Call for Papers
Conference on
Radical Economics in the 20th Century: Radical
Economics and the Labor Movement
Date: 15 - 17 September 2005
Place: Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology
adjacent to University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri,
United States
2005 will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Industrial
Workers of the World, the most radical union in North America. To
commemorate the anniversary, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
is hosting a conference on radical economics. The Conference theme is
the role of radical economics in the labor movement in the United States
and around the world. Radical economics includes but is not restricted
to anarchism, Marxism, syndicalism, radical Institutionalism, left-wing
Keynesianism, and plain old-fashion radical economics. Proposals on any
aspect of the theme are invited. Possible topics include:
1. the role of radical economics in the education of workers such as
economics in labor newspapers, the teaching of radical economics in
labor schools, party schools, and colleagues and universities, in labor
education programs, and in labor history courses.
2. the role of radical economics in trade union publications, such as
the role of
radical economics in IWW publications on the general strike or the
machine and unemployment.
3. the role of radical economics in trade union strike, bargaining, and
organizing activities.
4. radical economics and the new society or the economics in radical
utopian literature.
5. radical economics, syndicalism, Guild Socialism, and the IWW.
6. past and present development of radical economic theory.
7. recent developments in radical economics and their relevance to the
radical labor movement and to rank-and-filers.
8. radical economics and the radical labor and radical student movements
in the 20th Century.
A selection of conference papers will be published in an edited volume
in the Michigan University Press book series “Advances in Heterodox
Abstracts of the papers (around 250 words) on any of the above suggested
topics or on any topic dealing with radical economics and the labor
movement in the 20th Century may be sent either electronically or by
post to both:
Fred Lee
Department of Economics
211 Haag Hall
University of Missouri-Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64110
United States
E-mail: leefs@umkc.edu
Jon Bekken
Communication Program
Albright College
13th and Bern Streets
P.O. Box 15234
Reading, Penna. 19612-5234
United States
E-mail: jbekken@alb.edu
Deadline for Submission: December 10, 2004
(98th anniversary of the first sit-down strike in the US called by the
IWW at General Electric in Schenectady, New York)
Notification: January 11, 2005
(93rd anniversary of the IWW Bread & Roses strike in Lawrence, Mass.)
Conference fee: $140.00 (includes lunches, tea/coffee/juice, and
conference dinner)
$ 70.00 for IWW members (includes lunches, tea/coffee/juice, and
conference dinner)
$ 50.00 for graduate students (includes lunches and
Conference is supported by the Union for Radical Political Economics
About the Conference Organizers:
Fred Lee
In addition to being a Professor of Economics at UMKC and a member of
many heterodox economic associations, including the Union for Radical
Political Economics and Conference for Socialist Economists, he is a
long-standing member of the IWW, was instrumental in retrieving Joe
Hill’s ashes from the National Archives in 1988, helped revive the IWW
UK section while teaching in England in the 1990s, and is currently a
member of the Kansas City General Membership Branch.
Jon Bekken
In addition to being an Associate Professor in Communications at
Albright College, he is a long-standing member of the IWW, has been the
Union’s general secretary-treasurer, and is currently the editor of the
Industrial Worker, the official newspaper of the IWW.
Association for
Heterodox Economics 7th Annual Conference
Call for Papers
Pluralism in Economics
15 – 17
July, 2005
University, London, UK
The raison d'être of the AHE is the belief that
institutions of the discipline of economics systematically discriminate
against those economists working in non-mainstream modes: those writing
from a heterodox standpoint or active in minority areas. For this reason
we argue for pluralism in economics, in opposition to the dead
hand of the currently hegemonic neoclassical mainstream.
Seventh Annual Conference will continue this tradition and build on the
success of the previous conferences, held at various locations in the
British Isles, including London, Dublin, Leeds and Nottingham. Papers
from a plurality of perspectives and topic areas are encouraged. These
conferences provide a forum for advancing new ideas on how to take
heterodox political economy forward in theoretical and policy debates,
and demonstrate the continuing relevance of heterodox political economy
to those within and without modern economics.
In particular, we encourage the submission of abstracts
of papers, or proposals for a session or stream of sessions, which
– examine
issues or deploy approaches neglected by the current orthodoxy;
develop the
critique of the neoclassical orthodoxy, or even – since we advocate
pluralism – proposea defence of neoclassicism against heterodox
– assess the
contribution of one or more heterodox approaches towards opening up
– open up a
dialogue between economics and related social sciences by going beyond
the traditional, narrow academic boundaries that define social science
disciplines today; or
– make a
contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning in economics
from a heterodox or pluralist perspective.
The AHE proposes to publish a selection of the best
papers presented at the conference in a special volume of the book
series Advances in Heterodox Economics, edited by Professor
Frederic S. Lee.
for submission:
The conference will have both a thematic part and an open
part. The AHE is happy to consider papers of both types; however,
priority will be given to papers addressing the conference theme,
“Pluralism in Economics”.
For single papers,
please send an abstract of up to 500 words by email only to the
local organiser, Andy Denis (a.denis@lse.ac.uk),
AND the AHE coordinator, Andrew Mearman (andrew.mearman@uwc.ac.uk),by
28 January 2005.
Text, HTML, Word and PDF format email attachments are
For proposals for sessions and streams,
please e-mail Andy Denis and Andrew Mearman. Please indicate exactly
what you are proposing, give the names and email addresses of the
proposed speakers, and attach the abstracts (not more than 500 words
each) for their papers. Parallel sessions will be 90 minutes long and
will consist of two papers. Sessions may have a discussant for
each paper. The conference is to be conducted in English.
All abstracts will be considered by the AHE Committee
To see details of previous meetings, or keep up-to-date
with the 2004 conference and other AHE activities please visit:
EAEPE Annual
Meeting 2005
General Theme: A New Deal for the New
For detailed information:
The theme of the Tenth International Karl
Polanyi Conference convened to meet in Istanbul on October 13-16, 2005
will be “Protecting Society and Nature from the Commodity Fiction”.
In The Great Transformation, Karl Polanyi presents a powerful discussion
of the disastrous implications of the commodification of land, labour
and money for human society. Knowledge has recently joined Polanyi’s
fictitious commodities. The privatisation of this socially created
resource of increasing economic importance is rendering scientific,
cultural and artistic activity subservient to business interests. The
need to protect the human and natural substance of society is today more
pressing than it was through the nineteenth century expansion of the
self-regulating market system explored in The Great Transformation. Life
and livelihood for hundreds of millions of people have become more
insecure and the dimensions of environmental degradation are alarming.
In the context of the contemporary transformations of the world economy,
social policy and related questions of responsibility and agency acquire
a novel significance. Questions pertaining to the realization of social
rights call for a reexamination of the role of the state.
With these observations in mind, we invite papers that address issues
such as the ones grouped under the six sub-themes listed below. We
welcome contributions that explore parallel themes in historical
analysis and history of ideas.
Sub-theme I: Work, Poverty and Social Exclusion
• patterns of employment and unemployment
• working poor and insecurity of livelihood
• varieties of labour market informality
• unions in the contemporary world of labour
• gender dimension of labour problems and poverty
• cross border flows of labour
Sub-theme II: Land and Nature as Fictitious Commodities
• ecological implications of the commodification of nature
• transnational corporations and food security
• the future of the peasantry and social movements in the rural setting
• alternative policy approaches agriculture and natural resources
Sub-theme III: Knowledge as a Fictitious Commodity
• implications of trade-related intellectual property rights for life
and livelihood
• scientific research, artistic activity and business interest
• corporate control of the media
Sub-theme IV: Entitlements for Social Participation
• social security and income support policies
• access to education, health, transportation and other public services
• training of labour, microcredit, and local community development
programs for facilitating engagement in
economic activity
Sub-theme V: Responsibility, Agency and the Future of Social Policy
• declining state capacity
• demographic changes and socio-economic pressures on the family
• the role of civil society associations in welfare provisioning
• international organizations and global solidarity networks
Sub-Theme VI: Contributions on the work of Karl Polanyi
Deadline for submissions is December 15, 2004.
Abstracts (approximately 200 words) and brief CV’s may be sent by mail
Ayse Bugra
Social Policy Forum, Bogazici University, Kuzey Kampus Otopark Binasi ,
Kat 1, Bebek 34342 Istanbul, Turkey
By e-mail to:
bugray@boun.edu.tr or spf@boun.edu.tr
Scholars and policymakers are increasingly
attempting to link socio-economic and classic civil and political rights
in unprecedented and innovative ways. The University of Connecticut will
host a conference on “Economic Rights: Conceptual, Measurement, and
Policy Issues” (October 27-29, 2005) to move this new research and
debate forward. The event is co-sponsored by the University of
Connecticut Human Rights Institute and the Thomas J. Dodd Research
Center, in celebration of the Dodd Center’s 10th Anniversary
Scholars from a range of fields -- economics, political science,
philosophy, law, anthropology, and others – are invited to submit papers
on any ONE of three substantive themes: 1) conceptual issues central to
understanding economic rights; OR 2) approaches to measuring economic
rights; OR 3) policy applications. A one-page abstract and current c.v.
should be submitted by March 1, 2005, to:
Professor Lanse Minkler
Department of Economics
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road, Unit 1063
Storrs, CT 06269-1068
or via email: Minkler@uconnvm.uconn.edu
All paper presenters receive a small honorarium, and free lodging and
meals. For more general information on the conference, see the website
of the Human Rights Institute, “2005 Conferences” section:
26-28 May 2005
Deadline for Abstracts Monday 24
January 2005
The Centre for Global Political Economy invites participation in this
major international and interdisciplinary conference. At present
invited speakers who have confirmed their participation include
Professors Michel Aglietta (CEPII, Paris), Gerard Dumenil (CEPREMAP-CNRS,
Paris), Robert Wade (LSE), and Donald Mackenzie (Edinburgh University).
Financial instability
and the social risks associated with it are rising rapidly to the top of
the agenda. The speed with which financial crises hit the regions of
Asia, Latin America and Russia is disconcerting. Paradoxically, however,
these crises appear to have reinforced two diametrically opposing
opinions: a pessimistic sense of impending doom looming over the entire
world economy, and an optimistic assessment of the remarkable resilience
of global financial markets. Uncertainties and risks, however, appear to
spread beyond the frames of traditional business credit or exogenous
macroeconomic shocks. Today the less understood effects of the
unprecedented expansion in consumer credit and impending pension crises
amplify them.
Taking the theme of crisis and
instability liberally, this conference seeks to reflect on changes in
finance within the broader complex of the interrelations between social,
cultural and economic dynamics with the worlds of finance. In
particular, we invite contributions from and seek to facilitate a
dialogue between academic and non-academic experts on the themes of
Finance, Risk and Society; Crisis and Debt, and Looking Forward to the
Financial System in the 21st Century from a variety of disciplines
concerned with the following issues:
Financial Crises
Regulation and Finance
Poverty and Social Risk
The New Economy
Offshore Finance and Tax Havens
The Sociology of Finance
The Lineage of Global finance
Gender and Finance
Finance, Culture and Society
Ethical Finance
The Geography of Finance
Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should be sent direct
to Libby Assassi, at the address below or after the 24 November 2004,
can be submitted through the CGPE website.
Organising Committee:
Ronen Palan, Eric Helleiner, Kees van der Pijl
Duncan Wigan, Libby Assassi, Johnna Montgomerie
Anastasia Nesvetailova, Sam Knafo, Heloise Weber
for Global Political Economy
ARTS B383 School of Social Sciences
University of Sussex, Brighton
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK
Phone: +44 (0)1273 678064
Does Economics
Have a Useful Past?
The Fabulous 18th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society
of Australia
5-8 July 2005
Sydney Australia
Call for Papers
• The Economics Department of Macquarie University is pleased to host
this exciting edition of Australia’s favourite academic gathering
• The best in food, drink and surroundings
• This year all papers submitted by the relevant deadlines will be
refereed (Other papers will be accepted when possible, but will not be
Deadline for Abstracts: 25 April 2005
Deadline for Papers: 31 May 2005
• Welcome to Macquarie Cocktail Party (Tuesday 5 July)
• The Memorial Walsh Bequest Lecture (Wednesday 6 July)
• Special Keynote Speaker (Thursday 7 July)
Bruce Caldwell
University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Author of recent release “Hayek’s Challenge”.
To read the first chapter of "Hayek's Challenge" online, go
to: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/091910.html
• Amazing Conference Dinner (Thursday 7 July)
• Karaoke Night (Friday 8 July) with the Winsome Warbling Welsh Wombats
• Cliff Walk Hosted by the genial Rod O’Donnell (Saturday 9 July)
We welcome anyone who is willing to put together his or her own session
Information will be available on our ever evolving website:
For more information and the best places to purchase doughnuts in Sydney
Craig Freedman
Economics Department
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109
61-2-9850-7444 (Phone) 61-2-9850-8586 (Fax)
2nd International Conference
Developments in Economic Theory and Policy
The Departament of Applied Economics V of
the University of the Basque Country and the Centre for Economic and
Public Policy of the University of Cambridge are organizing the 2nd
International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy. The
Conference will be held in Bilbao (Spain), in July, 7-8, 2005. You can
find more information, getting in touch with Jesus Ferreiro (ebpfeapj@bs.ehu.es)
or Carlos Rodriguez (ebprogoc@bs.ehu.es), or in the web site of the
conference: www.eventia.org/developments.
Conferences, Seminars and
Association of Heterodox Economics
Fourth ESRC funded post graduate workshop on advanced research methods
4th-6th February 2005
Chancellor’s Conference Centre
Manchester U.K.
There are ESRC funded places available for UK registered PhD students to
cover UK travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses for the above
event. The workshop covers topics in research not typically covered in
economics training.
Workshop topics include:
• Reorienting economics to match method with social material
• Open system methodology in Economics
• Modelling Strategies for analysing complexity
• Triangulating quantitative and qualitative data
• Writing for publication
• Grounded Theory
• Multilevel Modelling
Speakers include:
Professor Peter Davies Staffordshire University
Professor Sheila Dow Stirling University
Dr Paul Downward Loughborough University
Dr Tony Lawson Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University
Professor Fred Lee University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr Andrew Mearman University of the West of England
Dr Wendy Olsen The Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research,
Paul Ormerod Volterra Consulting
Further details (deadline for applications 6th December 2004)
For an application form and further details please contact
Dr Paul Downward
Email. p.downward@lboro.ac.uk
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU U.K.
Job Postings for
Heterodox Economists
University of
Missouri-Kansas City
A1 General Economics
The Department of Economics seeks applicants for a tenure track
position, at any level, beginning in academic year 2005-06. Acceptable
candidates will have a strong interdisciplinary interest. A teaching and
research interest in labor or urban and community development would
strengthen the application. Other fields will also be considered,
especially those related to applied microeconomics or to international
economics. Responsibilities include graduate and undergraduate
instruction, active participation in the interdisciplinary PhD program,
high quality research and a commitment to fostering development of
departmental activities. The Department is committed to pluralism and
includes heterodox approaches at all degree levels.
A PhD in economics required. The candidate will be involved in the grant
research efforts of the Center for Economic Information and the Center
for Full Employment and Price Stability. Applicants should send a letter
of application, curriculum vita, sample publications or other evidence
of teaching and/or research accomplishments, and three letters of
recommendation. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2004.
Filling this position is contingent on funding. An equal opportunity
employer. CONTACT: Dr. James Sturgeon, Department of Economics,
University of Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, 64110.
(sturgeonj@umkc.edu) Department description at
University of
JOB OPENING: research
and teaching assistant, post-graduate, half position,
for an English native speaker.
START: january 1, 2005.
LENGTH: 3 years, extension for another six months possible afterwards.
SALARY: 1,200 $ per month net.
FORMAL REQUIREMENT: MA degree in economics, work on phd in the position.
TEACHING ASSISTANCE: teaching support in undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate courses; support for the review of written exams.
For detailed information:
– Assistant Professor
University of Nevada at Reno – Home of the Journal of Economic Issues
Contact Theresa Moser at temoser@unr.edu for details.
The Centre of
International Studies at the Hamburg University of Economics and
Politics (CIS Hamburg)
The Centre of
International Studies at the Hamburg University of Economics and
Politics (CIS Hamburg), intends to establish a Marie Curie Chair for
European Studies in the field of (heterodox) economics, funded by the
European Commission, for up to three years.
The prospective Chair holder is expected to have achieved scientific
excellence in previous research and to have the capacity to inspire the
trainees. Furthermore experience with managing research and supervising
thesis work is required.
The chair holder is to spend at least half of his/her assignment
teaching and training early-stage researchers. The rest of the time will
be devoted to his own research.
The subjects taught should be of a leading edge and multidisciplinary
nature, and correspond to trends in research, which are relevant for
One of the main tasks is teaching post-graduates participating in the
interdisciplinary Master Programme on European Studies
The CIS and the Chair holder will jointly work on the establishment of a
research work program, including the organisation of conferences and
German citizens cannot be taken into consideration unless they have
worked in another country for at least the last 5 years.
The application for the establishment of a Marie Curie Chair at the CIS
will be prepared together with the candidate for the Chair and will be
completed on 15 February 2006. The success of the application cannot be
The Chair should be established by October 2006.
The European Commission Funding pays for the monthly living allowance of
the Chair holder, travel and mobility expenses as well as a portion of
the research cost, management, overheads, and equipment in specific
Interested researchers are invited to send an application containing:
-Curriculum vitae
-Report on the current activities in research and teaching
-Complete list of scientific publications
-Proposal for a research project on South Eastern Europe
to the
Centre of International Studies
Hamburg University of Economics and Politics
Prof. Arne Heise
Von-Melle-Park 9
D-20146 Hamburg
e-mail: HeiseA@hwp-hamburg.de
Heterodox Associations
Centre for Alternative Economic
Policy Research
The Centre for Alternative
Economic Policy Research (CAEPR) was set up in Melbourne, Australia, in
July 2002. by a small group of heterodox academic economists, and some
non-academics, concerned at the dominance of neoliberal economic
policies in Australia and elsewhere. Geoff Harcourt is the patron.
CAEPR’s purpose is to bring together people of like mind who are opposed
to current neoliberal economic policies – to discuss, formulate and
disseminate alternative policies by means of research, meetings,
publications, publicity and a website. (The website is still under
construction). Its goal is sustainable wellbeing, by which is meant a
future in which a dignified quality of life is guaranteed for everyone
without exceeding the limits set by nature. It believes that the only
means of achieving such a future are those of classical social
democracy, augmented by increased environmental awareness; the market is
a good servant but a very poor master. Unregulated markets will fail to
deliver either efficient or equitable outcomes; markets need to be
regulated in order to serve social and environmental goals.
Several public meetings have been held over the last couple of years. In
December 2002 Lindy Edwards, from the Australian National University,
and author of How to argue with an economist (2002) spoke on ‘Economic
policies to deliver the communities we want to live in’. In August 2003
Fred Argy, a Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University,
former Secretary to the Commonwealth Government Inquiry on the
Australian Financial System (Campbell Report), and author of Where to
from here? Australian Egalitarianism under threat (2003), spoke on
‘Whither egalitarianism? Are a social reform agenda for Australia, and
economic responsibility, incompatible? Debunking the myths’. In December
2003 Dr. Graham Dunkley, Research Associate at Victoria University
(Melbourne) and President of CAEPR spoke on ‘Free trade: myth and
ideology’, with Jim Redden, Policy Director of the Australian Council
for International Development, as respondent. Most recently,Dr. James
Doughney, also from Victoria University, spoke on ‘The ageing “crisis”:
Facts and Myths’. Dr. Bob Birrell, from Monash University, and Prof.
John King from La Trobe University, were respondents.
In July 2004, in collaboration with the Centre for Public Policy at the
University of Melbourne, an evening public forum was held, on the theme
of ‘Growth and Consumption’, with papers being presented by Graham
Dunkley and Richard Sanders, an ecological economist and futurist from
Queensland. The following day a smaller ‘by invitation’ roundtable was
convened, including economists, ecologists, and social scientists, to
explore in more detail the policy implications and applications of
scenarios involving reduced consumption and economic growth.
Five Discussion Papers have been produced to date, several of which have
arisen from the various public events convened:
Discussion Paper No.1 Economic policies to deliver the communities we
want to live in Lindy Edwards April 2003.
Discussion Paper No.2 Whither egalitarianism? Debunking the myth that a
social reform agenda and economic responsibility are incompatible Fred
Argy September 2003.
Discussion Paper No.3 The economics of Keynes and its theoretical and
political importance. Or, What would Marx and Keynes have made of the
happenings of the past 30 years and more? G.C. Harcourt June 2004
Discussion Paper No.4 Consuming our first planet Graham Dunkley November
Discussion Paper No.5 Sustainability. Implications for Growth,
Employment and Consumption Richard Sanders November 2004.
A few hard copies of Discussion Papers 1 and 2, and electronic copies of
Discussion Papers 3-5, are available on request from John King (j.king@latrobe.edu.au).
CAEPR welcomes contact with like-minded individuals and organisations in
Australia and overseas.
European Economists for an
Alternative Economic Policy in Europe
EuroMemorandum Group
Beyond Lisbon- Economic and
social policy orientations and constitutional cornerstones for the
European Social Model -EuroMemorandum 2004
For detailed information
EM2004.doc and
The Keynes Lecture 2004 at the
British Academy
You can now hear this lecture online at:
"The New Political Economy"
Professor Timothy Besley, FBA, London School of Economics and Political
This lecture took place on 13 October 2004
Political economy has been a thriving field in mainstream economics over
the past fifteen years. The new political economy uses ideas from
incentive theory to understand the interaction of political and economic
forces in shaping policy. The aim of the lecture is to provide an
overview of the achievements in this field in a way that is accessible
to a wide audience.
We will discuss the main theoretical ideas and the growing body of
evidence that supports their relevance. It will also set these ideas in
the history of economic thought. The lecture will demonstrate how these
ideas have practical relevance in thinking about specific policy issues
including on-going debates about the organisation of government and the
role of the state.
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