From the Editor
Last week I attended the annual conference of
the European Association for Evolutionary
Political Economy. It was a well-run conference
which provided wine and Italian pastries during
the breaks-I think it should be mandatory at all
heterodox conferences that Italian pastries (or
very close substitutes) be served during breaks.
I went to a number of sessions and found
interesting papers in all of them. In one
session there was a paper on American
Institutionalism by George Liagouras (download
here) which I found to be very interesting
and very good. In another session, Roy Rotheim
gave a very interesting and amusing paper on
Keynes that was drawn from a book on Keynes on
which he is working. Next year the conference
will be in Amsterdam. So I asked if some of the
conference activities could be held at the local
Trade Unions Museum or at the Resistance Museum.
However, since the conference organizers are
sensible people, some conference activities will
be held at the Amsterdam Zoo which has excellent
and elegant conference facilities. Come to the
conference and engaged with exotic economists
and dangerous ideas that will make the wildlife
at the Zoo look ordinary and tame.
ICAPE will be having its annual membership
meeting in the "Golden Gate 5" room in the
Hilton Hotel from 2:30-4:00 p.m. on Friday,
January 2, 2009. While only members can vote,
anybody interest in pluralism in economics and
want to know more about ICAPE is welcome to
attend. ICAPE is also co-sponsoring the
Association of Social Economics Plenary session
at the ASSA. Finally, ICAPE will have a booth at
the meetings. If you want to have material
displayed at the booth, please contact me. The
booth also needs to be staffed. If you are
interested in helping out in this regard please
contact me-see attachments
2 for staffing
times and what is expected of the persons
staffing the booth. Stop by the booth and talk
for awhile and check out the interesting
Fred Lee
this issue:
Call for Papers |
- The Association for Institutional
- The 2009 Economic History Association Meetings
- The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
- History of Economics Society
- PSA State Theory Specialist Group & Marxism Specialist
- Economic & Business Historical Society
- Interdisciplinary 19th-Century Studies,"The Pursuit of
- Retailing History: Texts and Images
- EMAEE 2009: Evolution, Behavior and Organizations
- Retail Payments: Integration and Innovation
- Beeronomics
- Conference on Historical Analysis & Research in Marketing
- New Marxian Times
- Feminist Economics
Conferences, Seminars and Lectures |
- Séminaire Marx au
XXIe siècle
- The Meaning of Life
- AIRLEAP Events
- The Legacy of Karl Marx
- MEGA and Marx
- The CES Critical Economics Summer School
- Mike Beggs "'Marx, Keynes and the changing central bank"
Job Postings for Heterodox Economists |
- University of Denver
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- SUNY/Purchase
- De Anza College
- Bedford Hills College
- The Center for Economic and Policy Research
- The Eastern Economic Association
- The Open University
Heterodox Conference Papers and
Reports and Articles |
- Marxist Interpretation of the Crisis
- 21st Century Trade Agreements: Implications for Long-Run
Development Policy
- On Democratizing Financial Turmoil |
Heterodox Journals and Newsletters |
- Revue Française de Socio-Economie
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
- Economic Sociology - the european electronic newsletter
- The Associative Economics Bulletin
- CASE e-Newsletter
- Feminist Economics
- Levy News
- Le care : entre transactions familiales et économie des
Heterodox Books and Book Series |
- Mining Town Crisis: Globalization,
Labour and Resistance in Sudbury
- From Political Economy to Economics
- A Short History of Economic Thought
- Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his Critics
- The Science of Wealth
- The Political Economy of Work
- Institutional Economics
- Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his Critics
- Knowledge, Scale and Transactions in the Theory of the
- Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm:
Co-operation and Outsourcing in the Global Economy
- Leading Contemporary Economists: Economics at the Cutting
Heterodox Graduate Program and PhD
Scholarships |
- St Edmund's College
- The University of Sydney |
Heterodox Websites and Associations |
- Economy Watch
- Economics of Crisis
- Marx in Chile
- The Economics Web Institute |
The HEN-IRE-FPH Project |
- The HEN-IRE-FPH Project for Developing Heterodox Economics
and Rethinking the Economy Through Debate and Dialogue |
Queries from Heterodox Economists |
- Felix Vardy |
Your Information |
- Fatal Flaws in the Theory of
Comparative Advantage
- Political Economy Research Institute
- St Edmund's College |
Call for Papers
The Association for Institutional
Third Annual Student Scholars Award Competition
The Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) proudly announces
the Third Annual AFIT Student Scholars Award Competition. The aim of
AFIT is to encourage undergraduate and graduate students in
Economics and Political Economy to pursue research in topics within
the Institutional Economics framework.
Up to three winning papers will be selected. Winners are expected to
present their research during a special session at the Annual
Meetings of AFIT, held during the Western Social Science
Association’s 51st Annual Conference at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in
Denver Colorado,
April 23-26, 2008.
Winners will each receive:
1- $300 cash prize
2- One year student membership in AFIT
3- Paid WSSA Conference Registration
4- Paid admission to the AFIT Presidential Address Dinner
Winning papers must be presented at a special AFIT session in order
to collect the cash prize. Cash prizes will be presented during the
AFIT Presidential Address Dinner.
Application Procedures and Deadlines
Papers must be between 25-40 pages in length, including references
and appendices. They should be submitted electronically (preferably
in Word format) by 12/1/08 to:
Carolyn Aldana, Ph.D.
Economics Department
CSU, San Bernardino
5500 University Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92407
Phone: (909) 537-7315
Fax: (909) 537-7645
Winners will be notified by 12/15/08
For more info about AFIT, visit our website
The 2009 Economic History Association
Hosted by University of Arizona
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson
Tucson, Arizona,
*September 11-13, 2009*
Richard Steckel, President Elect
*"Human Welfare: Measurement, Analysis and Interpretation"*
The Program Committee---Michael Haines, Colgate University (Chair);
Jeremy Atack, Vanderbilt University; Brooks Kaiser, Gettysburg
College; and Trevon Logan, Ohio State University---welcomes
proposals for individual papers, as well as for entire sessions.
Papers should in all cases be works in progress rather than accepted
or published work. Submitters have a responsibility to let the
program committee know if the proposed paper has been submitted for
publication. Submissions for entire sessions should include no more
than 3 papers and each proposal should be submitted separately. The
committee reserves the right to determine which papers will be
included in those sessions that are accepted.
As is the rule, papers on all subjects in economic history are
welcome, but a number of sessions will be devoted to the theme
"Human Welfare: Measurement, Analysis and Interpretation."
The ultimate goal of economic historians is to illuminate the
evolution of human welfare. This year's theme promotes efforts to
unify and to find common denominators in diverse approaches to
understanding this central aspect of our past. Measurement is a
central concern, even in modern studies of this complex subject.
Among the issues to consider are the variety of approaches and how
they compare. What was the contribution of improvements in health?
Of emancipation or freedom? Of the right to vote? Of moderating the
business cycle, or reducing bank failures? Can we estimate the
social cost of inequality or crime, and of war, epidemics and other
calamities? Of consumer surplus from trade? By how much did
technological change improve welfare by making home and market
production, as well as travel, easier and safer? What was the cost
of isolation, or alternatively the benefit of cheap communication?
What are the counterfactuals most suitable for addressing these
types of questions? Of course, these ideas are merely suggestions,
and we have at our disposal a growing array of economic theories and
empirical methods to estimate how "progress" translates into human
Papers and session proposals should be submitted online at:
Paper proposals should include a 3-5 page précis and a 150-word
abstract suitable for publication in the /Journal of Economic
History/. The due date is January 31, 2009.
Graduate students are encouraged to attend and the Association
offers subsidies for travel, hotel, registration, and meals,
including a special graduate student dinner. A poster session
welcomes work from dissertations in progress (application due date
April 30, 2009. The dissertation session convened by John Murray
(University of Toledo) and Steven Broadberry (University of Warwick,
UK) will honor six dissertations completed during the 2008-2009
academic year. The submission deadline is May 31, 2009. The
Alexander Gerschenkron and Allan Nevins prizes will be awarded to
the best dissertation on non-North American and North American
For further information, check , which also includes information on travel
options to Tucson, the EHA meetings page ( ),
or contact Meetings
Coordinator Jari Eloranta at
The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network
The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network invites you to the first
national Forum on the Solidarity Economy: Building Another World
~March 19-22, 2009 w Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst Co-convened
with Universidad de los Andes (Venezuela) & RIPESS-NA
(Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social Solidarity
Economy – N. America) The first U.S. Forum on the Solidarity Economy
aims to bring together a diverse array of people and organizations
to share ideas and practices, to forge new connections, and to build
a more powerful and cohesive movement for a just, democratic and
sustainable economy. This four day conference will include an
inspiring range of solidarity economy tours, workshops, plenaries
and cultural events. We invite solidarity economy practitioners and
resource organizations, social movement activists, workers,
academics, students, researchers, cultural workers, journalists and
other fellow travelers, to come and be part of the growing global
movement to build ‘another economy’ and ‘another world’. What is the
solidarity economy?
here for detailed information.
History of Economics Society
The 2009 meetings of the History of Economics Society will held at
the University of Colorado Denver. The conference will begin with an
opening reception on Friday, June 26 and will end mid-day on Monday,
June 29. The meetings will be held at the University of Colorado
Denver’s Kenneth King Academic and Performing Arts Center on the
University’s Downtown Denver Campus. The campus’s location in lower
downtown Denver affords easy walking access to hundreds of
restaurants and a variety of hotels in all price ranges. The
campus’s extremely limited dormitory facilities mean that there will
likely not be a dorm housing option available.
Conference rates will be arranged with several hotels within easy
walking distance of the campus. Direct flights from London (BA and
United) and Frankfurt (Lufthansa) make this a very accessible
location for those traveling from Europe.
A call for papers will go out in the coming months. However, I
encourage people to begin thinking about¬and even proposing¬entire
sessions now. If you wish to propose a session or have any questions
about the conference, you can email me directly at
PSA State Theory Specialist Group &
Marxism Specialist Group
One Day Conference
The State in Capitalist Society - 40 Years On
Friday 22 May, 2009
School of Social Sciences
Leeds Metropolitan University
Ralph Miliband’s The State in Capitalist Society was first published
in 1969 and widely acclaimed as a major contribution to the revival
of both state theory and Marxist political thought. The book still
stands as a key work in the development of social and political
theory in the second half of the twentieth century.
This one-day conference aims to revisit the arguments that Miliband
laid out in the book and evaluate their continuing relevance in the
apparently very different conditions of the twenty-first century.
After all, people still do ‘live in the shadow of the state’ and
states still operate in capitalist societies.
Proposals for papers that address any of the themes and arguments in
The State in Capitalist Society, and its lacunae, from any
perspective are welcome. For example:
- ‘The State’ and ‘Capitalist Society’, then and now
- Miliband’s contribution to the Marxist tradition
- The Milibandian perspective, pluralism and the business dominance
- Connections between business elites and state elites
- The conversion of economic power into political influence
- How does the process of legitimation work today?
- Whatever happened to pressure from below?
- The state in global capitalist society
- What does Miliband still have to offer the state debate?
Please send a title and abstract (approx. 200 words) by January 9,
Paul Wetherly –
Papers will be required by May 1
Venue: Leeds Metropolitan University, School of Social Sciences, Old
School Board, Calverley St, Leeds LS1 3HE
The Old School Board is in Leeds city centre, approximately 15
minutes walk from the railway station.
Conference organisers: Paul Wetherly, Peter Burnham (
, Mark Cowling (
Economic & Business Historical
33rd Annual Conference
The 33rd Economic &
Business Historical Society Conference takes place in Grand
Rapids, Michigan from April 23 through 25, 2009. Presentations on
all aspects of business and economic history are welcome.
Interdisciplinary 19th-Century
Studies,"The Pursuit of Happiness"
The Interdisciplinary 19th-Century Studies 2009 conference on
"The Pursuit of
Happiness" is sponsored by Bard College and Skidmore College,
Saratoga Springs, New York on April 24-26.
Retailing History: Texts and Images
The Centre for the History of Retailing and Distribution invites
participants to
Retailing History: Texts and Images, a workshop on April 29,
2009 at the University of Wolverhampton, UK on the nature of the
texts and images associated with retailing and retailers.
EMAEE 2009: Evolution, Behavior and
Plenary speakers at the 6th
European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) in
Jena, Germany from May 21 to 23, 2009 will explore commonalities
with neighboring fields and disciplines - in particular behavioral
economics, organization and management science, and historiography.
Retail Payments: Integration and
The European Central Bank and De Nederlandsche Bank host a
conference entitled
"Retail payments: integration and innovation" on May 25-26, 2009
at the European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The Economics of Beer and Brewing
LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance is organizing
the first Beeronomics
Conference from May 27 to 29, 2009 in Leuven, Belgium. The array
of topics includes economic history of beer, brewing, and related
Conference on Historical Analysis &
Research in Marketing (CHARM)
The School of Management at the University of Leicester (UK) hosts
the 14th biennial CHARM conference May 28-31, 2009. Deadline for
submissions is December 1, 2008. Papers on all aspects of marketing
history and the history of marketing thought are welcome. For paper
submission guidelines and additional information, please visit the
CHARM website.
New Marxian Times
RETHINKING MARXISM: a journal of economics, culture & society is
pleased to announce its 7th international conference, to be held at
the University of Massachusetts in Amherst on 5-8 November 2009.
Click here for
detailed information.
Feminist Economics
Guest Editors
Lourdes Benería, Carmen Diana Deere, and Naila Kabeer
From the last decades of the 20th century to the present,
globalization and the spread of neoliberal policies across countries
have resulted in an unprecedented rise in the asymmetrical mobility
between capital and labor. International migration has become a
topic of intense political debate due to, among other factors, the
tension between the increase in the numbers of international
migrants and the obstacles faced by them to enter and settle where
they choose to work and live. These tensions have raised important
issues - economic, social, cultural, and political - that require a
gender perspective.
This special issue of Feminist Economics intends to motivate both
research and action, generating a discussion on the ways in which
gender is an important dimension from which general and specific
migration issues can be analyzed. We expect theoretical
contributions as well as empirical analyses. The following themes
are ofparticular interest:
- Rethinking theory on labor and capital mobility
- Periodization of migration and its feminization processess
- The care economy, women, and migration
- The globalization of reproduction and transnational mothering
- What happens to the children left behind?
- Remittances and development: the role of women
- Migration and "the nomad worker"
- Poverty and migration
- The challenges of social protection for migrant workers
- Internal versus international migration
- Engendering national/regional immigration policy and political
Deadline for abstracts: 15 September 2009. Papers will be due in May
2010. Please direct queries and abstracts (500 words maximum) to
Guest Editors Lourdes Benería ( and Naila Kabeer ( ). Final
papers (after approval of abstracts) should be submitted to Feminist
Economics through the submissions website ( ). Questions about these
procedures may be sent to , +1.713.348.4083 (phone), or
+1.713.348.5495 (fax).
Please note that the annual conference of the International
Association for Feminist Economics, being held in Boston, June
26-28, 2009, will have gender and migration as one of its themes. To
submit a paper for the conference, go to
Conferences, Seminars
and Lectures
Séminaire Marx au XXIe siècle
sous la responsabilité d’Isabelle Garo (Paris, Lycée Chaptal –
Classes préparatoires),
Stathis Kouvélakis (Londres, King’s College) et Jean Salem (Paris 1)
Calendrier 2008/2009
here for detailed information.
The Meaning of Life
The University of Athens Doctoral Program in Economics -
UADPhilEcon in
collaboration with
INE-GSEE (The Labour Institute of the Hellenic Trades Unions
Confederation) The British Council, and The Sakis Karagiorgas
Foundation Honours the Life and Work of Kosmas Psychopaidis by
announcing the
TIME/PLACE: Dracopoulos Amphitheatre, Main University Building,
Panepistimiou Street, on Monday 1st December 2008, at 19.30
here for detailed information.
Association for Integrity and Responsible Leadership in Economics
and Associated Professions
Three upcoming, special AIRLEAP events:
Saturday, November 22, 2008, in Washington, DC (during the annual
meeting of the Southern Economic Association): Happy Hour (7:00-8:00
PM), followed by a Dinner Party, at the
ROCK CAFÉ, 999 E Street, N.W. (Each person pays for his/her own
meal and drinks.)
Thursday, December 4, 2008, in Washington, DC: Joint Luncheon of the
Society of Government Economists and the National Economists Club,
for a presentation by Professor Deirdre McCloskey on "Statistical
Significance is Essentially Meaningless (at the 5% Level)."
Chinatown Garden Restaurant, 618 H St., NW. 999 E Street, N.W. ($16
for members of SGE or NEC, $21 for nonmembers).
Sunday, January 4, 2009, in San Francisco (during the annual AEA
meetings): Session on
Examining the Practice of Ethical Economics, with three paper
presentations by Professors George DeMartino, Thomas Mayer, and
Deirdre McCloskey, 6:00-8:00 PM, Palace Hotel, French Parlor Room, 2
New Montgomery St. (attendance is free).
The Legacy of Karl
Kanagawa University is holding the special lecture by Janos Kornai,
a Permanent Fellow of Collegium Budapest and an Emeritus Professor
of Harvard University, and the international symposium on "The
Legacy of Karl Marx" on December 6, 2008. The special lecture and
the symposium are being organized by the Institute of Economics and
Foreign Trade under the sponsorship of Kanagawa University.
Date and time: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 13:00-17:30
Place: Selest Hall, Building No 16, Kanagawa University, Yokohama,
Access map is available at:
Special Lecture by Janos Kornai: 13:00-14:10
"Marx through the Eyes of an Eastern European Intellectual"
Symposium: 14:30-17:30
BIDET, Jacques (Paris 10 University): "Actuality of Marx?"
KIM, Soo Haeng (Sung Kong Hoe University, Korea): "Marx's Emphasis
on Industrial Capital rather than Financial Capital"
KRÄTKE, Michael (Amsterdam University): "Marx's Actuality; The
Transformations of Capitalism as a World System"
YUWEN, Li (Peking University): "The Birth of Marxist Poetic
Philosophy and its Intention"
KUBO, Shunich (Tohoku University, Japan)/ HECKER, Rolf (Berlin
Brandenburg Academy of Sciences)/ HUEBNER, Hans (Librarian,
"Marx in Caricature"
* Admission is free and there will be simultaneous interpretation in
English and Japanese.
** For further information about the symposium, please contact
Masashi Izumo .
MEGA and Marx
The symposium seminar for academic scholars and students on "MEGA
and Marx" will be held on December 5, 2008.
Date and time: Friday, December 5, 2008, 13:30-17:30
Place: Room 804, Building No 1, Kanagawa University
The following speakers are expected to participate:
HECKER, Rolf (Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences)
OTANI, Teinosuke (Hosei University, Emeritus Professor, Japan)
TAKENAGA Susumu (Daito Bunka University, Japan)
TAIRAKO Tomonaga (Hitotsubashi Unv.)
The CES Critical
Economics Summer School
The Centre for Social Studies ( ), Associate Laboratory of the University
of Coimbra, Portugal is launching The CES Critical Economics Summer
School to bring together in annual meetings economists and other
students of social sciences to discuss topics of common interest.
This series of summer schools aims at promoting a venue for critical
research on the economy and in economics. The school is primarily
intended for advanced graduate and post-doctoral researchers as well
as young scholars. Young researchers will then have the opportunity
to attend lectures and discuss their work with distinguished
scholars in the selected fields of research. The course will take
the form of morning lectures where the guest speakers are invited to
give two lectures. In the afternoons young researchers present their
work to be discussed by all participants.
The institutional foundations of the economy: property, markets and
public policy
Coimbra, Portugal
July 6-9, 2009
The first edition is devoted to the institutional foundations of the
economy. It will bring on board the institutionalist and the
feminist perspective on two basic economic institutions – property
and markets. Particular attention will be given to the relation
between these institutions and public policy, specifically, to how
those institutions are shaped, and permanently reshaped, by public
policies. The speakers are invited to discuss four main topics:
1) The foundations of the economy: the institutionalist and the
feminist perspective.
2) Rights, property and property rights.
3) The limits of the market and institutional impurity.
4) Public policy and institutional change.
Guest lecturers include Daniel W. Bromley from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison, John O’Neill from the University of Manchester,
and Julie A. Nelson from the Global Development and Environment
Institute, Tufts University.
CES Lecturers include José Castro Caldas, Vítor Neves, José Reis,
Tiago Santos Pereira.
Interested graduate students and post-docs are encouraged to apply
by submitting a curriculum vitae and a two-page abstract of the
proposed paper together with the contact details of the author
(Name, affiliation, email address) to
Deadline for submissions is April 1st 2009. Acceptance will be
communicated by email by May 1st 2009.
The summer school will be held at the hotel Quinta da Geia, located
in Aldeia das Dez, Portugal. It offers the perfect ambience for
critical economics with a view to the extraordinary sightseeing of
the Serra da Estrela.
The registration fee: 50 € for students and 150 € for non-students
Accommodation costs + meals for the four days of the conference: 350
The organization may subsidize a reduced number of students. The
decision will be based on the interest of the proposed communication
and subject to proof of student condition.
Organizing commitee:
José Castro Caldas, Vítor Neves, Ana Cordeiro Santos, João Tolda
Further practical information will be given in due course.
For further information, email
Mike Beggs "'Marx,
Keynes and the changing central bank"
MFD and IIPPE seminar series chair Jan Toporowski
SOAS, November 19th, 6.00 p.m. Room 116
Mike Beggs is currently teaching and researching in Sidney -
Department of Political Economy. He has research interests in
inflation and inflation fighting since the 1970s with a focus on the
USA, Australia and Brazil. Mike presented "Marx, Keynes, and the
making of the neo-liberal central bank" at the Historical
Materialism Conference 2008 where he made interesting observations
on Minsky as well.
Job Postings for
Heterodox Economists
University of Denver
*Job Title Assistant Professor - Economics Posting Hiring Range
Competitive Work Schedule (Days & Hours) 9 months, hours vary
Contact Email
Department Economics*
*Department Introduction - Job Summary*
The Department of Economics seeks to fill one tenure-track position
at the rank of assistant professor starting September 2009. The
individual in this position should have a familiarity with history,
the history of economic thought, philosophy of social science, and
heterodox as well as mainstream perspectives on economic theory and
policy. This faculty member will have the opportunity to teach
introductory courses
"Economics: Wealth & Poverty" and/or "Economics of the Business
Environment" as well as upper and/or graduate level courses on
Econometrics, and/or Labor Economics, and/or Environmental
The individual in this position will teach two (4-5 hour) courses
per quarter, participate in advising undergraduate and graduate
students, and supervising some students in their research; conduct
research and publish; and serve on some departmental, or divisional,
or university committees. Preferred Qualifications Completion of
Ph.D. in Economics.
Familiarity with economic history, the history of economic thought,
philosophy of social science, and heterodox as well as mainstream
perspectives on economic theory and policy. Ability to teach M.A.
level applied econometrics. Research and teaching strengths in an
additional applied field, possibly Labor Economics.
*Minimum Qualifications*
These qualifications refer to education and/or experience. ABD
considered -- will hold title of "Instructor" until complete.
Promise of distinction in research and publications. Promise of
excellent teaching ability, especially for the introductory courses.
*Required Qualifications*
These qualifications are mandatory in order to perform the functions
of the job (i.e. valid drivers license, certifications.) Must be
able to teach various courses in English.
Job Open Date 10-28-2008
Job Close Date Open Until Filled
Job Category Faculty
Job Type Full-Time
Appointment Status Benefited
Special Instructions to Applicants
Review of applications will begin Dec 1, 2008 and will continue
until the position is filled. Applicants who wish to apply must
complete an online application at Attach letter of
application and vitae.
Please mail evidence of teaching effectiveness (syllabi and sample
evaluations), sample of scholarly publications, three letters of
recommendation and other materials to:
Dr. Peter Ho
Department Chair
Department of Economics
2000 E. Asbury Ave.
Sturm 246
University of Denver
Denver, CO 80208
The University of Denver is committed to enhancing the diversity of
its faculty and staff and encourages applications from women,
minorities, people with disabilities and veterans. DU is an EEO/AA
employer. Please see our extensive benefit package at
Polytechnic Institute
Social Science and Policy Studies Department
Position Description
Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor of Economics
The Social Science and Policy Studies (SSPS) Department at WPI
announces a tenure-track faculty position in Economics. The position
will be filled at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.
Candidates should have a Ph. D. in economics. The selected candidate
will teach courses in economics. The ideal candidate will have the
ability to conduct interdisciplinary research and form research and
teaching partnerships with other faculty in the social sciences,
sciences, and engineering. A publication record in applied economic
research with public policy emphasis is a plus. Familiarity with
system dynamics and other computational methods is desirable.
The SSPS Department at WPI has multidisciplinary faculty offering
undergraduate programs in economics, psychology, system dynamics,
technology and society, environmental studies, and law and
technology, and a master’s degree and interdisciplinary Ph. D.
program in system dynamics. The Department also offers breadth
courses in social science Institute-wide. Research in the Department
covers a wide range of economics, social science, and policy topics,
with several faculty sharing an interest in system dynamics – a
modeling and computer simulation approach to understanding social
and economic systems. See for additional information about
the department at WPI.
Applications with vita, a detailed description of research plans and
teaching philosophy, and at least three references should be sent
via regular mail to the following address by December 1, 2008: Prof.
James Doyle, Department Head, Social Science and Policy Studies
Department, WPI, 100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01609.
Senior Economist/Head of Policy
TASC is an independent think-tank that provides policy solutions,
based on the values of equality, human rights, democratic
accountability and sustainability. The core premise of TASC is that
economic progress and equality for all are both achievable and
This is a unique moment to join TASC at a time when, grant aided by
the Atlantic Philanthropies, it is embarking on a major new
programme of work and is seeking to recruit a dynamic and innovative
team to deliver its vision.
Reporting to the Director, the person appointed will be a seasoned
professional, responsible for delivering TASC’s programme of
research and policy analysis. The person will play a central role in
developing and communicating the policy proposals to realise the
TASC vision.
In addition, the person appointed will undertake a range of
research/policy development and project management activities in
relation to the implementation of the socio-economic pillar of the
TASC work programme.
Candidates must demonstrate empathy with TASC’s values and a
capacity to represent TASC in public and media debates.
Economic Research and Policy
- Undertake primary research in one or more of the areas of focus of
the socio-economic pillar, consistent with the social and democratic
Research and policy leadership
Working closely with the Director s/he will:
- define and plan the TASC programme of research and policy and
oversee its delivery (An overview of the TASC work programme is
- identify and develop opportunities for TASC in relation to its
current and future programme, including research consultancy, joint
projects with partner organisations and individuals;
- work with individuals and groups of academics, policymakers and
civil society activists (This will include establishing and working
with advisory groups and managing contracted/outsourced work); and
- develop and manage the work of the TASC Economists Network.
Communications Tasks
- In liaison with the Communications Manager, undertake PR and
media-related activities, including representing TASC on
radio/television programmes
- Ensure that relevant staff have timely access to the most current
research and data relevant to the issues in the TASC work programme
- Advise the relevant staff on how to effectively present often
complex data to the public in order to facilitate advocacy that is
grounded in facts yet easily understood by non-specialists, while
ensuring that all TASC-released material can withstand close
critical scrutiny
- Draft a variety of materials for different audiences, including
media, academics civil society organisations and decision makers
- Undertake such other duties as may be assigned from time to time
by the Director
Qualifications Required/ Person Specification
- A postgraduate qualification in economics
- At least five years experience in economic research and/or policy
analysis or its equivalent
- A good grounding in economic theory and analysis
- Excellent research and analytical skills and ability to synthesise
extensive information and data into succinct, clear reports, briefs
etc and to communicate effectively in writing for diverse audiences
- A proven track record of highly collaborative team work
- Strong communication skills, consistent with effective media and
public performance
- An ability to take initiative, to set as well as realign
priorities when needed, to efficiently and effectively organise work
in order to respond to a demanding and often rapidly evolving work
programme while managing multiple major tasks simultaneously
- Experience of effectively mentoring and developing the technical
skills of other research staff while encouraging their continual
professional development is desirable
The successful candidate will work in close collaboration with the
Director in establishing priorities and making the adjustments that
go with working in a constantly changing environment with limited
Salary and length of contract
An attractive competitive salary, taking into account qualifications
and experience, will be paid to the successful candidate.
A further 5 % of agreed salary will be made available towards
pension provision.
This is a fixed term contract position for a period of two years
with further contract contingent on funding.
Secondment arrangements may be suitable and will be considered.
26 Sth Frederick St, Dublin 2
T: +353 1 6169050 F: +353 1 6753119
Adjunct sought to teach "Political Economy of Women" at
SUNY/Purchase this spring (09).
20 miles north of Manhattan. Diverse student body.
Send c.v. and evidence of teaching effectiveness to Peter Bell at:
and/or Kim Christensen at:
Course description:
The Political Economy of Women
ECO 3150 / 4 credits / Spring
Traces the econmic and political histories of various racial/ethnic
groups of women in the U.S. Topics include the relationship between
the property arrangements and culture of the Iroquois, the economics
of slavery and Reconstruction, the Salem witch trials, the traffic
in mail-order brides, and the emergence of the second wave of the
women’s liberation movement in the 1960s. Also offered as GND 3150.
Recommended (not required) prior courses: ECO 1540 (Economics &
Everyday Life), GND 1520 (Intro. to Women's Studies)
De Anza College
Economics Instructor
Job #09-047
Review Date: 11/21/08
The Foothill-De Anza Community College District is currently
accepting applications for the faculty position of Economics
Instructor, De Anza College.
Click here
for detailed information.
Bedford Hills
Through the Bedford Hills College Program, Marymount Manhattan
College offers non-credited College-preparatory courses and
credit-bearing courses leading to Associate of Arts degrees in
Social Science and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Sociology at the
Bedford Hills Correctional Facility, a New York State
maximum-security prison for women.
BHCP is currently seeking a part-time faculty to teach ECO 150:
Economy, Society, and the State during the spring semester, this is
an Intro to Political Economy course. Courses are taught once a week
from 6:30-9:00pm.
Please contact if youare interested in this position.
Cindy Mercer, Ph.D.
Executive Director for Academic Achievement Marymount Manhattan
221 E 71st Street
New York, NY 10021
The Center for
Economic and Policy Research
Job Title: Economist
Organization Description:
The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) was established
in 1999 to promote democratic debate on the most important economic
and social issues that affect people's lives. It is an independent,
nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, DC, conducting
professional research and disseminating it to the media,
policy-makers, and advocates. CEPR's Advisory Board of Economists
includes Nobel Laureate economists Robert Solow and Joseph Stiglitz;
Richard Freeman, Professor of Economics at Harvard University; and
Eileen Appelbaum, Professor and Director of the Center for Women and
Work at Rutgers University.
Job Description:
CEPR is seeking an economist, Ph.D. preferred. S/he would perform
economic analysis, write issue briefs, research papers, and other
publications on international economic issues, including trade,
globalization, and development, with a focus on Latin America. CEPR
will consider employing an individual who is located abroad and who
can effectively telecommute, provided they can interview in person.
- Implementing and supervising economic research projects
- Writing original research papers, reports, and other publications
- Coordinating the work of research assistants
- Assisting with funding proposals and reports
- Serving as a spokesperson for CEPR with the media and in outreach
to the international policy community
- The ideal candidate will possess most or all of the following
qualifications. However, CEPR will consider strong candidates whose
experience and capabilities are roughly equivalent.
- Advanced degree in economics or related field, preferably at the
Ph.D. level, or an equivalent combination of education and
- Superior writing and analytic skills
- Ability to initiate and conduct research projects independently
- In-depth knowledge of contemporary economic issues affecting Latin
America, including trade, globalization, and regional integration
- Fluency in Spanish
- Compatibility with CEPR's perspective and commitment to social and
economic justice
Salary & Benefits:
CEPR offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package.
This position will be represented by the International Federation of
Professional and Technical Engineers, Local #70, AFL-CIO.
Closing Date of Position:
This position will remain open until filled.
To Apply:
Send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to jobscepr2008
[at] cepr [dot] net. Please include “Economist” in the subject line.
NO TELEPHONE CALLS OR FAXES PLEASE. Due to the volume of applicants,
you may not receive a response. Applications may also be mailed to:
Economist Search Committee, CEPR, 1611 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite
400, Washington, DC. 20009.
The Center for Economic and Policy Research is an equal opportunity
employer that considers applicants for all positions without regard
to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age,
disability, marital or veteran status, sexual orientation, or any
legally protected status.
The Eastern
Economic Association
The Eastern Economic Association seeks a new Executive Director.
Responsibilities include administration of the Association including
membership, finances, and planning and organizing the EEA annual
conference. Compensation is to be negotiated with the Association,
and will include release time from teaching responsibilities.
Initial appointment is 5 years, starting July 1, 2009. Interested
individuals should send a letter expressing interest to Steven
Pressman, Department of Economics & Finance, Monmouth University,
West Long Branch, NJ 07764 or via email to
The Open University
Applications are invited for a new Lectuership in Economics at The
Open University in the UK. This full-time permanent post will be in
the Department of Economics, located in the Faculty of Social
Heterodox Conference Papers and Reports and Articles
Marxist Interpretation of the Crisis
Lecture by Rick Wolff on a Marxist Interpretation of the Crisis is
available on video:
21st Century Trade
Agreements: Implications for Long-Run Development Policy
By Rachel Denae Thrasher and Kevin P. Gallagher
A new study by GDAE researcher Kevin P. Gallagher and Rachel Denae
Thrasher from Boston University shows that US trade agreements leave
little room for poorer nations to deploy effective development
policies for long-run diversification and development. The
researchers find US agreements to be significantly more restrictive
of such “policy space for development” than European agreements, the
WTO agreement, and particularly the more development-friendly
agreements between or among developing countries themselves,
so-called South-South agreements.
“21st Century Trade Agreements: Implications for Long-Run
Development Policy” was published by the Frederick S. Pardee Center
for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.
The authors demonstrate that while South-South agreements provide
ample policy space for industrial development, the WTO and European
agreements largely represent the middle of the spectrum in terms of
constraining policy space choices. US agreements place considerably
more constraints by binding parties both broadly and deeply in their
trade commitments. Unlike the WTO and agreements between the EU and
developing countries, US agreements do not allow developing nations
- deploy capital controls during a financial crisis, even though
such measures have been shown to have buttressed nations like Chile
from falling victim to financial crises in the past;
- require that foreign investment come in the form of joint
ventures. Under the WTO, China, like Taiwan and Japan before them,
continually require joint ventures to develop local supplier bases
and build the productive capacities of domestic firms;
- institute safeguards when domestic firms suffer from an
unwarranted flood of goods imports or service providers;
- exempt plant and life forms from the patenting process, like many
South Asian nations due to protect biodiversity, indigenous rights,
and the ability of domestic firms to develop new products;
- permit early working or “Bolar” provisions on innovations so
domestic firms can stand ready to enter a market when a patent
This paper serves as an indispensable guide for developing-country
negotiators seeking to preserve policy space for development as they
negotiate bilateral and multilateral trade agreements.
Download the report here:
On Democratizing
Financial Turmoil
A Minskian Analysis of the Subprime Crisis
The paper uses Minsky’s financial instability hypothesis as an
analytical framework for understanding the subprime mortgage crisis
and for introducing adequate reforms to restore economic stability.
We argue that the subprime crisis has structural origins that extend
far beyond the housing and financial markets. We further argue that
rising inequality since the 1980s formed the breeding ground for the
current financial markets meltdown. What we observe today is only
the manifestation of the ingenuity of the market in taking advantage
of moneymaking opportunities, regardless of the consequences. The
so-called “democratization of homeownership ” rapidly turned into
record-high delinquencies and foreclosures. The sudden turn in
market expectations led investors and banks to reevaluate their
portfolios, which brought about a credit crunch and widespread
economic instability. The Federal Reserve Bank’s intervention came
too late and failed to usher in adequate regulation. Finally, the
paper argues that a true democratization of homeownership is only
possible through job creation and income-generation programs, rather
than through exotic mortgage schemes.
Luisa Fernandez
Fadhel Kaboub
Zdravka Todorova
Heterodox Journals and
Revue Française de
Revue Française de Socio-Economie, n°2, deuxième semestre 2008
Le care : entre transactions familiales et économie des services
Le statut du care dans les sociétés capitalistes. Introduction
Chantal Nicole-Drancourt, Florence Jany-Catrice
L'économie du care
Viviana A. Zelizer
Qu'est ce que le social care ?
Claude Martin
Services aux personnes et sociologie économique pluraliste
Jean-Louis Laville
L'argent des femmes pauvres
Isabelle Guérin
L'innovation sociale dans les services d'aide à domicile Florence
Degavre, Marthe Nyssens
Aide à domicile : de l'idéologie de la professionnalisation à la
pluralité des professionnalités Thierry Ribault
Pourquoi et comment mettre en oeuvre un modèle à « deux apporteurs
de revenu/deux pourvoyeurs de soins ?
Dominique Méda
L'accueil des jeunes enfants en Europe
Laurent Fraisse, Vincent Lhuillier, Francesca Petrella
Les saisies du public dans un service de production télévisuelle
Jérôme Denis
La dynamique des normes de consommation
Gérald Gaglio
Les indicateurs de développement durable Harold Levrel
Note critique
Journal of Post Keynesian
Volume 31 Number 1 / Fall 2008 of Journal of Post Keynesian
Economics is now available at
This issue contains:
A stages approach to banking development in transition economies
Sheila C. Dow, Dipak Ghosh, Kobil Ruziev
Investment functions and the profitability gap
Colin Richardson, Peter Romilly
Effective-demand-constrained growth in a two-sector Kaldorian model
John S. L. McCombie, Mark Roberts
Financial dependency and growth cycles in Latin American countries
Carlos Aguiar de Medeiros
Innovations, wages, and profits
Mario Pianta, Massimiliano Tancioni
Teaching Minsky's financial instability hypothesis: a manageable
Sébastien Charles
U.S. deficit control and private-sector wealth
Joëlle J. Leclaire
East German unemployment: the myth of the irrelevant labor market
Christian Merkl, Dennis Snower
Neoclassical versus Keynesian approaches to Eastern German
unemployment: a rejoinder to Merkl and Snower
John Hall, Udo Ludwig
Economic Sociology - the
european electronic newsletter
Current Issue:
Vol. 10, No. 1 - November 2008
The Associative Economics
The Associative Economics Bulletin consists of news and views on
associative economics, including short extracts from Associative
Economics Monthly (available electronically for 1GBP an issue at or in a
hard copy format - tel (UK) 01227 738207). To unsubscribe from this
list, reply or send an email to with 'bulletin unsubscribe' in the subject
1. This week: Associative Economics at The London School of
2. Forthcoming Events
3. The State of Money - Associative Economics Monthly November 2008
Today's events call for a sea-change in our understanding of
economic life, taking us beyond the economics of nations and
politics into a world in which economic life is seen as a single
global reality and the concern of humanity as a whole, rather than
particular classes, groups or countries. Full details at
Thursday 6th November: The Significance of Form and the role of the
corporation / The Monetary Economy and the need for differentiated
money Thursday 4th December: Deep Accounting - How money and
accounting became one / Collaboration without Collusion -
Coordination through conscious finance
London School of Economics, D9 Clement House, Aldwych, London. Cost
per evening: £7 (students £5)
(The course as a whole also counts as Module 1 towards a Diploma in
Associative Economics.)
Thursday 6th November, AE@LSE (see above) Friday 7th November,
Lydney Glos. UK, Capital and Human Needs. See
14-16 November - weekend intensive study of Rudolf Steiner’s
Economics Course. Great Barrington, MA. USA Details from
27 - 30 November. Colours of Money Seminar in Finland Helsinki
Thursday 4th December, AE@LSE (see above)
Editorial Extract
Today's events tug at notions of separate economic existence and
make clear the need for coordination in some way and for an end to
the endless iteration of rivalry, enshrined in theory, practice and
law, and the need for a step toward conscious cooperation. In this
journal we call this association, or, to use a sound bite,
collaboration without collusion. That coordination is needed between
governments and businesses and that we need to go beyond 'monetary
nationalism' is also the theme of this month's 'Sign of The Times'
item. The question, of course, is how? The nub of the problem, the
need to recognise the polar nature of economic life and to develop a
monetary comprehension this is the message of the feature article,
'Two Kinds of Money'.
The Friends Page touches inevitably on the financial problems of
today and, again, questions of their comprehension.
This month's AE Hero is Joseph Schumpeter, featured because of the
emphasis he places on entrepreneurship.
Accounting Corner reports on attempts to review accounting
standards, pressuring on them from outside, rather than looking at
deeper questions concernig the relevance and fit of valuation
concepts to today's conditions.
CASE e-Newsletter
Feminist Economics
Volume 14 Issue 4 is now available online at informaworld
Special Issue:AIDS, Sexuality, and Economic Development
This new issue contains the following articles:
The AIDS Epidemic: Challenges for Feminist Economics, Pages 1 - 18
Authors: Cecilia Conrad; Cheryl R. Doss
Gender and Access to Antiretroviral Treatment in South Africa, Pages
19 - 36
Author: Nicoli Nattrass
Safety First, Then Condoms: Commercial Sex, Risky Behavior, and the
Spread of HIV/AIDS in Managua, Nicaragua, Pages 37 - 65
Author: Alys Willman
Race, Sex, and the Neglected Risks for Women and Girls in
Sub-Saharan Africa, Pages 67 - 86
Author: Eileen Stillwaggon
Bias, Not Error: Assessments of the Economic Impact of HIV/AIDS
Using Evidence from Micro Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Pages 87 -
Author: Deborah Johnston
Unpaid HIV/AIDS Care in Southern Africa: Forms, Context, and
Implications, Pages 117 - 147
Author: Olagoke Akintola
Migratory Paths, Experiences of HIV/AIDS, and Sexuality: African
Women Living withHIV/AIDS in France, Pages 149 - 181
Author: Dolorès Pourette
Gendering China's Strategy against HIV/AIDS: Findings from a
Research Project in Guangdong Province, Pages 183 - 211
Author: Lanyan Chen
Reclaiming Our Lives: HIV and AIDS, Women's Land and Property Rights
and Livelihoods in southern and East Africa – Narratives and
Responses, Pages 213 - 216
Author: Cheryl Doss
Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment with Legalized Prostitution,
Pages 216 - 218
Author: Manisha Shah
Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and
Health Sciences, Pages 219 - 221
Author: Yana van der Meulen Rodgers
The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West, and the Fight against AIDS,
Pages 222 - 226
Author: Ajay Mahal
Levy News
Le care : entre transactions
familiales et économie des services
Dossier coordonné par Florence Jany-Catrice Dossier coordonné par
Florence Jany-Catrice
et Chantal Nicole-Drancourt et Chantal Nicole-Drancourt
Le care englobe l’étude de l’ensemble des activités (formelles et
informelles) de la prise en charge des soins aux personnes.
Cette prise en charge est envisagée sous l’angle d’un soutien
multidimensionnel – matériel, physique, moral et psychique –
d’individus dépendants, certes, mais aussi de tout individu, en tant
que sujet en risque de perte d’autonomie, y compris sociale. Or, ce
qui circule et s’échange dans le care est traditionnellement traité
de manière distincte en économie et en sociologie.
Books and Book Series
Mining Town Crisis: Globalization,
Labour and Resistance in Sudbury
David Leadbeater, ed., Fernwood Publishing, $29.95
Sudbury is the largest hardrock mining centre in North America and
among the largest in the world. Given the enormous mineral wealth
that exists in the Sudbury Basin, one might think that prosperity
would abound and that cultural, educational, health and
social-welfare institutions would be of the highest order, existing
within a well-maintained and attractive physical infrastructure. But
this is not the Sudbury that people know. This book explores key
aspects of Sudbury’s economic, health and social conditions. It
analyzes how globalization and corporate power in a hinterland
mining town have impacted on working people, how and why resistance
has emerged and why alternative directions are needed. While Sudbury
is the focus of this book, the Sudbury experience offers important
lessons for other mining and resource communities. DAVID LEADBEATER
is an associate professor of economics at Laurentian University.
From Political Economy to Economics
By Dimitris Milonakis and Ben Fine
A Short History of Economic Thought
By Bo Sandelin, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Richard Wundrak
Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson
and his Critics
Edited by Edward Fullbrook
The Science of Wealth
By Tony Aspromourgos
The Political Economy of Work
By David A Spencer
Institutional Economics
By Bernard Chavance
Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson
and his Critics
Edited by Edward Fullbrook
Knowledge, Scale and Transactions in
the Theory of the Firm
By Mario Morroni
The book provides a new analytical framework that improves our
understanding of the causes underlying different growth paths which
lead to heterogeneity in organisational design and performance of
firms. The book addresses the relations between basic conditions,
decision-making mechanisms and organisational coordination. This
allows an examination of the circumstances whereby capabilities,
transactions and scale-scope considerations interact in shaping
organizational boundaries and performance. With the emergence of the
knowledge-based economy and the increasing pressure of global
competition, the development of capabilities is acquiring ever
greater importance in boosting the competitiveness of enterprises.
It is shown in the book that long-term
relational agreements, within and among firms, enhance learning
processes and offer powerful tools for improving competitiveness
under conflicting interests and informational asymmetries.
Dissimilar performances among firms derive from different
opportunities and abilities to exploit the combined advantages
provided by the development of knowledge, the modes of governance of
transactions and the design of the scale and scope of processes.
Introduction and summary;
1. Basic conditions;
2. Decision making;
3. Organisational coordination;
4. Wrestling with uncertainty;
5. Uncertainty-decreasing strategies within firms;
6. By way of a conclusion: growth of the firm as the interplay
between the three aspects of organizational coordination;
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006
ISBN – 13 978-0-521-86243-1 £ 57.00
Link CUP catalogue:
Corporate Governance, Organization
and the Firm: Co-operation and Outsourcing in the Global Economy
Edited by Mario Morroni
In recent years, applied studies have shown widespread, profound and
increasing heterogeneity across firms in terms of their strategy,
organization arrangement and performance. This book investigates the
diversity of business firms, offering a picture of the different
organizational settings they adopt in their endeavour to cope with
increasing competitive pressure. The book addresses critical
theoretical issues surrounding corporate governance, organizational
design and cooperative relations among firms. Moreover, it provides
new evidence on the various forms of outsourcing that are playing an
increasingly important role as a consequence of globalization. The
contributions collected in this book stress the emergence of a trend
towards a reorganization of production that can enhance the
transmission, development and maintenance of knowledge in order to
sustain long-run competitive advantage.
Essays by M. Damiani; J. Krafft and J.L. Ravix; A. Grandori and S.
Furnari; C. Ménard; P. Cohendet and P. Llerena; A. Reinstaller and
P. Windrum; M. Mazzanti, S. Montresor and P. Pini; R. Pardo and R.
Rama; C. Gianelle and G. Tattara
Forthcoming Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, February 2009
in New Perspectives on the Modern Corporation series
ISBN – 978-1-84720-820-0 £ 65.00
Leading Contemporary Economists:
Economics at the Cutting Edge
Edited by Steven Pressman
Series: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics
This book describes the important contributions of several
contemporary economic figures including recent Nobel Laureates.
Describing their work and putting it into an historical perspective,
these chapters explain how their work constitutes a major
contribution to the discipline of economics and how it has broadened
economic science.
Co-Editor of the Review of Political Economy, Steven Pressman has
gathered together for the first time key chapters from the journal,
discussing major figures such as Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, John
Kenneth Galbraith, Thomas Schelling, Edmund Phelps and Robert
Mundell. This volume is significant to the extent that it combines
the study of the work of Nobel Laureates with the perspective of
heterodox economists, including a comprehensive bibliography for the
work of each economist covered.
Graduate Program and PhD Scholarships
St Edmund's College
G.L.S Shackle Studentship
Applications are invited for the G.L.S Shackle Studentship for a
single Cambridge University term ideally for the 2009 Michaelmas
Term, although consideration will be given to applicants wishing to
take up the Studentship earlier or later up to June 2010. The
Studentship is open to students/scholars who may be graduates of any
University and of any seniority. It provides the successful
candidate with one term’s free single accommodation in the College
if available, plus a meals allowance, or a sum of £2000, paid in
instalments over a period of 10 weeks. In order to qualify for the
award it will be necessary for the successful applicant to produce a
scholarly paper relating to Shackle at the end of his/her tenure.
The scholarly paper should be of sufficient standard to be
publishable in a leading economics journal.
It is important to note that the College cannot be responsible for
providing airfares or visas.
The closing date for applications is 19th December 2008.
Applications should include a full CV with a publications list plus
a resumé of not more than 2000 words of the proposed research
project and the names of two academic referees. Early expressions of
interest are strongly encouraged.
An application form and check list can be downloaded from the St
Edmund’s web page on Please complete the
form and send it together with a CV and Research Proposal to the
Master’s secretary, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge CB3 OBN. E-mail:, Tel: +44(0)1223 336122, Fax:
+44(0)1223 331966.
The University of Sydney
PhD Scholarship in Sustainability Economics
The Murray-Darling Basin is the most important agricultural region
in Australia and consumes 70% of all of the water used by Australian
agriculture whilst producing 40% of the gross value of agricultural
production. At the same time it is home to some of Australia’s most
treasured environmental resources. There is ongoing tension between
production and environmental protection that makes this an ideal
test bed for the development of a new sustainability economic model,
the Murray-Darling Basin Economy Simulation Model (MDBE-SM). The
MDBE-SM will extend an existing economic modelling approach
developed by the supervisory team. In its economic-demographic
aspects, MDBE-SM will be an integrated supply-demand,
complex-systems, computer simulation and forecasting model. Its
structural equations will drive a full colour 4-D (latitude,
longitude, altitude, time) digital mapstack. This will display both
the stable characteristics of the Murray-Darling Basin (topography,
drainage, soils, etc.) and how the slower-changing features
(climate, weather patterns, settlements, etc.) and faster variables
(land-uses, populations, production, employment, exports, etc.) move
over past and projected future times. The project will exploit
existing data collected on the Murray-Darling Basin and the model's
parameters will be identified by applying the PEST system ( ) to
relevant time-series of historical data. The student will:
- Study and critically review prevailing economic and ecological
- Identify consistencies and contradictions in the application of
conventional economic theories to systems that depend on ecological
services and where environmental impact must be kept within
prescribed limits
- Identify heterodox economic theories (especially Post Keynesian,
Evolutionary and Ecological Theories) that provide complex system
dynamic principles for application to ecological sustainability
- Develop and extend an existing complex economic systems model for
integrated socio-techno-environmental systems
- Develop an interactive visualisation front-end for the model based
on Google Earth
- Collect relevant data relating to sustainable production in the
Murray-Darling Basin and use it to derive parameters for the model
- Test the model against existing data
Predict future scenarios to inform sustainable management of the
This project is a collaboration between Prof. Crawford, Assoc. Prof.
Jerry Courvisanos at the University of Ballarat and Dr. Colin
Richardson at Imperial College London.
For more details go to the following website:
and follow the link to "Towards a Sustainability Economics"
Heterodox Websites and
Economy Watch
The Brecht Forum is proud to introduce Economy Watch ( ), a new website for the latest
anaylsis on the US Economic crisis.
The website includes:
-Video coverage of "An Offer We Can't Refuse: Progressives and the
Economic Crisis" with William Grieder, Naomi Klein, Arun Gupta, Doug
Henwood and Frances Fox Piven
-The Economic Crisis and Socialist Strategy with Rick Wolff
-A Radical Approach to the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
-Updates from activists and scholars
For more info check out
Economics of Crisis
Membership is open to anyone in the fields of economics or policy,
and we are in particular looking for proposals for a new financial
architecture (post-Bretton Woods 'II').
Marx in Chile
The Economics Web Institute
The Economics Web Institute offers you to freely explore classical
and innovative issues in economics and management, drawing on a
large array of theoretical reflections, real data, and interactive
software models.
The HEN-IRE-FPH Project
The HEN-IRE-FPH Project for
Developing Heterodox Economics and Rethinking the Economy Through
Debate and Dialogue
The Heterodox Economics Newsletter, The International Initiative for
Rethinking the Economy (IRE), and the Charles Leopold Mayer
Foundation for the Progress of Humankind (FPH) ( ) have undertaken a joint
project to promote the development of heterodox economics. It
involves publishing in the Newsletter reviews, analytical summaries,
or commentary of articles, books, book chapters, theses,
dissertations, government reports, etc. that relate to the following
themes: diversity of economic approaches, regulation of goods and
services, currency and finance, and trade regimes. These themes
relate to heterodox economics and to the open and pluralistic
intellectual debates in economics. For further information about the
project and queries about reviewing, contact Fred Lee ( ).
Queries from Heterodox
Felix Vardy
Dear Historians of Economics,
Here at the Office of the Chief Economist of the Latin America and
Caribbean Region of the World Bank we are about to embark on a year
long project studying the role of (primary) commodities in Latin
America. As part of that project, we want to familiarize ourselves
with the history of economic thought about the role commodities in
economic development. Paradigms like Dependency Theory, Enclave
Economies, the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis, Dutch Disease, Import
Substitution, and the Resource Curse come to mind.
Could anyone perhaps point us to books or journal articles that give
a good overview and discuss the development of the thinking in the
literature? If I am not mistaken, even Adam Smith had particular
thoughts on the subject!
We would be very grateful for any suggestions you may have.
Best regards,
Felix Vardy
For Your Information
Fatal Flaws in
the Theory of Comparative Advantage
Thursday, November 06, 2008
( )
Commentary by USBICEF Contributor Ian Fletcher
Free trade rs tell us that David Ricardo’s famous theory of
comparative advantage proves that free trade always benefits both
trading partners and only ever harms special interests. But as its
inventor knew perfectly well, his theory is not a blank check for
free trade, but a conditional theory that depends upon certain
assumptions that may or may not hold.
Political Economy Research
Dear PERI Friends & Colleagues,
While we try to keep our emails to a minimum, there are moments when
it seems important that we make contact more frequently. We think
this is one such moment (and apologize if you disagree). As you may
know, over the past year PERI economists have been researching a
green economic investment strategy. Given the election results and
the ongoing financial crisis, no moment could be more appropriate
for the implementation of this strategy. In the current issue of The
Nation, PERI's Robert Pollin lays out how a green public investment
program can be used as a stimulus to end our current recession and
build a foundation for job creation and sustainable economic growth.
Since January the economy has shed 760,000 jobs, and state
governments are facing a revenue shortfall of roughly $100 billion
in the next fiscal year. The recession is certainly here, so the
question now is how to diminish its length and severity. In this
article, Robert Pollin describes the only action that can possibly
do the job--a large-scale federal government stimulus program.
President-elect Obama himself, as well as most of the newly elected
Democratic-controlled Congress, recognize the urgency of a
large-scale stimulus program. Even Bernanke has offered his
endorsement. But despite the near consensus, questions remain: How
should the stimulus funds be spent? How large does the stimulus need
to be? Where do we find the money to pay for it?
Pollin describes a stimulus that meets three criteria: First, it
generates the largest possible employment boost for a given level of
government spending. Second, it is in areas that strengthen the
economy in the long run. And finally, it addresses global warming--a
fight which we do not have the luxury of delaying.
Download "How to End the Recession"
St Edmund's College
G.L.S Shackle Studentship
Applications are invited for the G.L.S Shackle Studentship for a
single Cambridge University term ideally for the 2009 Michaelmas
Term, although consideration will be given to applicants wishing to
take up the Studentship earlier or later up to June 2010. The
Studentship is open to students/scholars who may be graduates of any
University and of any seniority. It provides the successful
candidate with one term’s free single accommodation in the College
if available, plus a meals allowance, or a sum of £2000, paid in
instalments over a period of 10 weeks. In order to qualify for the
award it will be necessary for the successful applicant to produce a
scholarly paper relating to Shackle at the end of his/her tenure.
The scholarly paper should be of sufficient standard to be
publishable in a leading economics journal.
It is important to note that the College cannot be responsible for
providing airfares or visas.
The closing date for applications is 19th December 2008.
Applications should include a full CV with a publications list plus
a resumé of not more than 2000 words of the proposed research
project and the names of two academic referees. Early expressions of
interest are strongly encouraged.
An application form and check list can be downloaded from the St
Edmund’s web page on Please complete the
form and send it together with a CV and Research Proposal to the
Master’s secretary, St Edmund’s College, Cambridge CB3 OBN. E-mail:, Tel: +44(0)1223 336122,
Fax: +44(0)1223 331966.