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 Call for Papers


Job Postings







Issue-5 December 15, 2004

From the Editor

This Newsletter has lots of new stuff—new conferences & call for papers being announced, new job postings for heterodox economists from around the world, new journals, and a website in Spanish for heterodox economists.  The 3rd Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference has just ended and apparently it went very well.  Information about the abstracts of the papers given at the Conference can be found in the Newsletter; and the actual papers given will be posted soon as well.  However, if you want pictures go to; there you will see all the usual suspects as well as new ones.  Personally it was nice to see Geoff Harcourt, John King, Jerry Courvisanos, Steve Keen, Peter Kriesler, and others all enjoying themselves in summer-like attire-- as it is getting bloody cold here in Kansas City as the depths of winter approaches.  The Fourth Australian SHE Conference will be held 12-13 December 2005 at the University of New South Wales.    A few weeks ago I was at the University Autonomous of Sinaloa in Culiacan, Mexico giving lectures on heterodox microeconomics to students and faculty.  The lectures seem to go well and the students/faculty seemed to find the material interesting—and I certainly enjoyed giving the lectures.  Hopefully further interests in heterodox economics will develop there.  Finally, as the end of semester and holiday season is upon many of us, I wish you a relaxing time in the company of family and friends.  The next Heterodox Newsletter will not emerge on your computer screen until late January 2005.

 Fred Lee

In this issue:

- Call for Papers

            - Tenth International Karl Polanyi Conference
            - Association for Heterodox Economics 7th Annual Conference
            - Perspectives on Moral Economy: International Conference- Lancaster University, U.K.
            - 2005 CHORD Conference-Commercial Histories
            - Taking Stock: The Co-Operative Movement In British History
            - 2nd International Conference- Developments in Economic Theory and Policy
            - After "Deregulation": The Financial System in the 21st Century
            - Does Economics Have a Useful Past?

Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

            - Fourth ESRC funded post graduate workshop on advanced research methods
            - The Third Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference

- Job Postings for Heterodox Economists

            - The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)
            - The Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA)
            - University of Sydney, Australia
            - Auckland University of Technology
            - Institute of Social Studies,The Hague- Netherlands
            - Institute of Social Studies,The Hague- Netherlands (2)
            - The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
            - The University of Texas at Arlington


- Heterodox  Conference Papers and Reports

             - Papers By Prof. Dr. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

- Heterodox Journals and Newspapers

             - The American Review of Political Economy
             - Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
             - Issues in Regulation Theory
             - Econ Journal Watch

- Heterodox Books and Book Series

              - Modern Theories of Money
              - The Political Economy of Destructive Power

- Heterodox Websites

              - Spanish Heterodox Website:
              - Heterodox Micro Website

- Heterodox Queries

             - Preparing a Good Poster For a Poster Session at a Economics Conference
             - Peter Alexander EGOM
             - Review of Political Economy- Books for Review



 Call for Papers

Tenth International Karl Polanyi Conference

The theme of the Tenth International Karl Polanyi Conference convened to meet in Istanbul on October 13-16, 2005 will be “Protecting Society and Nature from the Commodity Fiction”.

In The Great Transformation, Karl Polanyi presents a powerful discussion of the disastrous implications of the commodification of land, labour and money for human society. Knowledge has recently joined Polanyi’s fictitious commodities. The privatisation of this socially created resource of increasing economic importance is rendering scientific, cultural and artistic activity subservient to business interests. The need to protect the human and natural substance of society is today more pressing than it was through the nineteenth century expansion of the self-regulating market system explored in The Great Transformation. Life and livelihood for hundreds of millions of people have become more insecure and the dimensions of environmental degradation are alarming.

In the context of the contemporary transformations of the world economy, social policy and related questions of responsibility and agency acquire a novel significance. Questions pertaining to the realization of social rights call for a reexamination of the role of the state.

With these observations in mind, we invite papers that address issues such as the ones grouped under the six sub-themes listed below. We welcome contributions that explore parallel themes in historical analysis and history of ideas.

Sub-theme I: Work, Poverty and Social Exclusion
• patterns of employment and unemployment
• working poor and insecurity of livelihood
• varieties of labour market informality
• unions in the contemporary world of labour
• gender dimension of labour problems and poverty
• cross border flows of labour

Sub-theme II: Land and Nature as Fictitious Commodities
• ecological implications of the commodification of nature
• transnational corporations and food security
• the future of the peasantry and social movements in the rural setting
• alternative policy approaches agriculture and natural resources

Sub-theme III: Knowledge as a Fictitious Commodity
• implications of trade-related intellectual property rights for life and livelihood
• scientific research, artistic activity and business interest
• corporate control of the media

Sub-theme IV: Entitlements for Social Participation
• social security and income support policies
• access to education, health, transportation and other public services
• training of labour, microcredit, and local community development programs for facilitating engagement in
economic activity

Sub-theme V: Responsibility, Agency and the Future of Social Policy
• declining state capacity
• demographic changes and socio-economic pressures on the family
• the role of civil society associations in welfare provisioning
• international organizations and global solidarity networks

Sub-Theme VI: Contributions on the work of Karl Polanyi

Deadline for submissions is December 15, 2004.

Abstracts (approximately 200 words) and brief CV’s may be sent by mail to:
Ayse Bugra
Social Policy Forum, Bogazici University, Kuzey Kampus Otopark Binasi , Kat 1, Bebek 34342 Istanbul, Turkey

By e-mail to: or

Association for Heterodox Economics 7th Annual Conference

Call for Papers 

Pluralism in Economics 

15 – 17 July, 2005

City University, London, UK

 The raison d'être of the AHE is the belief that institutions of the discipline of economics systematically discriminate against those economists working in non-mainstream modes: those writing from a heterodox standpoint or active in minority areas. For this reason we argue for pluralism in economics, in opposition to the dead hand of the currently hegemonic neoclassical mainstream. 

 The Seventh Annual Conference will continue this tradition and build on the success of the previous conferences, held at various locations in the British Isles, including London, Dublin, Leeds and Nottingham. Papers from a plurality of perspectives and topic areas are encouraged. These conferences provide a forum for advancing new ideas on how to take heterodox political economy forward in theoretical and policy debates, and demonstrate the continuing relevance of heterodox political economy to those within and without modern economics.

 In particular, we encourage the submission of abstracts of papers, or proposals for a session or stream of sessions, which  

    examine issues or deploy approaches neglected by the current orthodoxy;

  develop the critique of the neoclassical orthodoxy, or even – since we advocate pluralism – proposea defence of neoclassicism against heterodox critics;

    assess the contribution of one or more heterodox approaches towards opening up economics;

  open up a dialogue between economics and related social sciences by going beyond the traditional, narrow academic boundaries that define social science disciplines today; or

    make a contribution to the scholarship of teaching and learning in economics from a heterodox or pluralist perspective. 

 The AHE proposes to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the conference in a special volume of the book series Advances in Heterodox Economics, edited by Professor Frederic S. Lee.

 Deadline for submission:

The conference will have both a thematic part and an open part. The AHE is happy to consider papers of both types; however, priority will be given to papers addressing the conference theme, “Pluralism in Economics”.  

For single papers, please send an abstract of up to 500 words by email only to the local organiser, Andy Denis (, AND the AHE coordinator, Andrew Mearman (,by 28 January 2005. Text, HTML, Word and PDF format email attachments are acceptable.  

For proposals for sessions and streams, please e-mail Andy Denis and Andrew Mearman. Please indicate exactly what you are proposing, give the names and email addresses of the proposed speakers, and attach the abstracts (not more than 500 words each) for their papers. Parallel sessions will be 90 minutes long and will consist of two papers. Sessions may have a discussant for each paper. The conference is to be conducted in English.  

All abstracts will be considered by the AHE Committee

 To see details of previous meetings, or keep up-to-date with the 2004 conference and other AHE activities please visit:

Perspectives on Moral Economy: International Conference- Lancaster University, U.K.

25-27th August 2005

All economies are moral economies, in the sense that all economic relations and practices have moral/ethical preconditions and implications. ‘Moral economy’ might be defined as a kind of inquiry focusing on how economic activities of all kinds are influenced and structured by moral sentiments, values and norms, and how in turn those are reinforced, compromised, or overridden by political economic pressures.

How are economic practices influenced and structured by moral or moral-political norms? How do economic pressures and political economic power affect those norms? How defensible are such norms? How do economic institutions define responsibilities for or towards others? How do economic practices shape life prospects? The focus will be not only on achieving a better understanding of such institutions and practices but on feasible and desirable possibilities for change. Such a study might range from the philosophical, for example, concerning concepts of value and flourishing, to the practical, for example the specific rights and responsibilities associated with particular economic practices.

The conference will be post-disciplinary, bringing together researchers with interests in these matters from politics, sociology, philosophy, economics and allied areas.

The aims of the conference are:

•To further understanding of moral economy;

•To broaden and deepen the critical standpoints from which economic activities can be assessed, thereby helping in the search for alternatives;

•To bridge the divide between those who work on political economic studies of practice and policy and theorists and philosophers who work on the normative bases of economic life.

Plenary Speakers include Erik Olin Wright and Sylvia Walby. The conference is organised as part of an ESRC fellowship held by the organiser.

Abstracts of papers relating to these issues are invited for consideration for the conference and should be sent to Andrew Sayer at the address below by January 14th 2005

Conference organiser: Andrew Sayer, Professor of Social Theory and Political Economy, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University, U.K. Conference secretary: Pennie Drinkall:


2005 CHORD Conference-Commercial Histories

Perspectives on Retailing and Distribution History
A conference to be held at the University of Wolverhampton, UK on 14-15 September 2005

CHORD (the Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution) invites proposals for individual papers and for sessions of two or more papers, exploring all aspects of the history of retailing and distribution.

Individual papers should be 20 minutes in length. Proposals for workshop or round-table sessions are welcome, as well as for more formal sessions.

Papers from all disciplinary perspectives, historical periods and geographical areas are welcome. Topics that might be considered include
(although none are excluded!):
- Retailing, distribution and the family
- International links of distribution
- Commerce, conflict and protest
- Alternatives to capitalism and the free market
- Geographies of retailing and distribution
- Gifts, commodities and exchanges
- Migration and commerce
- Shopping, retailing and leisure
- Commerce and fashion
The conference web-pages can be found at:
CHORD web-pages:
The dead-line for proposals (including title and c.200 words abstract) is 18 March 2005. For any further information, please contact the address below. Proposals should be sent (preferably electronically) to: Dr. Laura Ugolini, HAGRI/HLSS, MC233, MC Building, University of Wolverhampton,
Wolverhampton, WV1 1SB. E-mail:


Taking Stock: The Co-Operative Movement In British History

People's History Museum, Manchester, UK. 13-14th May 2005.
Supported by the Society for the Study of Labour History and the Economic History Society.

July, 7-8, 2005Bilbao (Spain)

The Department of Applied Economics V of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and the Center for Economic and Public Policy of the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) are organizing the International Conference “Developments in Economic Theory and Policy”. The Conference will be held in Bilbao (Spain), from 7th to 8th of July 2004, at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Basque Country.
Papers are invited on all areas of economics. Papers must be written in English. Accepted papers will be grouped in sessions. Every session will comprise three papers.
Suggestions for ‘Organized Sessions’ are also welcomed. An organized session is one that has been constructed in its entirety by a session organizer and submitted to the Conference Organizer as a complete package (title of the session, papers and session chair).
The final deadline to submit papers and ‘organized sessions’ is 31st May 2005. The Conference Committee will review and select papers and sessions submitted for the Conference. Acceptance letters will be sent out by e-mail by 10th June 2005.

For more information, you can get in touch with Jesus Ferreiro ( or with Carlos Rodriguez (, or visit the web page of the Conference:


26-28 May 2005- Deadline for Abstracts Monday 24 January 2005

The Centre for Global Political Economy invites participation in this major international and interdisciplinary conference.   At present invited speakers who have confirmed their participation include Professors  Michel Aglietta (CEPII, Paris), Gerard Dumenil (CEPREMAP-CNRS, Paris), Robert Wade (LSE), and  Donald Mackenzie (Edinburgh University).

 Financial instability and the social risks associated with it are rising rapidly to the top of the agenda. The speed with which financial crises hit the regions of Asia, Latin America and Russia is disconcerting. Paradoxically, however, these crises appear to have reinforced two diametrically opposing opinions: a pessimistic sense of impending doom looming over the entire world economy, and an optimistic assessment of the remarkable resilience of global financial markets. Uncertainties and risks, however, appear to spread beyond the frames of traditional business credit or exogenous macroeconomic shocks. Today the less understood effects of the unprecedented expansion in consumer credit and impending pension crises amplify them.

Taking the theme of crisis and instability liberally, this conference seeks to reflect on changes in finance within the broader complex of the interrelations between social, cultural and economic dynamics with the worlds of finance. In particular, we invite contributions from and seek to facilitate a dialogue between academic and non-academic experts on the themes of Finance, Risk and Society; Crisis and Debt, and Looking Forward to the Financial System in the 21st Century from a variety of disciplines concerned with the following issues:

  • Financial Crises
  • Regulation and Finance
  • Poverty and Social Risk
  • The New Economy
  • Offshore Finance and Tax Havens
  • Accountancy
  • The Sociology of Finance
  • The Lineage of Global finance
  • Gender and Finance
  • Finance, Culture and Society
  • Ethical Finance
  • The Geography of Finance

 Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should be sent direct to Libby Assassi, at the address below or after the 24 November 2004, can be submitted through the CGPE website.  

Organising Committee:
Ronen Palan, Eric Helleiner, Kees van der Pijl
Duncan Wigan, Libby Assassi, Johnna Montgomerie
Anastasia Nesvetailova, Sam Knafo, Heloise Weber

Centre for Global Political Economy
ARTS B383 School of Social Sciences
University of Sussex, Brighton
Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN, UK
Phone:  +44 (0)1273 678064


Does Economics Have a Useful Past? The Fabulous 18th Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia
5-8 July 2005
Sydney Australia

Call for Papers

• The Economics Department of Macquarie University is pleased to host this exciting edition of Australia’s favourite academic gathering

• The best in food, drink and surroundings

• This year all papers submitted by the relevant deadlines will be refereed (Other papers will be accepted when possible, but will not be refereed.)
Deadline for Abstracts: 25 April 2005
Deadline for Papers: 31 May 2005

• Welcome to Macquarie Cocktail Party (Tuesday 5 July)
• The Memorial Walsh Bequest Lecture (Wednesday 6 July)
• Special Keynote Speaker (Thursday 7 July)
Bruce Caldwell
University of North Carolina – Greensboro
Author of recent release “Hayek’s Challenge”.
To read the first chapter of "Hayek's Challenge" online, go
• Amazing Conference Dinner (Thursday 7 July)
• Karaoke Night (Friday 8 July) with the Winsome Warbling Welsh Wombats
• Cliff Walk Hosted by the genial Rod O’Donnell (Saturday 9 July)

We welcome anyone who is willing to put together his or her own session

Information will be available on our ever evolving website:

For more information and the best places to purchase doughnuts in Sydney contact:
Craig Freedman
Economics Department
Macquarie University
Sydney NSW 2109
61-2-9850-7444 (Phone) 61-2-9850-8586 (Fax)


Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

Association of Heterodox Economics
Fourth ESRC funded post graduate workshop on advanced research methods

4th-6th February 2005
Chancellor’s Conference Centre
Manchester U.K.

There are ESRC funded places available for UK registered PhD students to cover UK travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses for the above event. The workshop covers topics in research not typically covered in economics training.

Workshop topics include:
• Reorienting economics to match method with social material
• Open system methodology in Economics
• Modelling Strategies for analysing complexity
• Triangulating quantitative and qualitative data
• Writing for publication
• Grounded Theory
• Multilevel Modelling

Speakers include:
Professor Peter Davies Staffordshire University
Professor Sheila Dow Stirling University
Dr Paul Downward Loughborough University
Dr Tony Lawson Department of Applied Economics, Cambridge University
Professor Fred Lee University of Missouri at Kansas City
Dr Andrew Mearman University of the West of England
Dr Wendy Olsen The Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, Manchester
Paul Ormerod Volterra Consulting

Further details (deadline for applications 6th December 2004)
For an application form and further details please contact
Dr Paul Downward
Loughborough University
LE11 3TU U.K.

The Third Australian Society of Heterodox Economists Conference

University of New South Wales
13 and 14 December 2004

The program and abstracts for the Conference are now available from the following link:

This year, as well as general sessions, there are two themes running through the Conference. On Monday the theme is Feminism and economics, while Tuesday's theme is Money and Central banks. In addition, there are a number of panel discussions, including the Political Economy of Corporatism and Feminism and Superannuation.

Society of Heterodox Economists Website:

Peter Kriesler
School of Economics
UNSW Sydney 2052



Job Postings for Heterodox Economists

The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)

The Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) invites applications for research positions, sabbatical leaves and post-doc opportunities starting in fall 2004. We seek candidates who have done PhD/Masters from abroad across a variety of disciplines and are working on topics pertaining to sustainable development, such as, governance, environment, globalization, poverty, sustainable agriculture, sustainable livelihoods, gender, knowledge systems, renewable energy, industrial pollution, population, and labor issues. Successful candidates will get research and computer support, office space, and interaction with SDPI researchers.
At SDPI, researchers are expected to undertake original research in their program areas; formulate, manage and administer research projects; solicit funds for their programs; organize research conferences and workshops for dissemination of research output; edit, compile and publish research papers and monographs; collaborate with the institute’s other research programs, undertake proactive advocacy campaigns; deliver training courses; provide advice to the government, donors and private organizations; and represent the institute at national and international fora.
SDPI is an independent, non-profit institution committed to research that can act as a catalyst in the transition to sustainable development. As such, the research program at SDPI drives three main activities, namely, policy studies and analysis, policy advice, advocacy, and education/training. The SDPI website address is
Inquiries and/or applications with a detailed CV and names of three referees may to sent to Chair, Recruitment Committee, SDPI, 3 UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave 1, G-5, PO Box 2342, Islamabad, Pakistan, email:
SDPI is an equal opportunity employer. Women and residents of Pakistan who wish to return are especially encouraged to apply.

The Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA)

Assistant Director (Full time)Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science New School University

The Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA), the research affiliate of the Economics Department of the Graduate Faculty at New School University (formerly the New School for Social Research), seeks an energetic, detail-oriented individual with excellent writing and editing skills for the position of Assistant Director. The Schwartz Center, generously supported by Irene and Bernard L. Schwartz, focuses on issues related to employment and income distribution in the U.S. in the context of global economic developments. The Assistant Director will play a key role
in transforming the Center into an important center for progressive research, policy analysis and public education on contemporary issues in economic policy, and will be expected to teach one or two courses per year. The Graduate Faculty, which offers the M.A. and Ph.D., is known internationally for its commitment to progressive ideas and its rigorous, interdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning.

Responsibilities:Working with faculty directors at the Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, perform the following essential tasks:Administer all operations of the center related to payroll and expenses, and serve as primary liaison for the Center with the GF Dean's office and relevant University offices, including Accounts Payable, Payroll and Purchasing.Work with the Graduate Faculty's Budget Director to ensure maintenance of expenses and revenue within the planned budget, and preparation of reports for funders.Assist faculty, oversee Research Assistants and work with University Special Events to plan and carry out seminars, conferences, lectures, Advisory Board meetings, and related receptions and dinners.Work with University Communications, CEPA Director and Director for Policy Research to implement promotional and dissemination efforts, including direct mail, printed pieces, and other means in order to promote CEPA research and disseminate it to relevant audiences.Work with faculty directors and appropriate GF and University offices in order to
seek grants and outside funding.Teach one or two courses per year at the graduate or undergraduate level.

Qualifications:Ph.D. strongly preferred, ABD will be considered.

Excellent writing and editing skills;Demonstrated capacity to meet deadlines;Experience with planning and implementing educational activities such as conferences, or comparable endeavor; Experience with budgeting, financial reporting and related administrative functions;Basic knowledge of print and electronic m edia, including web publishing;Collaborative approach to problem-solving, combined with a demonstrated sense of individual accountability;Ability to juggle several projects simultaneously.

Salary and Benefits: competitive
Competitive compensation including comprehensive health insurance, pension and tuition reimbursement.

How to apply:
Applicants should submit letter of application, CV, contact information for three professional references, salary history, and a writing sample to:
Professor William Milberg, Program Coordinator, Bernard Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, 80 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor, New York, NY 10011
or send e-mail to:
Please make sure to write:
Search #22589 in the subject line to ensure proper distribution of your resume. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
The Graduate Faculty is committed to recruiting faculty, staff and students from groups historically underrepresented in graduate higher education. New School University, as well as its individual academic divisions, is
committed to a policy of equal opportunity in all its activities and programs, including employment and promotion. It does not discriminate on the base of race, color, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, veteran or marital status.

University of Sydney, Australia

Lecturer in International Studies (Level B)
School of Economics and Political Science
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of Sydney, Australia
Reference No.: B46/005166

The School of Economics and Political Science is seeking applications for a full-time position for a Lecturer, Level B, in international political economy to contribute to the teaching, development and research in the Faculty’s new degree program in international studies. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will initially join the Discipline of Political Economy, but work closely with other Disciplines in the Faculty.

Candidates will have, or expect to shortly obtain, a PhD or equivalent in international political economy or closely related field. It is essential that the candidate will have the potential to publish in leading international journals in international economic and political issues. Successful applicants will have evidence of teaching ability and potential to contribute to a quality teaching program at all levels including supervision of honours students and curriculum development in international studies and international political economy

The position is full-time continuing, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation and/or confirmation period for new appointees. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees. For further information, including selection criteria, is available at or by contacting Professor Frank Stilwell on (+612) 9351 3063, or email: or Professor Stephen Nicholas on (+612) 9351 3092, or email:

Remuneration Package: Lecturer, Level B $73,303 - $87,047 p.a. (which includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $61,942 - $73,556 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation).

Note that appointments in the Discipline are eligible to apply for an annually renewed salary loading, in addition to the package above. This can amount up to 30%, depending on the appointee meeting loadings criteria.

Closing date: 6 January 2005

Applications to Personnel Office, College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Auckland University of Technology

Auckland University of Technology is looking for heterodox or open minded orthodox colleagues to join our economics group at AUT. New Zealand has a lower wage level than most North American or West European countries, however there are definitely some immaterial benefits involved with living in the South Pacific! AUT is a good employer in terms of social services and job security.

Dr Stefan Kesting
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1020
New Zealand
Phone: 64-9-917-9999, extn 5753

Institute of Social Studies,The Hague- Netherlands

The ISS is the largest international centre for higher education and research in Development Studies on the European continent.. Post-graduate teaching programmes are conducted in English at Diploma, MA and PhD levels.

The Institute of Social Studies has a vacancy for a

Professor of Work, Employment and Development

In addition to a strong general understanding of labour processes and markets, the study of the changing world of work at the ISS departs from a global perspective. From such a perspective, focus, synthesis and synergy is to be achieved at meso level, i.e. at the level of social groups, sectors/industries and localities. The explicit focus at the meso level manifests itself also in methodologies and tools of analysis.
The successful candidate must have a specialization and provide leadership in at least one and preferably two of the following three areas:
•employment development;
•the changing organization, flexibilisation, segmentation and upgrading of work;
•new forms of organizing and exercising labour interests and rights.

In all cases strong attention to policy will be required.

The professor will be affiliated with the Staff Group ‘Human Resources and Local Development’.

Tasks and responsibilities:
•teach at MA and PhD levels and act as (co-) promoter of PhD candidates and participate in setting up and deliver degree programs, short training courses and distance learning in the field of work, labour and development;
•stimulate teamwork and provide leadership in the further development of research activities on in the area of work, labour and development;
•engage in building c.q. consolidating national and international research networks, and in developing concrete research projects and acquire research funding;
•play a stimulating role in the acquisition of advisory work and be active in this area her/himself;
•play a leading role in institutional cooperation with teaching, research and policy institutes and departments in southern and transition economies and help develop inter-institutional partnerships in this field, possibly with colleagues working on adjacent fields;
•undertake management tasks and responsibilities at the staff group level as well as when duly requested and appointed, at Institute-level, and,

•A PhD in one of the social sciences, preferably sociology (the candidate will otherwise preferably have a strong sociological perspective);
•At least ten years of experience in postgraduate teaching and empirical and policy oriented research in the area of work, labor and development;
•A proven track record of quality publications in well-known, refereed, academic journals in the field;
•Substantial experience in developing countries and possibly also transition countries;
•A proven track record in acquiring research project and/or PhD research grants
•Proven academic management qualities;
•Capacity and proven willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team and travel abroad on capacity building projects and advisory work.

Employment conditions:
Employment conditions are comparable to those at Dutch Universities. Salary dependent on qualifications and experiences in accordance with professorial scales at universities in The Netherlands, with a maximum of Euro 6592 gross per month, plus a holiday allowance of 8%. Other conditions include 45 days of paid leave per year. ISS offers ample scope for research.

Applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae and the names of three referees, should reach ISS before 3 January 2005, addressed to the Personnel Office (att Ms B. Tabink), Institute of Social Studies, Box 29776, 2502 LT The Hague, The Netherlands. Women as well as candidates who originate from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply and readers are particularly requested to bring this advertisement to the attention of prospective candidates. Short-listed candidates will be requested to supply samples of published output; at that stage their referees will be contacted.

Additional information concerning the Institute and its activities as well as the profile of the Chair, can be found on the ISS web page ( Information can also be obtained from the Search Committee, by letter to Professor dr. B. Helmsing, by e-mail ( or Professor dr I.P. van Staveren, by e-mail (, by phone +31-70- 4260 460 or fax +31-70- 4260 799.

Please see attached: issprofile.doc

Institute of Social Studies,The Hague- Netherlands (2)

The ISS is the largest international centre for higher education and research in Development Studies on the European continent.
Post-graduate teaching programmes are conducted in English at Diploma, MA and PhD levels.

The Institute of Social Studies has four vacancies for:

(Senior) Lecturers in Development Studies.

The positions are located in the Rural Development, Environment and Population Studies Staff Group, one of four at the Institute.

The Rural Development, Environment and Population Studies Staff Group is engaged in interdisciplinary teaching, research and advisory work on policy-focused and rights-oriented approaches to rural and human development in less developed countries and transitional economies. It focuses on the management of rural resources and resource conflicts, poverty, social provisioning and livelihood strategies, and population studies. The Staff Group members teach in all these areas at Diploma, MA and PhD levels and has an expanding portfolio of research and consultancy activities in these fields.

Tasks and responsibilities:
• Teaching, research and project/consultancy activities in the above fields;
• Management tasks and responsibilities at program level;
• Developing externally fundable project activities;
• Contributions to project work abroad.

• A completed PhD in the social sciences;
• Evidence of an interdisciplinary publication capacity;
• Specialization in development and/or transitional countries;
• Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team;
• Evidence of teaching experience.

The Staff Group aims at candidates whose competence cuts across its various teaching and research interests. In particular, they look for a strengthening of its capacity in:
• Poverty studies and development
• Social policy and development
• Youth studies and development
• Environment and development
in developing countries and those in transition.

Skills in quantitative or qualitative research methodology are an asset. At least one of the successful candidates will have to focus on countries in transition.

The appointments are for a period of three years with the possibility of extension. Some of the posts may become tenure track. Appointments should start as soon as possible.

Additional information concerning the Institute as well as further details of these positions and the responsibilities and requirements for the posts can be found on the ISS web page ( Information can also be obtained from the Chair of the Selection Committee, Prof. B.N.F. White, by letter, by e-mail ( or by phone +31-70 4260 460 or fax +31 70 4260 799.

Employment conditions:
ISS follows the Collective Labor Agreement of the Dutch Universities. Salary dependent on qualifications ranges for a Lecturer (UD2) between € 2934 and € 4027 gross per month and for a Senior Lecturer (UD2) between € 3561 and € 4580 gross per month. In addition ISS pays a holiday allowance of 8% and 45 days of paid holidays per year.

Applications: accompanied by a curriculum vitae and the names of three referees should reach the ISS before 31 January 2005, addressed to the Personnel Office (att Ms B.Tabink) Institute of Social Studies, Box 29776, 2502 LT The Hague, The Netherlands. Women as well as candidates who originate from developing countries are particularly encouraged to apply. Short-listed candidates will be requested to supply samples of published output; at that stage their referees will be contacted.

The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
ECONOMICS, Assistant Professor. Tenure Track, Fall 2005.
An urban/regional economist is sought with expertise in applied policy. Demonstrated interest in promoting economic and financial literacy is desirable. Ph.D. is required. Excellent teaching is expected along with strong scholarship. All faculty are expected to teach general studies courses. Additional duties, including student advisement, as negotiated under collective bargaining agreement. Salary is dependent upon experience. Screening will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, brief statements of teaching philosophy and research interests, evidence of teaching excellence, and three letters of recommendation to: Cheryl R. Kaus, Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, P.O. Box 195, Pomona NJ 08240. Stockton is an AA/EOE.

The University of Texas at Arlington

Director, Interdisciplinary Studies Program

The University of Texas at Arlington seeks an outstanding interdisciplinary scholar and innovative administrator to be the first tenured director of its Interdisciplinary Studies Program. The Director is expected to provide academic leadership and administration over the Program’s curricula and staff; fiscal planning and budgetary management; development of program funding resources; development of special programming for events such as conferences and seminars; and other administrative activities. In addition, the Director is expected to teach one course per semester. Appointment will be made at the tenured associate professor level. Candidates must have a PhD (or highest degree given the specific field) and a record of research and teaching using an interdisciplinary approach. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated administrative experience overseeing an academic instructional unit, including supervision of staff and budgets, as well as experience in interdisciplinary program development.

The University of Texas at Arlington is a Doctoral/Research Extensive Carnegie University and is the third largest University in The University of Texas System. It serves approximately 25,000 students in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area. The University emphasizes scholarship and funded research among faculty.

For more information about the position or about the Interdisciplinary Studies Program at the University of Texas at Arlington see Candidates should send a letter of interest detailing their qualifications for the position, curriculum vita, names and contact information of three references, and samples of recently published work to: Dr. Edith Barrett, Chair of INTS Director Search, Box 19588, School of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX, 76019. Review of applications will begin February 15, 2005, and will continue until the position is filled. Applications from members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. UTA is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.


Heterodox Conference Papers and Reports

Papers By Prof. Dr. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

Power: A core issue between mainstream and heterodox economics is the treatment of power. Dr.Herrmann-Pillath proposes a universal evolutionary foundation in his study.


China: China is wonderful case for heterodox economists The paper is for an IEA session where Dr.Herrmann-Pillath is a member of the program committee.


Author information:

Prof. Dr. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath

Chair, Macroeconomics and Institutional Change
Director, Institute for Comparative Research Into Culture and Economic Systems
Witten/Herdecke University, Germany
phone: +49-2302-926572
fax: +49-2302-926571



Heterodox Journals and Newspapers

The American Review of Political Economy
The American Review of Political Economy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. Each issue contains 3-6 peer-reviewed articles on political economy. No particular approach is privileged: historical, formal and empirical analyses are all equally acceptable, and interdisciplinary investigations are strongly encouraged, Veblenian narratives, institutional research, dialectic materialism, mathematical models grounded in realistic assumptions, and all studies seeking truth with a view to addressing social justice make up the several threads wherewith our journal should like to weave a rich scholarly debate.
For further information:

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review

Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review appeared in the end of November.

This is published biannually by the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics.

The first volumer contains:

- Geoffrey M. Hodgson, "Welcoming the Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review"
- Yoshinori Shiozawa, "Evolutionary Economics in the 21st Century: A Manifesto"
- Masaaki Yoshida, "Keynesian Economics - An Evolutionary Manifesto"
- Ramesh Chandra, "Adam Smith and Competitive Equilibrium"
- Takanori Ida, "Bottleneck Monopolies and Network Externalities in Network Industries"
- Shungo Sakaki, "Management Model for Technological Change and Sustaibable Growth"
- Esben Sloth Andersen, "Population Thinking, Price's Equation and the Analysis of Economic Evolution"

Editors of EIER welcome the contribution of Aaticles (2000-10000words) and Notes (under 3000words) from all parts of the world.

Aims & Scope:
Instructions to Authors:

Annual subscription (1 volume=2 numbers) : USD60.00 or JPY7000.-

Contributions/Orders to the EIER Editorial and Management Office International Academic Printing Co. Ltd. (KOKUSAI BUNKEN INSATSUSHA) 4-4-19 takadanobaba, shinjuku-ku, tokyo, JAPAN 169-0075 tel (+81)(0)3-5389-6492 e-mail:

Kiichiro Yagi (Editor in Chief)
Grad.School of Economics, Kyoto University

Issues in Regulation Theory

We’re pleased to inform you of the publication of Issues in Regulation Theory number 49, which you can download from the website of our association :

"France’s new social protection system"
Jean-Claude Barbier (CEE)
Bruno Théret (Iris-Paris Dauphine)

This English-language newsletter contains a translation of the theoretical note published in French in La Lettre de la Régulation and information on research activities in the area of institutional regulation.

Previous Issues in Regulation Theory :

Issues in Regulation theory n°48 contains a note on :
"Global Public Goods and the Transnational Level of Regulation"
Philippe HUGON, Paris X Nanterre/Forum (
Issues in Regulation theory n°47 contains a note on :
"Rethinking management : A historical look at firms as institutional innovations"
Armand HATCHUEL (Ecole des Mines/Fenix Center, Chalmers, Göteborg)

Issues in Regulation theory n°46 contains a note on :
The American Hegemonic cycle and system wide crisis
Philip S. Golub (Institut d'études européennes, Université de Paris 8, Institut d'études politiques (IEP)

Any remarks or opinions you might have concerning Issues in Regulation Theory are quite welcome. In addition, we would be grateful for the names and e-mail addresses of individuals and institutions potentially interested in our new publication.

Econ Journal Watch
The new issue of Econ Journal Watch is online at
EJW is a peer-reviewed journal for scholarly commentary. The Advisory Council includes Ronald Coase, Douglass North, James Buchanan, Vernon Smith, Robert Mundell, Thomas Schelling, Gordon Tullock, Israel Kirzner, Sam Peltzman, Deepak Lal, Robert Higgs, Leland Yeager and Timur Kuran, and many other prominent researchers.
In the December 2004 issue:
• Peter Minowitz argues William Grampp mishandled Adam Smith in his article appearing in the JPE.
• James Forder suggests that Alan Blinder’s survey treating “credibility” (appearing in the AER) neglects particular ways central bankers and academic economists might understand that term differently.
• Fabio Rojas examines how George Akerlof and Rachel Kranton, writing in the JEL, apply identity and politics to school reform.
• Philip Coelho, Daniel Klein, and James McClure explore Wolfgang Pesendorfer’s model of fashion cycles in the AER. Wolfgang Pesendorfer responds.
• Jih Y. Chang and Rati Ram conclude their exchange with Jeffrey Edwards and Anya McGuirk over economic growth, level of development, and income inequality.
Economics in Practice:
By studying the indices of leading textbooks, Dan Johansson shows that core Ph.D. theory is devoid of entrepreneurship, institutions, property rights, and economic freedom. He reflects on a profession that is like Hamlet without the Danish prince.
Character Issues:
Drawing on religious history and rival doctrines, Robert H. Nelson distinguishes two ways of economic enlightenment: scholasticism and pietism. He suggests that the scholastic church of academic economics should give way to more pietistic movements, and shows that leading figures writing in the EJ’s centennial issue provide support for such a reformation.
Investigating the Apparatus:
Randall Holcombe dissects the National Research Council’s rankings of economics departments, and reflects on the impact on economic research.
Correspondence: Letters on statistical significance by Thomas Schelling and Robert Gelfond. Stephen Ziliak and Deirdre McCloskey reply.

Information about Econ Journal Watch, including a call for papers, is available at We warmly welcome inquiries and submissions from sociologists, political scientists, historians, policy analysts, etc., as well as economists.

Daniel Klein
Editor, Econ Journal Watch


Heterodox Books and Book Series

Modern Theories of Money: The Nature and Role of Money in Capitalist Economies

Edited By L. P. Rochon and S. Rossi

Please see attached: Rochon and Rossi.pdf

Transforming Economics: Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project (2004)

Edited by P.A. Lewis. London and New York, Routledge. Pp. xiv + 311.


Chapter 1: 'Transforming Economics? On Heterodox Economics and the Ontological Turn in Economic Methodology.' By P.A. Lewis.

Chapter 2: 'Transforming Post Keynesian Economics: Critical Realism and the Post Keynesian Project.' By Stephen P. Dunn.

Chapter 3. 'Macroeconomic Theory, (Critical) Realism and Capitalism.' By John Smithin.

Chapter 4. 'Critical Realism and Transformational Growth.' By Edward J. Nell.

Chapter 5. 'Critical Realism and Econometrics: An Econometrician's Viewpoint.' By Clive Granger.

Chapter 6. 'Critical Realism and Feminist Economics: How Well do they Get Along?' By Edith Kuiper.

Chapter 7. 'The Agency-Structure Model and the Embedded Individual in Heterodox Economics.' By John Davis.

Chapter 8. 'Critical Realism and the Heterodox Tradition in Economics.' Shaun Hargreaves Heap.

Chapter 9. 'Economics as Social Theory and the New Economic Sociology.' By P.A. Lewis.

Chapter 10. 'The Really Real in Economics.' By Scott A. Beaulier and Peter J. Boettke.

Chapter 11. 'Addressing the Critical and the Real in Critical Realism.' By Ben Fine.

Chapter 12. 'Economics as Symptom.' By Jean-Pierre Dupuy.

Chapter 13. 'The Economics of Institutions and the Institutions of Economics.' By Ugo Pagano.

Chapter 14. 'A Note on Critical Realism, Scientific Exegesis and Schumpeter.' By Mario da Graça Moura.

Chapter 15. 'Transforming Methodology: Critical Realism and Recent Economic Methodology.' By D. Wade Hands.

The Political Economy of Destructive Power

"The Political Economy of Destructive Power" is published by Edward Elgar 'September 2004).

 As the title suggests the book treats a subject completely ignored by the mainstream economics.
Author: Mehrdad Vahabi

Please see attached: vahabi.pdf



Heterodox Websites

Spanish Heterodox Website:

El grupo eumednet es un equipo de investigación especializado en el estudio de las consecuencias económicas y sociales de Internet. Promueve el uso social y educativo de Internet.

Organizamos congresos científicos internacionales a través de Internet. Editamos y publicamos libros y revistas académicas en forma electrónica para su distribución gratuita en Internet.

En este sitio web ofrecemos cursos y abundante material educativo referido especialmente a la Economía y las Ciencias Sociales.

El núcleo de nuestro trabajo en estos momentos es la edición y mantenimiento de la Biblioteca de Economía y la Enciclopedia Multimedia Interactiva EMVI.

El grupo eumednet está reconocido oficialmente por la Junta de Andalucía (SEJ 309) y está localizado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga, España.

En "Libros gratis de Economía":
En "Textos selectos":
En "Grandes Economistas":
En "Diccionarios de Economía":


Heterodox Micro Website

Professor Larry Reynolds of  Boise State University has a web site.  On the site he has posted 6 chapters of an alternative view of microeconomics. Since he is an institutionalist, heterodox economists who are teaching micro might be able to use these chapters to provide some social context to neoclassical mechanics.


Basically he is trying to undermine the publishers by providing fee e-books and materials. I think that there are lots of us (hetrodox economists) who are quite capable of desk top publishing. there are two links that are provided:


the portal to Reynold’s entire web site;


and the index of to the pdf electronic texts and other materials



The materials are free and anyone is welcome to use them.  You can contact Professor Reynold at




Heterodox Queries


By Peter Kriesler, University of New South Wales

A poster consists of text and other graphic material mounted on a piece of size A1 cardboard (i.e. the size of eight A4 sheets). We will provide facilities to hang your poster on partitions (drawing pins or similar). Your poster can outline your research project as a whole, or a particular question you are grappling with. It is absolutely OK to present the questions you are working on, you do not need to present complete answers. Posters are aimed at generating interesting discussions with other conference participants that are rewarding for you and your research.

When preparing a poster it is a good idea to first identify the key concepts, ideas and questions you want the audience to understand, and what the logical relationships between these concepts, ideas and questions are. The next step in the preparation of a successful poster then focuses on how to visualise these relationships.

As a poster is intended to give the viewer an overview over the research in question, it is important to limit the basic structure of the poster to the most important issues and to use key words in large letters to denote them. It is perfectly OK to have these key words written by hand, preferably with large markers or big crayons. Keep in mind that the viewers will get a first impression of the logic of your research when standing a few meters away from your poster. This is when you want to catch their interest, so colours and graphical presentation are important.

You can then use some smaller typed text to elaborate on particular points which you would like to discuss with others or on which you would like to receive feedback. You can stick such text onto the cardboard next to the relevant keywords. Make sure that the difference in size clearly indicates that this is the more detailed information you would like the viewer to consider once they have an overview and their attention has been captured.

Peter Alexander EGOM

I do research and publish books on how money is used and could be used to distribute work and its rewards, social and material, among the members of any society.
Thus I have learnt to distinguish between that concept of money which enables an economy to distribute social and material care amply and evenly among its members and that concept of money which prevents an economy from distributing social and material care evenly and amply among its members.
The consequence of this line of thinking is that I have come to realize that there is an economic theory of index numbers which has practical life in the ethical space which public sector deficit financing wedges between the commodity and monetarist concept of equal opportunity money and the debt and fiscalist concept of unequal opportunity money
.What is more, once we get a hang on how the phenomenon of interest comes about and is sustained in an economy through public sector deficit financing, then it becomes quite clear that variants of the commodity and debt payments standards as well as the purchasing power parity, interest parity, and import parity pricing, theorems witness variously to the specific degrees to which the periodic total savings of an economy is dedicated to financing the borrowing needs of its public sector.
Thus, variants of payments standards and macro-economic pricing theorems have specific batches and stretches of numerical expression on the true and general economic index of value and distribution.
This is decidedly not the language of orthodox and scientistic economics which I have found cannot help us in Africa and elsewhere in the global South to grow jobs, goods and services in abundance. In fact, Autistic Economics cannot even grow any of the economies of the global North today because it does not have a general theory of economic value and distribution. It is that simple.
I would like  to contact  with scholars who are not only interested in bringing economics back to its social and ethical moorings but also in constructing a general and standard economic performance gauge for measuring the past and present readiness of any economy of the globe to produce its members into social and material plenty.

Peter Alexander EGOM – E-mail:

Review of Political Economy- Books for Review

The Review of Political Economy has received review copies of the following books. If you are interested in reviewing one or more of them for us, please get in touch with me via e-mail at We regard book reviews as an important mechanism for the transmission of information in our discipline. A review should give a clear idea what the book is about, a sense of its relevance, and an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. As in the past, if I don’t know you, please include a bit of information about yourself and your qualifications for reviewing the books you selected. I’ll take a couple of weeks to sort through competing requests and then get back to you. It’s usually a good idea to indicate alternate selections. Finally, you may want to visit publishers’ websites to find out more about a book before requesting it, to be sure whether it’s in your line. I look forward to hearing from many of you.

Many thanks in advance.

Gary Mongiovi

R.C. Amacher & R.E. Meiners: Faulty Towers: Tenure and the Structure of Higher Education (The Independent Institute, 2004).
G.M. Ambrosi: Keynes, Pigou and the Cambridge Keynesians: Authenticity and Analytical Perspective in the Keynes–Classics Debate (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003).
A. Amsden: The Rise of the ‘Rest’: Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies (Oxford, 2004).
G. Amyot: Business, the State and Economic Policy: the Case of Italy (Routledge, 2004).
M. Augier & J.G. March (Eds): Models of Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon (MIT, 2004).
I. Barens, V. Caspari & B. Schefold (Eds): Political Events and Economic Ideas (Elgar, 2004).
P. Bauer (with and Introduction by A. Sen): From Subsistence to Exchange and Other Essays (Princeton, 2000).
U. Beck, N. Sznaider & R. Winter (Eds): Global America? The Cultural Consequences of Globalization (University of Liverpool Press, 2004).
W. Beckerman: A Poverty of Reason: Sustainable Development and Economic Growth (The Independent Institute, 2004).
R. Beetsma et al.: Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy and Labour Markets: Macroeconomic policymaking in the EMU (Cambridge, 2004).
J. Best: More Damned Lies and Statistics: How Numbers Confuse Public Issues (California, 2004).
R. Blank & W. McGurn: Is the Market Moral? A Dialogue on Religion, Economics & Justice (Brookings, 2004).
L.A. Boland: The Foundations of Economic Method, second edition (Routledge, 2003).
S. Bowles: Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution (Princeton, 2004).
Z. Brzezinski: The Choice: Global Domination or Global Leadership (Basic Books, 2004).
P. Burger: Sustainable Fiacal Policy and Economic Stability: Theory and Practice (Elgar, 2004).
J.L. Campbell: Institutional Change and Globalization (Princeton, 2004).
D. Champlin & J. Knoedler (Eds): The Institutionalist Tradition in Labor Economics (Sharpe, 2004).
P. Chhibber & K. Kollman: The Formation of national Party Systems: Federalism and Party Competition in Canada, Great Britain and India (Princeton, 2004).
D. Colander, R.E. Prasch & F.A. Sheth (Eds): Race, Liberalism and Economics (University of Michigan Press, 2004).
W.O. Coleman: Economics and Its Enemies: Two Centuries of Anti-Economics (Palgrave, 2002).
R.B. Craig: Treasonable Doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case (University Press of Kansas, 2004).
Gérard Duménil & D. Lévy: Capital resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution (Harvard University Press, 2004).
C. Enloe: The Curious Feminist: Searching for Women in a New Age of Empire (California, 2004).
C.M. Flood: International Health Care Reform: A Legal, Economic and Political Analysis (Routledge, 2000).
E. Frank: The Raw Deal. How Myths and Misinformation about the Deficit, Inflation, and Wealth Impoverish America (Beacon Press, 2004).
B. Freese: Coal: A Human History (Penguin, 2003).
D. Friedman & A. Cassar: Economics Lab: An Intensive Course in Experimental Economics (Routledge, 2004).
H. Galperin: New Television, Old Politics: The transition to Digital TV in the United States and Britain (Cambridge, 2004).
E. Grinols: Gambling in America: Costs and Benefits (Cambridge, 2004).
W. Gould IV: A Primer on American Labor Law, fourth edition (MIT, 2004).
[?] A. Graziani: The Monetary Theory of Production (Cambridge, 2004).
D. Gros & A. Steinherr: Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe (Cambridge, 2004).
J.A. Hart: Technology, Television and Competition: The Politics of Digital TV (Cambridge, 2004).
R. Higgs: Against leviathan: Government Power and a Free Society (Independent Institute, 2004).
M.A. Lebowitz: Beyond Capital: Marx’s Political Economy of the Working Class, second edition (Palgrave, 2003).
H.H. Lentner: Power and Politics in Globalization: The Indispensable State (Routledge, 2004).
W.W. Lewis: The Power of Productivity: Wealth, Poverty and the Threat to Global Stability (Chicago, 2004).
S.H. Lopez: Reorganizing the Rust Belt: An Inside Study of the American Labor Movement (U. of California Press, 2004).
J. G. Matsusaka: For the many or the Few: The Initiative, Public Policy, and American Democracy (U. of Chicago Press, 2004).
J.A. Miron: Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition (The Independent Institute, 2004).
H. Overbeek (Ed.)The Political Economy of European Employment: European Integration and the Transnationalization of the (Un)Employment Question (Routledge, 2004).
F. Padoa-Schioppa: The Euro and Its Central Bank: Getting United after the Union (Palgrave, 2004).
M. Perelman: The Perverse Economy: The Impact of Markets on People and the Environment (Palgrave, 2004).
F. Petri: General Equilibrium, Capital and Macroeconomics (Elgar, 2004).
M. Rein & W. Schmähl (Eds): Rethinking the Welfare State: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (Elgar, 2004).
D. Reisman: Schumpeter’s Market: Enterprise and Evolution (Elgar, 2004).
D. G. Richards: Intellectual Property Rights and Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of the Trips Agreement (Sharpe, 2004).
J. B. Rosser & M. Rosser: Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy, second edition (MIT Press, 2004).
T. R. Roth: Equality, Rights and the Autonomous Self: Toward a Conservative Economics (Elgar, 2004).
T. Sandler: Global Collective Action (Cambridge, 2004).
J. Runde & S. Mizuhara (Eds): The Philosophy of Keynes’s Economics: Probability, Uncertainty and Convention (Routledge, 2003).
F.M. Scherer: Quarter Notes and Bank Notes: The Economics of Music Composition in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (Princeton, 2004)
A. Allan Schmid: Conflict and Cooperation: Institutional and Behavioral Economics (Blackwell, 2004).
M. Schneider: The Distribution of Wealth (Elgar, 2004).
H. Schwarz: Urban Renewal, Municipal Revitalization: The Case of Curitiba, Brazil (self published, 2004).
P. Seabright: The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life (Princeton, 2004).
R. J. Shiller: The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century (Princeton, 2004).
L. M. Smith: A History of the Global Stock Market (Chicago, 2004).
B. Söderstein: Globalization and the Welfare State (Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).
M. Szenberg & l. Ramrattan (Eds): New Frontiers in Economics (Cambridge, 2004).
A. Tabarrok & C.H. Logan (Eds): Changing the Guard: Private prisons and the Control of Crime (The Independent Institute, 2003).
L. Taylor: Reconstructing Macroeconomics: Structuralist Proposals and Critiques of the Mainstream Harvard, 2004).
J.C. van Hook: Rebuilding Germany: The Creation of the Social Market Economy, 1945–1957 (Cambridge, 2004).
J.L. van Zanden & A. van Riel: The Strictures of Inheritance: The Dutch Economy in the Nineteenth Century (Princeton, 2004).
W.S. Vickrey (M. Forstater & P.R. Tcherneva, Eds): Full Employment and Price Stability. The Macroeconomic Vision of William S. Vickrey (Elgar, 2004).
S. Voight (Ed.) Constituional Political Economy, Vols. I & II (Intl Library of Critical Writings in Economics) (Elgar, 2004).
E.J. Wilson III: The Information revolution and Developing Countries (MIT, 2004).
L.R. Wray (Ed.): Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes (Elgar, 2004).
O. Zein-Elabdin & S. Charusheela (Eds): Postcolonialism Meets Economics (Routledge, 2004).
