modern Heterodox Economics" provides an overview of heterodox perspectives on power, money, and crisis theories, as well as general questions in social sciences and political economy. This series serves as a good reference for those interested in heterodox economics.

Find a link for the website here.

New Directions in Modern Economics, Edward Elgar

New Directions in Modern Economics presents a challenge to orthodox economic thinking. It focuses on new ideas emanating from radical traditions including post Keynesian, Kaleckian, neo-Ricardian and Marxian. The books in the series do not adhere rigidly to any single school of thought but attempt to present alternative to the conventional wisdom.

Series editor: Malcolm Sawyer, University of Leeds, UK

Website: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/economics-and-finance/new-directions-in-modern-economics-series.html

New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics

New Horizons in Institutional and Evolutionary Economics, Edward Elgar

Economics today is at a crossroads. New ideas and approaches are challenging the largely static and equilibrium-oriented models that used to dominate mainstream economics. The study of economic institutions long neglected in the economics textbooks has returned to the forefront of theoretical and empirical investigation. This challenging and interdisciplinary series publishes leading works at the forefront of institutional and evolutionary theory and focuses on cutting-edge analyses of modern socio-economic systems. The aim is to understand both the institutional structures of modern economies and the processes of economic evolution and development. Contributions will be from all forms of evolutionary and institutional economics, as well as from post Keynesian, Austrian and other schools. The overriding aim is to understand the processes of institutional transformation and economic change.

Series Editor: Geoffrey M. Hodgson, U. of Hertfordshire Business School, UK. g.m.hodgson@herts.ac.uk
Website: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/economics-and-finance/new-horizons-in-institutional-and-evolutionary-economics-series.html

New Perspectives on the Modern Corporation, Edward Elgar

The modern corporation has far reaching influence on our lives in an increasingly globalised economy. This new series will provide an invaluable forum for the publication of high quality works of scholarship on corporate governance, industrial relations and human resource management, industrial economics and management, innovation and competitiveness.

Series Editor: Jonathan Michie, U. of Oxford, Kellogg College, UK, johathan.michie@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Website: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/economics-and-finance/new-perspectives-on-the-modern-corporation-series.html

New Political Economy, Routledge

The book series "New Political Economy" from Routledge offers a comprehensive examination of contemporary political economy issues from a heterdox perspective. This series includes titles that explore the intersections of politics and economics, addressing both theoretical and empirical questions. It covers topics such as global economic governance, development, financial crises, and the impact of neoliberal policies. This series is an invaluable resource for scholars, students, and practitioners interested in understanding the complexities of modern political economies.


New Thinking in Political Economy, Edward Elgar

New Thinking in Political Economy aims to encourage scholarship in the intersection of the disciplines of politics, philosophy and economics. It has the ambitious purpose of reinvigorating political economy as a progressive force for understanding social and economic change. The series stimulates new work that will combine technical knowledge provided by the dismal science and the wisdom gleaned from the serious study of the worldly philosophy . It is designed to reinvigorate our understanding of the social world by encouraging a multidisciplinary approach to the challenges confronting society in the next century.

Series Editor: Peter J. Boettke, George Mason University, US, pboetkke@gmu.edu
website: https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/book-series/economics-and-finance/new-thinking-in-political-economy-series.html

Palgrave Studies in Latin American Heterodox Economics, Palgrave Macmillan

The aim of the series is to analyze the economic, social, and political evolution of countries in Latin America. The authors in the series are serious heterodox economics scholars who want to shine light on Latin America's economic profile. Each book in the series takes on a single topic (crisis, growth, income distribution, the manufacturing sector, etc.), either from the point of view of a single country or a group of them. This analysis then in turn adds to our understanding of Latin America's regional economic character and development challenges and capabilities. In this way, this series makes an unusual contribution to economics by studying a region as a whole without losing sight of the particularities of each country as a part. Series Editor: Juan Santarcángelo (New School University).

For more information, you can visit the following link: https://www.springer.com/series/14614

Perspectives from Social Economics, Springer

In the current economic, financial, and political climate, recognizing and studying the ethical and social aspects of the economy are more important than ever. Social economics has long emphasized these very aspects, and can provide unique perspectives on issues of critical importance to citizens, businesses, and governments around the world. This series will feature a sharp discussion of the explicit ethical/social components of important policy and social issues, drawing on the varied approaches used by social economists around the world. Through a strong mix of outward-looking books, focusing on the insights of social economics to contemporary policy and social issues, and inward-looking books, focusing on the philosophy and methodology of social economics itself, this series will be of enormous value to both social economists and policy makers.

Series Editor: Mark D. White, Professor, Department of Political Science, Economics, and Philosophy, College of Staten Island and The Graduate Center, CUNY. mark.white@csi.cuny.edu

Website: https://www.springer.com/series/14556

Real Utopias Project, Verso

The Real Utopias Project on Verso Books' website showcases a collection of works aimed at exploring pragmatic approaches to societal transformation. The series includes titles that delve into themes such as democratizing finance, envisioning real utopias, legislative reforms, deepening democracy, market socialism, gender equality, egalitarian capitalism, community and market reorganization, and corporate democratization. Each book offers ideas and solutions for creating more equitable and participatory governance and social structures​​.

Website: https://www.versobooks.com/collections/the-real-utopias-project

Research in Political Economy, Emerald Publishing

This Research annual is founded on analyzing society in a manner consistent with classical Marxism. International in scope, the annual volumes deal primarily with economic and political issues and the unity between them. Both theoretical and empirical works are included. While published papers must be appropriate for developing class analysis of society, they need not be explicitly Marxist. The Research can accept papers up to 50 pages in print (on occasion, even longer) and thus is appropriate for work which is not book length, yet is substantial. For submissions, please send your paper, double-spaced type with noting as endnotes followed by a reference list, to the editor either electronically or three copies to the postal address above. Usual practice is review by two competent persons, on a double-blind basis, within a relatively short period of time.

For further information: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/series/rpec

Studies in Contemporary Political Economy, Routledge

This series presents a fresh, broad perspective on the key issues in the modern world economy, drawing in perspectives from management and business, politics and sociology, economic history and law.

Written in a lively and accessible style, it will present focused and comprehensive introductions to key topics, demonstrating the relevance of political economy to major debates in economics and to an understanding of the contemporary world.

Series Editor: Jonathan Michie, Oxford University, UK

Website: https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Studies-in-Contemporary-Political-Economy/book-series/SE0295

Studies in Economic Transition, Palgrave Macmillan

This series brings together theoretical and empirical studies on the transformation of economic systems and their economic development. The transition from planned to market economies is one of the main areas of applied theory because in this field the most dramatic examples of change and economic dynamics can be found. It is aimed to contribute to the understanding of specific major economic changes as well as to advance the theory of economic development. The implications of economic policy will be a major point of focus.

Series Editor: Jens Hölscher, Horst Tomann

Website: https://link.springer.com/series/14147

The Elgar Series on Central Banking and Monetary Policy

This series explores the various topics important to the study of central banking and monetary theory and policy and the challenges surrounding them. The books in the series analyze specific aspects such as income distribution, gender and ecology and will, as a body of work, help better explain the nature and the future of central banks and their role in society and the economy.

Find further information on the website.

The Other Canon, Anthem

The Other Canon – also described as ‘reality economics’ – studies the economy as a real object rather than as the behaviour of a model economy based on core axioms, assumptions and techniques. The series includes both classical and contemporary works in this tradition, spanning evolutionary, institutional and Post-Keynesian economics, the history of economic thought and economic policy, economic sociology and technology governance, and works on the theory of uneven development and in the tradition of the German historical school.

Series Editors
Erik S. Reinert – Chairman, The Other Canon Foundation, Norway and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Rainer Kattel – University College London, UK and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Wolfgang Drechsler – Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and Davis Center, Harvard University, USA

Editorial Board
Ha-Joon Chang – University of Cambridge, UK
Mario Cimoli – UN-ECLAC, Chile
Jayati Ghosh – Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Steven Kaplan – Cornell University, USA
Jan Kregel – Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, USA and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Bengt-Åke Lundvall – Aalborg University, Denmark
Keith Nurse – University of the West Indies, Barbados
Patrick O’Brien – London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
Carlota Perez – London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK; University College London, UK; SPRU – University of Sussex, UK; and Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Alessandro Roncaglia – La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Jomo Kwame Sundaram – Khazanah Research Institute, Malaysia

We welcome submissions of proposals for challenging and original works from emerging and established scholars that meet the criteria of our series. We make prompt editorial decisions. Our titles are published in print and e-book editions and are subject to peer review by recognized authorities in the field. Should you wish to send in a proposal for a monograph (mid-length and full-length), edited collection or course book, please contact us at: proposal@anthempress.com.

Website: https://anthempress.com/anthem-other-canon-economics


Annablume Editora

A Annablume é uma editora orientada a publicar produções acadêmicas de qualidade e eticamente comprometidas com a reflexão sobre o pensar, sobre as complexas manifestações do tecido social em que vivemos – seja no passado ou no presente – e sobre as diversas possibilidades de construção do futuro. Na busca pela realização deste projeto, entendemos que a publicação acadêmica não pode ser feita sem o compromisso do autor com a obra e o empenho da editora em torná-la acessível ao leitor.

Link to the publisher: http://www.annablume.com.br


Anthem Press is a distinguished independent publishing house with a strong international focus, pioneering a distinctive approach to the publishing of innovative academic research, educational material and reference works in established and emerging fields. Our titles are published simultaneously in print and ebook editions across the humanities and social sciences and are subject to peer review by recognized authorities in the field.

Link to the publisher: www.anthempress.com


Bookmarks keeps alive the tradition of radical bookselling, ensuring that activists have access to the most important lessons from history as well as cutting edge political analysis. It is your bookshop and it will exist as long as it is supported by people like you.

Link to the publisher: https://bookmarksbookshop.co.uk


Brill wishes to be a leading, internationally operating publishing house in the domains of the Humanities and International Law and in selected fields in the Sciences. A healthy, lasting growth of the company is essential to the realization of its mission. This growth will be achieved by expanding its market share in existing and adjacent markets. By meeting the information requirements of specialized academic target groups and markets, Brill wishes to create value for all the stakeholders who are important to the realization of its strategy.

Link to the publisher: www.brill.nl

Centre for Associative Economics

Combining archival material and new texts, these publications consider key economic questions in the light of associative economics. Written with the lay reader in mind, their emphasis is on effecting practicable change, whether of concepts, policies or institutions.

Link to the publisher: https://aebookstore.com

Dollars and Sense

Dollars & Sense is a non-profit, non-hierarchical, collectively-run organization that publishes economic news and analysis, with the mission of explaining essential economic concepts by placing them in their real-world context. We publish a bi-monthly magazine, as well as economics books that are used in college social science courses, study groups and other educational settings.

Link to the publisher: www.dollarsandsense.org

Editorial Critica

Desde 1976 Crítica mantiene su vocación de construir una cultura libre poniendo al alcance del gran público obras de historia, filosofía, arqueología, política, antropología, economía y divulgación científica. Con más de dos mil títulos publicados, recibió en 2007 el Premio Nacional a la Mejor Editorial Cultural, que concede el Ministerio de Cultura.

Link to the publisher: www.ed-critica.es

Editorial El Viejo Topo

Somos muchos. Somos los que no creemos en un sistema que ahonda las desigualdades. Somos los que rehusamos aceptar indiferentes la tragedia que viven tantos millones de personas. Somos los que no aceptamos la continua destrucción del medio ambiente en nombre de un progreso que sólo favorece a unos pocos. Somos los que denunciamos las nuevas formas de sometimiento. Somos los que rechazamos las agresiones militares, realizadas casi siempre en nombre de nobles ideales, pero que encubren siempre oscuros intereses económicos. Somos los que exigimos la emancipación de los de abajo. Somos los que aspiramos a una democracia real.  Somos muchos. Algunos de esos muchos estamos haciendo esta revista. También editamos libros. Es nuestra forma, modesta, de contribuir a una transformación social imprescindible. En El Viejo Topo, trabajando, somos pocos. Pero contando los que estáis afuera, somos muchos.

Link to the publisher: www.elviejotopo.com

Editorial Sintesis

En el menú principal podrá consultar nuestra línea editorial, nuestro catálogo y nuestras próximas actividades. Y, si lo desea, puede suscribirse a nuestro servicio de aviso de novedades por correo electrónico.

Link to the publisher: www.sintesis.com

Editorila Icaria

Icaria es una editorial independiente, especializada en el área de ciencias sociales y ensayo, que proporciona herramientas para  la reflexión y propuestas transformadoras de los temas más relevantes del mundo actual. En contacto constante con la actualidad, los movimientos sociales y foros de debate, Icaria ha ido introduciendo nuevas líneas editoriales: paz y conflictos, economía crítica, análisis de política internacional, relaciones Norte-Sur, feminismo, ecología, soberanía alimentaria, participación democrática y decrecimiento, a través de sus diferentes colecciones.

Link to the publisher: www.icariaeditorial.com


Edward Elgar

Edward Elgar Publishing is a leading international academic and professional publisher with a strong focus on the social sciences and legal fields. We publish 350 titles annually and have successfully created a prestigious list of over 5,500 titles.Edward's original vision was to create a publishing house that attracted high quality books by offering a superior service to authors and we remain focused on treating potential authors and their books with care and attention to detail. We believe it is difficult for large corporate publishers who often suffer from very high levels of staff turnover, top down management and mass production processes to replicate the experience we can provide. Edward Elgar Publishing was conceived as an international scholarly press and from the beginning our sales were derived equally from Europe, North America and Asia Pacific regions, reflecting our author base and focus on topics of global interest. Today the Middle East, Latin America and a number of African countries are also important markets.

Link to the publisher: www.e-elgar.com

Fernwood Publishers

Fernwood Publishing and our literary imprint, Roseway, publish critical books that inform, enlighten and challenge. We are political publishers in that our books acknowledge, confront and contest intersecting forms of oppression and exploitation. We believe that in publishing books that challenge the status quo and imagine new ways forward we participate in the creation of a more socially just world. We are not afraid to take risks in this regard and are proud to publish those individuals or ideas that too often go unheard. While corporate giants act to silence dissent, we act to give dissent a voice. As an independent Canadian publisher, we also emphasize, though not exclusively, Canadian authors and the Canadian context. The quality of the books we publish and the relationships with our authors demonstrate that every member of our small team is dedicated to the publishing and political goals of social justice.

Link to the publisher: www.fernwoodpublishing.ca

Metropolis Verlag

Der Metropolis-Verlag publiziert Bücher im Bereich Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, mit den Schwerpunkten Ökonomische Theorie, Arbeitsmarkt- und Wirtschaftspolitik, Umweltökonomie und -politik, Theorie der Unternehmung, Entwicklungspolitik, Ethik und Governance, Theoriegeschichte sowie Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte.

Link to the publisher: www.metropolis-verlag.de

Monthly Review Press

The Monthly Review is an independent socialist magazine that began publication in New York City in May 1949. The magazine was established by economist Paul M. Sweezy and journalist and historian Leo Huberman. It is known for its critical but spirited socialism, independent of any political organization, and has provided pioneering analyses of political economy, imperialism, and Third World struggles. Over the years, it has aimed to offer radical critique and support the building of a just economy and society, maintaining a tradition of analyzing contemporary issues through a Marxist perspective without being bound to any narrow view or party line.

The Monthly Review has played a significant role in the intellectual discourse around socialism, particularly in the United States, navigating through different political climates including the McCarthy era, the rise of the New Left, and periods of neoliberalism. The magazine's commitment to radical politics has remained steady, and it has continued to engage with issues related to the Third World, capitalist crises, and ecological challenges. Today, under the editorial committee led by John Bellamy Foster, the Monthly Review continues its mission of providing in-depth analysis and promoting socialist ideas

Link to the publisher: monthlyreview.org/press

Palgrave Macmillan

Palgrave Macmillan is established as an authoritative and acclaimed publisher in Business and Economics, providing the very best academic textbooks, online support and research to help guide and enrich your knowledge. Working with the world’s top business schools, management firms, organisations, and thought leaders we have the resources to help you navigate the business world. In economics we are renowned for publishing the work of icons such as Alfred Marshall, Joseph Stiglitz, Ronald Coase and the Nobel Prize winning Paul Krugman.

Macmillan has a long and proud tradition of publishing in the social sciences since the 19th century, publishing key works in the field such as The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and key authors, including JM Keynes. We are one of the largest publishers of social science research and high quality textbooks, with offices in London, New York and Shanghai, and are due to publish over 1000 titles in 2015 across all the major subject areas of the field.

We are known for supporting early career researchers, championing pioneering research in new fields and establishing series that come to define their research fields (such as the International Political Economy series, which we've been publishing for over 30 years!). We strive to create an effective learning environment together and our internationally renowned textbooks provide lecturers with learning resources that ensure students get the most from their studies.

We are passionate about publishing original and authoritative research and teaching resources in the Social Sciences, from scholarly monographs and reference works to textbooks and digital products that aid learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

Link to the publisher: www.palgrave.com

Peter Lang

Peter Lang specializes in the Social Sciences and Humanities and covers the complete spectrum from monographs to student textbooks. The Peter Lang Publishing Group has its headquarters in Berne and Pieterlen, Switzerland, with publishing offices strategically located in Berne, Brussels, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna and Warsaw. The Peter Lang academic publishing group covers the complete range of topics in the Social Sciences and Humanities. For example: Cultural Studies, Fine Arts, Religion, Sociology, Psychology, Gender Studies and Black Diversity Studies.

Link to the publisher: https://www.peterlang.com


Pluto Press is one of the world’s leading radical publishers, specialising in progressive, critical perspectives in politics and the social sciences. Based in London, we have been active for over 40 years and independent since 1979. We have more than 800 titles in print by authors such as Noam Chomsky, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Frantz Fanon, bell hooks and Vandana Shiva.

At Pluto we acknowledge the changing times in the way people are approaching books and ideas; we also firmly believe that the need for widespread critical engagement with the traditions of Marxism, anarchism and feminism (to name but a few) has never been stronger. As such, since 2012 almost all newly released Pluto titles have been available from Amazon Kindle, Hive.co.uk, Nook, Kobo and many other eBook platforms, in addition to traditional print runs. In 2013 we began digitising our backlist, with over 75 classic titles made newly available as eBooks in 2014, and a further 75 digitised in 2015. You can find out more about Pluto's ebooks here.

Link to the publisher: www.plutobooks.com

Presses de l'université du Québec

La mission des Presses de l’Université du Québec est de mettre en œuvre des projets d’édition favorisant une meilleure diffusion des connaissances, et ce, principalement auprès de la communauté universitaire et des professionnels afin de participer activement au rayonnement du réseau de l’Université du Québec. Au service de la communauté universitaire depuis 1969, nous avons permis à nombre d’auteurs, chercheurs et professeurs de faire connaître leurs travaux. Notre catalogue compte à ce jour plus de 1 300 titres, dont certains ont été produits en coédition. Les principales disciplines dans lesquelles nous publions sont les sciences de la gestion, la science politique, les sciences appliquées, les sciences de l'éducation, les sciences sociales, la psychologie, les communications, l'éthique, les arts, la géographie et le tourisme. Par ailleurs, nombre de collections ont été mises sur pied, chacune dirigée par des experts, afin de mieux satisfaire les besoins et les attentes des publics cibles et d’ouvrir la voie à de nouveaux auteurs sur des sujets d’actualité.

Link to the publisher: www.puq.ca


Routledge is a global publisher of academic books, journals and online resources in the humanities and social sciences. Founded in 1836, we have published many of greatest thinkers and scholars of the last hundred years, including Adorno,Einstein,Russell,Popper,Wittgenstein,Jung,Bohm,Hayek,McLuhan,Marcuse and Sartre.

Today Routledge is the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We publish thousands of books and journals each year, serving scholars, instructors, and professional communities worldwide. Our current publishing program encompasses groundbreaking textbooks and premier, peer-reviewed research in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Built Environment, Education and Behavioral Sciences. We have partnered with many of the most influential societies and academic bodies to publish their journals and book series. Readers can access tens of thousands of print and e-books from our extensive catalog of titles.

Link to the publisher: www.routledge.com

Seven Stories Press

Founded in 1995 in New York City and named for the seven authors who committed to a home with a fiercely independent spirit, Seven Stories Press publishes works of the imagination and political titles by voices of conscience. While most widely known for its books on politics, human rights, and social and economic justice, Seven Stories continues to champion literature, with a list encompassing both innovative debut novels and National Book Award.

Link to the publisher: www.sevenstories.com


Throughout the world, we provide scientific and professional communities with superior specialist information – produced by authors and colleagues across cultures in a nurtured collegial atmosphere of which we are justifiably proud. We foster communication among our customers – researchers, students and professionals – enabling them to work more efficiently, thereby advancing knowledge and learning. Our dynamic growth allows us to invest continually all over the world. We think ahead, move fast and promote change: creative business models, inventive products, and mutually beneficial international partnerships have established us as a trusted supplier and pioneer in the information age.

Link to the publisher: www.springer.com

The New Press

The New Press publishes books that promote and enrich public discussion and understanding of the issues vital to our democracy and to a more equitable world. These books are made possible by the enthusiasm of our readers; the support of a committed group of donors, large and small; the collaboration of our many partners in the independent media and the not-for-profit sector; booksellers, who often hand-sell New Press books; librarians; and above all by our authors.

Since publishing its first book in 1992, The New Press has been widely hailed as a leading trade publisher. Booksellers, educators, critics and readers have extensively praised the New Press's books, and they have been the recipients of numerous awards. The Press itself has been featured in publications from the New York Times, The Nation, Education Week, and the Christian Science Monitor to The Guardian (UK), Toronto Globe and Mail (Canada), Le Monde (France), and many other international media.

Underlying The Press's editorial program are three aims: to broaden the audience for serious intellectual work, especially by reaching out to audiences intellectually red-lined by commercial publishers; to bring out the work of traditionally underrepresented voices; and to address the problems of a society in transition, highlighting attempts at reform and innovation in a wide range of fields.

Link to the publisher: www.thenewpress.com

Third World Network

Third World Network (TWN) is an independent non-profit international network of organisations and individuals involved in issues relating to development, developing countries and North-South affairs.Its mission is to bring about a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in the South, a fair distribution of world resources, and forms of development which are ecologically sustainable and fulfill human needs. TWN’s objectives are to deepen the understanding of the development dilemmas and challenges facing developing countries and to contribute to policy changes in pursuit of just, equitable and ecologically sustainable development.

To achieve these objectives TWN conducts research on economic, social and environmental issues pertaining to the South; publishes books and magazines; organises and participates in conferences, seminars and workshops; and provides a platform representing broadly Third World interests and perspectives at international fora such as United Nations agencies, conferences and processes, WTO , the World Bank and IMF. 

Link to the publisher: www.twn.my

Verso Books

Verso Books is a prominent left-wing publishing house established in 1970, originally under the name New Left Books. It emerged from the efforts of the New Left Review staff and features influential figures such as Tariq Ali and Perry Anderson on its board. Verso has a rich history of publishing non-fiction works focused on international politics, alongside occasional fiction titles. It gained recognition for translating significant European thinkers and promoting Marxist and neo-Marist ideas. The publishing house has become well-known for titles by notable authors like Judith Butler, Noam Chomsky, and Slavoj Žižek, among others.

Verso is committed to radical publishing, hosting many events focused on radical politics and history. The name "Verso" refers to the left-hand page of a book, symbolizing its political orientation and commitment to presenting alternative perspectives.

Verso Books stands out for its significant contribution to left-wing thought and literature, consistently publishing works that challenge conventional viewpoints and foster critical discussions on global issues. It is known as the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, offering a wide range of books each year, including titles on political and social theory, feminism, gender, sexuality, and many more topics relevant to contemporary debates and struggles

Link to the publisher: www.versobooks.com