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 Call for Papers







































Issue-8 February 25, 2005

From the Editor

This is the season for Call for Papers for the Fall Winter Conference Season. Note that there are Calls for Papers from EAEPE, ASE, AFEE, and URPE. All these associations welcome papers from all kinds of heterodox economists. Also note the AFEE Summer School and the STOREP Summer School with its emphasis on the historical roots of heterodox economics. These summer schools are open to all graduate students and even newly minted PhDs. Next week I am off to Ireland to do some work and to give a couple of papers, including one at NUI-Galway and a second at Trinity College Dublin on “Economic Sociology vs. Heterodox Economics” to a sociology department. This is a new experience for me so it should be quite interesting since I am going to suggest that all those working in economic sociology should become heterodox economists. Whether I get out of Dublin alive or not remains to be seen.

 Fred Lee





In this issue:

- Call for Papers

            - 2005 History of Economic Thought Conference, U.K.
            - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) 2005 Conference 10-12 November 2005 Bremen, Germany
            - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)
            - Association for Social Economics, Call for Papers, Annual A.S.S.A. Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, January 5 – 8, 2006
            - Association for Evolutionary Economics Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, January 5-8, 2006
            - Union for Radical Political Economists, Boston, Massachusetts January 5-8, 2006y

Conferences, Seminars and Lecture

            - The New Space: the New School for Pluralistic Anti- Capitalist Education
            - International Summer School on Institutional Economics with the theme: “Institutional Economics in the 21st Century” 
            - Free Workshop on Quantitative Methods in e-Social Science

 - Heterodox Journals and Newspapers

            - Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter
            - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: New School Economic Review
            - International Journal of Political Economy
            - Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory
Special Issue on Religion & Political Economy

- Heterodox Books and Book Series      

            - A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics
            - Neoliberalism: A critical reader
            - Central Banking in the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives
            - New Books on Corporate Power
            - Advances in Heterodox Economics

- Heterodox Associations

             - Ideas website:

- Heterodox Announcements

             - Capacity Building and Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics

 - Heterodox Queries

             - The Fondazione Centro Ricerche Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa
             - A query from Serap Kayatekin


Call for Papers

July, 7-8, 2005
Bilbao (Spain)

The Department of Applied Economics V of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) and the Center for Economic and Public Policy of the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom) are organizing the International Conference “Developments in Economic Theory and Policy”. The Conference will be held in Bilbao (Spain), from 7th to 8th of July 2004, at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of the Basque Country.

Papers are invited on all areas of economics. Papers must be written in English. Accepted papers will be grouped in sessions. Every session will comprise three papers.

Suggestions for ‘Organized Sessions’ are also welcomed. An organized session is one that has been constructed in its entirety by a session organizer and submitted to the Conference Organizer as a complete package (title of the session, papers and session chair).

The final deadline to submit papers and ‘organized sessions’ is 31st May 2005. The Conference Committee will review and select papers and sessions submitted for the Conference. Acceptance letters will be sent out by e-mail by 10th June 2005.

For more information, you can get in touch with Jesus Ferreiro ( or with Carlos Rodriguez (, or visit the web page of the Conference:

2005 History of Economic Thought Conference, U.K.
The History of Economic Thought Conference 2005 will be held at Exeter University from Monday 5- Wednesday 7 September 2005. The programme will include a special lecture by Dr Geoff Harcourt (University of Cambridge). The full progamme will be posted in May.

The cost of the conference is £195, to include accommodation for two nights and all meals from tea on Monday to lunch on Wednesday (including the conference dinner on Tuesday evening.)
If you would like to give a paper, please email an abstract (maximum 300 words) to no later than 30 April 2005. You will hear whether we are able to put your paper on the programme no later than 20 May. If you want to enquire further about the conference before sending an abstract, please email the address above.
If you wish to attend the conference, please complete the registration form and return to John Maloney, the conference organiser at the address provided below. Checks should be made out to "H.E.T. conference."
If you are considering attending but want more details of the programme first, please check this page again after 20 May, the date on which the full programme will be posted.
We have five bursaries which will allow Ph.D. students to attend free of charge, so, if you are a research student, please say so, and include a supporting letter from your supervisor, when you book a place.
Further information will be posted on this page as it becomes available.

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) 2005 Conference 10-12 November 2005 Bremen, Germany

Institutional History of Economics Research Area

EAEPE's Institutional History of Economics Research Area invites paper proposals that contribute to one of its following seven theoretical perspectives:

(1) The approach to analysis is based on an evaluation of relevant tendencies and linkages in actual economics - instead of a methodology that sanctifies fictions and diverts attention from the difficult task of analyzing the practice and culture of economics.

(2) The analysis is open-ended and interdisciplinary in that it draws upon relevant material in psychology, anthropology, politics, and history - instead of a definition of history of economics in terms of a rigid method that is applied indiscriminately to a wide variety of economic approaches.

(3) The conception of economics is of a cumulative and evolutionary process unfolding in historical time in which economists are faced with chronic information problems and radical uncertainty about the future - instead of approaches to theorizing that focus exclusively on the product of this process.

(4) The concern is to address and encompass the interactive, social process through which economics is formed and changed - instead of a theoretical framework that takes economists and their interests as given.

(5) It is appropriate to regard economics itself as a social institution, necessarily supported by a network of other social institutions - instead of an orientation that takes economics itself as an ideal or natural order and as a mere aggregation of individual economists.

(6) It is evaluated how the socio-economic system is embedded in a complex ecological and environmental system - instead of a widespread tendency to ignore ecological and environmental considerations or consequences in the history of economics.

(7) The inquiry seeks to contribute not only to history of economics but also to economics - instead of an orthodox outlook that ignores the possibility of such cross-fertilization.

Preference will be given to original accounts, based on detailed archival or other research, aimed at yielding rich, sophisticated, understandings. Hence, papers that "do it" instead of those that "talk about doing it" are favored.

To participate, please submit a proposal containing 600-1000 words and indicating clearly the sense in which the paper contributes to one of the theoretical perspectives of the research area.

The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is 15 APRIL 2005.
Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent on or before 15 MAY 2005. Completed papers are due on 31 AUGUST 2005.

All proposals and requests for information should be sent to:

Esther-Mirjam Sent

Department of Economics
Nijmegen School of Management
University of Nijmegen
PO Box 9108
NL-6500 HK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-24-3611252
Fax: +31-24-3612379

Further information on the EAEPE 2005 conference can be found at:

European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)

A Pluralistic Forum
Announcing the 17th EAEPE Annual Conference

EAEPE 2005 Conference
November, 10-12, 2005

Call for Papers

A New Deal for the New Economy?
Global and Local Developments,and New Institutional Arrangements

For further information please visit the EAEPE website (
contact the local organizers:

Wolfram Elsner at: and Rebecca Schmitt

For detailed information: EAEPE_Bremen_2005_Call_for_Papers_2_05.doc

Association for Social Economics, Call for Papers, Annual A.S.S.A. Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts, January 5 – 8, 2006

THEME: Understanding Living Standards

The year 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of Monsignor John A. Ryan’s publication of A Living Wage: Its Ethical and Economic Aspects. Social economists such as Ryan have long fought for a decent standard of living, through paid work and welfare state supplements. Though best known for his advocacy of a living wage, Ryan has also argued for higher minimum wages, employee participation at work, reduced work hours, full employment policy, improved race relations, and other aspects of socioeconomic reform. The theme of papers for the 2006 meetings will be how economies across the globe come to understand what constitutes a living and how we can improve living standards, including balancing paid work with family life and civic responsibility. Possible sessions could include:

•An evaluation of the work of John A. Ryan and other social economists who address living standards
•Improved quantitative and qualitative measures of socioeconomic status and well-being
•The role of the public and private sectors in improving living standards
•Policy proposals to reduce work time, improve earnings, reduce inequality and discrimination, provide food and health security, enrich work life, alleviate underemployment, reconcile work and family, etc.

There will be an opening plenary session, seven other sessions, and a Presidential Address at the ASE breakfast by David George. Both members and nonmembers of the Association for Social Economics are invited to submit proposals. Also, anyone willing and able to organize a full session with three or four papers and discussants on an appropriate topic is encouraged to submit such a session for consideration.

A selection of papers presented at the sessions will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Forum for Social Economics. To be eligible for consideration, papers must be limited to 3,250 words of text with no more than three pages of endnotes and references. Three hard copies and one electronic copy of the final draft of the paper must be submitted to the Forum editor by January 20, 2006. Each paper will be sent to two referees.

Proposal Submission: A one-page abstract (including name, postal and e-mail address) should be submitted before the deadline of May 2, 2005. It is preferred that abstracts be sent by e-mail to

Deborah M. Figart
Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Economics
Richard Stockton College
P.O. Box 195, Jim Leeds Road
Pomona, NJ 08240-0195 USA


Association for Evolutionary Economics
Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, January 5-8, 2006

AFEE invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels at the above AFEE sessions. The overriding theme of the AFEE sessions will be: “Theoretical Frontiers of Institutional and Evolutionary Economics”. Preference will be given to papers and panels that address one or more of the following issues:
(1)Cutting-edge theoretical developments relevant to institutional and evolutionary economics in the twenty-first century.
(2)The nature and identity of institutional and evolutionary economics and the elucidation of its key concepts.
(3)The empirical testing or practical application of institutional and evolutionary approaches.
(4)The relevance to institutional and evolutionary economics of insights from other approaches that may distinguish themselves – in label or substance – from the original institutional economics, such as from mainstream economics, the new institutional economics, social economics, socio-economics, feminist economics, Schumpeterian evolutionary economics, and sociology.
Proposals from any perspective are welcomed; particularly those that enhance dialogue and promote theoretical synergies. Ideally at some stage each paper should (at least briefly) address one or more of the theoretical traditions fostered within AFEE, emanating from the works of Veblen, Commons, Mitchell, Ayres, Myrdal and others.
The deadline for submission of proposals for papers and sessions is March 14, 2005. It is hoped to inform authors whether their proposals for papers have been accepted by the end of April. If the program chair has not acknowledged the receipt of your paper or panel proposal within two weeks, please contact the program chair.
Proposals for panels may contain up to five papers, and must include relevant details of all the papers to be presented (see below).
Constraints imposed by the Allied Social Sciences Association severely limit the number of sessions allocated to AFEE. AFEE deeply regrets that it will be necessary to turn down many good proposals.
In considering your topic and preparing your abstract, please keep in mind that you will have no more than twenty minutes to present your paper. Furthermore, if you wish your paper to be considered for publication in the June 2006 Journal of Economic Issues, your paper must not exceed 2,850 words of text. The deadline for submission to the editor for consideration for the June issue of JEI is December 1, 2005. JEI submission details will be provided to authors whose proposals are accepted for the conference.
Authors have the option of submitting longer papers to alternative journals, such as the newly-founded Journal of Institutional Economics, published by Cambridge University Press.
At least one of the authors of any paper must be a member of AFEE. Contact for membership information.
Proposals for papers or panels must be submitted by email by March 14, 2005 to Please include the following information for each paper submitted:
(a)Name(s) of author(s)
(b)Professional affiliation(s)
(c)Email address of corresponding author
(d)Mailing address of corresponding author
(e)Title of proposed paper
(f)Abstract of 100-300 words
(g)Your willingness to serve as a discussant or session chair (specify field)

Geoffrey M. Hodgson
The Business School
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield AL10 9AB

Union for Radical Political Economists
Boston, Massachusetts January 5-8, 2006

URPE invites proposals for individual papers and complete sessions for the URPE at ASSA annual meeting. URPE welcomes proposals on radical political economic theory and applied analysis from a wide variety of theoretical traditions.

The deadline for proposed papers and sessions is May 1, 2005.

Proposals for complete sessions should include the session title, a brief description of each paper, and the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of the chair, discussants, and presenters. Proposals for sessions should contain four papers. If you are proposing a complete session, please arrange to have discussants for your papers and a chair for your session. As the organizer of this session, you are responsible for conveying administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location, and deadlines.

Proposals for individual papers should include the title, the abstract, and the author's name, institutional affiliation, and email. Individuals whose papers are accepted may also be expected to serve as a discussant for a different paper at the meetings. If you list the areas you prefer to discuss, all attempts will be made to match your preferences. Individual papers that are accepted will be assigned to sessions and each session will have an assigned organizer. It is the organizer's job to convey administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location, and deadlines. URPE has no paid ASSA staff, so those presenting papers must share the burden of organizing.

We regret that high quality individual papers may be turned down due to the inability to place them in a session with papers with similar themes. For this reason, we strongly encourage proposals for full sessions. The number of sessions we can accept is limited by ASSA, and we regret that high quality sessions may be turned down as well.

Please note that the date, time, and location of sessions is assigned by ASSA, not URPE. You should receive word from URPE that your paper/session was accepted by mid-June. ASSA will not assign dates and times until much later in the summer.

Please note that at least one of the authors of any paper must be a member of URPE. Contact or 413-577-0806 for membership information. We will confirm membership for accepted proposals.

A completed copy of the Program Registration Form (see attached) is required with your submission. Submissions will NOT BE ACCEPTED BY EMAIL. Only applications received by the May 1 deadline will be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the URPE at ASSA coordinators:
Robin Hahnel, American University:
Kristen Sheeran, St. Mary's College of MD:


Conferences, Seminars and Lectures

The New SPACE: The New School for Pluralistic Anti-Capitalist Education

Teachers, speakers, and organizers include:
Stanley Aronowitz, Jack Z. Bratich, Stephen Eric Bronner, Silvia Federici, Andrea Fishman, Jeannette Gabriel, Loren Goldner, David Graeber, Charles Herr, Joshua Howard, Anne Jaclard, Andrew Kliman, Louis Kontos, Joel Kovel, Raymond Lampe, Alan Moore, Bertell Ollman, Howard Seligman, Seth G. Weiss



"Capital, Volume I." Instructor: Andrew Kliman.
Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm,
March 1-June 14. Tuition: $150-$180, sliding scale.

"Finance Capital, Fictitious Capital, and U.S.
Economic Decline."
Instructor: Loren Goldner. Tuesdays, 7:40-9:40 pm, March 1-April 12.
Tuition: $88-$115, sliding scale (cont.)

For detailed information and course descriptions: The New SPACE

International Summer School on Institutional Economics with the theme:
“Institutional Economics in the 21st Century”

The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) and the Department of Economics at Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado, USA are pleased to host the
International Summer School on Institutional Economics with the theme:“Institutional Economics in the 21st Century”
Date: August 10-14, 2005

The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) and the Department of Economics at Colorado State University are inviting students to apply to attend the Summer School program on Institutional Economics at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
The Summer School will provide a rigorous training in both the theoretical and applied aspects of Institutional economic theory. It will also deal with the challenges that Institutional Economics face in the turn of the new century. Students will have the opportunity to interact with Faculty during the school sessions and in informal gatherings planned during the workshop. Plurality, debate and interaction will be the essential ingredients of the Summer School.
The program is being organized by Professors Ronnie Phillips and John Marangos at Colorado State University and the AFEE Graduate Education Committee.
Admission is open to graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s.
AFEE has offered to provide a number of scholarships that will cover student fees and room and board. A very limited number of competitive travel stipends will be offered on the basis of merit and need. They will cover only a portion of the costs of travel to and from the workshop.
Applicants should send as an email attachment to Professor John Marangos with the following material
1)Curriculum Vitae
2)A maximum 2-page statement of why you would like to attend the Summer School. Please indicate your familiarity with heterodox and Institutional Economics.
A committee will screen all applicants and notify participants no later than April 1.

Dr. John Marangos
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Colorado State University
1771 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771
Ph: (970) 491-6657
Fax: (970) 491-2925

Association for Evolutionary Economics online at
Colorado State University Economics Department online at


The Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) in
collaboration with the University of Padova is pleased to announce its
First Postgraduate European Summer School in History of Political
Economy. The topic of this year is "The historical roots of heterodox
The School will be held in Bressanone/Brixen, a small South Tyrol city
located in the valley of Isarc river and surrounded by the beautiful
Dolomiti mountains, from September 12th to September 21th 2005 at the
Accademia Cusano/Cusanus Akademie.

Classes include intensive lectures and seminars by:

Richard Arena (Idefi, University of Nice)
Anna Carabelli (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Marco Dardi (University of Firenze))
Massimo Egidi (University of Trento)
Pierre Garrouste (University of Paris1)
Bruna Ingrao (University of Roma, "La Sapienza")
Axel Leijonhufvud (UCLA and University of Trento)
Brian Loasby (University of Stirling)
Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Roberto Marchionatti (University of Torino)
Marcello Messori (University of Roma, Tor Vergata)
Margherita Turvani (IUAV, Venezia)
Jack Vromen (Rotterdam University)
Ulrich Witt (Max Planck Institute, Jena).

Students are expected to give talks on their dissertation. They can
present dissertation projects,
first draft of dissertation chapters or newly completed papers. Private
consultations with lecturers are also scheduled.

All information can be found at the following web address

Salvatore Rizzello

Free Workshop on Quantitative Methods in e-Social Science
6th April, 2005-02-16
University of Lancaster

As part of the JISC/ESRC Awareness Raising and Training programme, Lancaster University's Centre for e-Science is holding an Agenda Setting Workshop (ASW) on "Quantitative Methods in e-Social Science" at Lancaster University on 6th April 2005. By bringing together social scientists, computational scientists and other interested parties the workshop will seek to explore what limitations and restrictions are currently experienced by quantitative e-social scientists.
It is hoped to establish a collective agenda, so that activities can be co-ordinated to reduce duplication, provide pressure groups and support members of the e-social science community as required.

Speakers include :
Dr Rob Allan, CCLRC Daresbury who will be talking about access to resources on the Grid covering both user interfaces and resources/services such as the NGS and data services
Dr Khurshid Ahmad, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Department of Computing, University of Surrey who will be presenting results of work in quantitative methods, especially in the analysis of non-stochastic time varying data and the experience of his team based on the FINGRID project where they created a grid of 24 nodes and analysed tera-bytes of data.

The aim is to determine priorities for training/tools/services. There are several activities to plug into, for instance the JISC have just spent over £3.0M to help create Virtual Research Environments (VREs) and the ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS) has just funded two e-Social Science research nodes, (CQeSS - Collaboratory for Quantitative e-Social Science and MOSES - Modelling and Simulation for e-Social Science).

Complimentary accommodation will be available to delegates at Lancaster House Hotel for the night of Wednesday 5th April with a welcome dinner provided. The workshop will commence at 9.00 am on Wednesday 6th April 2005 at Lancaster University (Room A41 Faraday Building). The workshop should be finished by 16:30. There is no cost for attending and expenses will be reimbursed.

If you are unable to travel but are still interested in participating you can join the workshop via Access Grid "U of Lancaster - eScience" through
the Manchester Virtual Venue Server. The session will also be recorded and accessible at a later date via the ReDReSS website

If you are interested in attending or wish to receive further information please contact Judy Camp, Lancaster University, Centre for e-Science 01524 592175 - or Audrienne Cutajar Bezzina - by 25th February 2005.

Dr Gillian Sinclair
Programme Manager
ESRC National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS)
University of Manchester
Dover Street Building
Dover Street
M13 9PL

Tel: 0161 275 1380
News mailing list:


Heterodox Journals and Newspapers

Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter
The Newsletter is very interesting and relevant to Heterodox economists and its website is The editor of the Newsletter is Olav Velthus (

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: New School Economic Review
Issue II, Spring 2005

The New School Economic Review is a student-run online journal of critical Economics and Political Economy. The journal was initiated by students of the Economics Department at the New School University to serve as a forum for critical thinking in economics that includes a
multidisciplinary perspective encompassing all the social sciences.

Our first issue was a great success, with contributing authors including
Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer
Ha-Joon Chang
Ejeviome Eloho Otobo
Ben Fine
Duncan Foley
Michael Heinrich
Massimiliano La Marca
Scott Moss
Robert Pollin
Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff
Diego Sanchez Ancochea
Luca Zamparelli

To read the first issue and learn more about us, please visit our web page at

There is no single theme for the second issue of the journal. We will accept articles on topics ranging from macroeconomics, development, policy, reflections on the discipline of economics, analysis of current events, political economy, philosophy and economics and others.In light of his recent passing, we would welcome and greatly appreciate essays in memory of Robert Heilbroner (whether they are anecdotal, reflecting upon his intellectual legacy, or furthering it).

To submit, please email us at

The deadline for articles will be Monday, March 28th, 2005. Articles should be 3-10 standard, double-spaced pages in length. For further style guidelines please see our submissions procedure at

Thank you very much,
The Editors, New School Economic Review

International Journal of Political Economy

Mario Seccareccia is the editor of the International Journal of Political Economy. See the "link" for the table of contents from recent issues. Mario has also lined up new issues on special themes, such as on the EMU, as well as trying to put together the first regular issue of double-blind refereed articles on disparate topics. He would certainly like to encourage heterodox economists to consider his journal as a possible outlet for good quality publishable material on various
areas of political economy.

Full Professor ~ Professeur titulaire
Department of Economics ~ Département de science économique
University of Ottawa ~ Université d'Ottawa
P.O. Box 450, Station A ~ C.P. 450, Succursale A
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada (K1N 6N5)
E-mail ~ Cour. él.: <>
Tel. ~ Tél.: (613) 562-5800 ext. ~ poste 1691
Fax ~ Téléc.: (613) 562-5999

See attached: IJPE table of contents

Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory

Announcing issue 12.4





Historical Materialism Research in Critical Marxist Theory

Volume 12 Issue 4


1844/2004/2044: The Return of Species-Being

On Council Communism

Symposium: Marxism and African Realities
Editorial Introduction: Marxism and Africa

The Africanist's 'New' Clothes

Considering Africa's Agrarian Questions

Bankrupt Africa: Imperialism, Subimperialism and the Politics of Finance

Undermining Africa

Managing Development: EU and African Relations through the Evolution of the Lomé and Cotonou Agreements

The Reinvention of Populism: Islamist Responses to Capitalist Development in the Contemporary Maghreb

Geo-Thematics, and Orality-Literacy Studies in the Sahel

The empirical investigation of rural class formation: methodological issues in a study of large and mid-scale farmers in Senegal

The Ambiguities of 'Liberation' in Left Analyses of the South African Democratic Transition

Zimbabwe Now: The Political Economy of Crisis and Coercion

Marxism and Marxist Intellectuals in Schizophrenic Zimbabwe: How Many Rights for Zimbabwe's Left? A Comment

Magic, Realism and the State in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Review Articles
on 'Karl Marx - Exzerpte und Notizen: Sommer 1844 bis Anfang 1847', in Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) vierte Abteilung. Band 3.

on 'Trade in Early India: Themes in Indian History', edited by Ranabir Chakravarti, and 'Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce, AD 300-900'

on Tom Brass's 'Towards a Political Economy of Unfree Labour' and 'Peasants, Populism and Postmodernism'

on 'Habermas, Critical Theory, and Health', edited by Graham Scrambler

HISTORICAL MATERIALISM -Research in Critical Marxist Theory
ISSN 1465-4466


EUR 165.- / US$ 205.-

EUR 40 / US$ 50.-



Special Issue on Religion & Political Economy

The American Review of Political Economy invites the submission of articles and essays on the relationship between religion and political economy for a special issue to be published in March 2006. This themed issue will contain a number of contributions devoted to exploring this lost connection between the economic sphere and the imperatives,or lack thereof, of compassion, cooperation, and solidarity. In the face of the methodological individualism of neoclassical economics and the alleged merits of secularism–-this putative triumph of having separated the spirit from earthly practice, and in particular economic practice—we seem to have lost not only a structured understanding of how to organize the economy in the name of mutual love, but also the notion of compassion itself. Although papers may address any aspect of the relationship between religion and political economy, particularly welcome are those whose treatment is whether compassion has a chance of being reintegrated in economic life at the dawn of the third millennium, and if so, we ask how this is to be achieved practically. Articles that approach this fundamental question from different religious standpoints are especially welcome: ideally, the issue would feature a collection of ideas from as many confessional perspectives as possible.
Manuscripts may be of any length. Please send as email attachments by October 1st, 2005, to and cc to Prof. Tom Nitsch at



Heterodox Books and Book Series

A Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics

edited by Edward Fullbrook.
contributors: Emmanuelle Bénicourt, Michael A. Bernstein, Ana Maria Binachi, Ha-Joon, Chang, Robert Costanza, Herman E. Daly, James G. Devine, Peter Earl, Susan Feiner, Edward Fullbrook, Jean Gadrey, Donald Gillies, Bernard Guerrien, Ozgur Gun, Joseph Halevi, Geoffrey Hodgson, Grazia Ietto-Gillies, Steve Keen, Tony Lawson, Anne Mayhew, Paul Ormerod, Renato Di Ruzza, Sashi Sivramkrishna, Peter Söderbaum, Hugh Stretton, Charles L Wilber, Richard Wolff, Stephen T. Ziliak.

London: Anthem Press, November 2004, paperback, 323 pages.

For Detailed Contents

Neoliberalism: A critical reader
Pluto have just published 'Neoliberalism: A critical reader', edited by Alfredo Saad-Filho and Deborah Johnston. The book is intended as an introduction to neoliberalism for anyone seeking a critical perspective. It explains the nature, history, strengths, weaknesses and implications of neoliberalism from the point of view of radical political economics. There are thirty contributors, covering a wide range of perspectives. Chapters include a review of the impact of neoliberalism across major regions of the world.

Further information on obtaining a copy is included in the attached leaflet.

Central Banking in the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives

Edited by Marc Lavoie and Mario Seccareccia,
Professors of Economics, University of Ottawa, Canada

Monetarism is dead! Central bankers are all Wicksellians now! They target low inflation rates, with no regard to monetary aggregates whatsoever, by acting upon short-term real rates of interest.This is the New Consensus in monetary economics, or simply the New Keynesian Synthesis.Yet, this synthesis still hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phillips curve originally proposed by Milton Friedman, the father of old-line monetarism.
For detailed information: lavoie.pdf


New Books on Corporate Power

Two just-published books include recent work on corporations by the Global Development And Environment Institute’s Neva Goodwin and Brian Roach.

It’s Legal But It Ain’t Right: Harmful Social Consequences of Legal Industries

“No one concerned with literate, informed and relevant – as distinct from self-serving – truth should miss It’s Legal But It Ain’t Right.” – John Kenneth Galbraith

Edited by Nikos Passas and Neva Goodwin, as part of GDAE’s University of Michigan Press series, “Evolving Values for a Capitalist World,” It’s Legal But It Ain’t Right offers ten chapters that discuss how society can confront the negative effects of: the cigarette industry / international arms trade / the handgun industry / private armies / legalized gambling / the trade in antiquities / industrial agriculture / the pesticide industry / the pharmaceutical and lobbying industries / and the meaning of Enron. Read more on the GDAE web site:

Order at 20% discount:

Leviathans: Multinational Corporations and the New Global History

“The volume is a classic collection of key articles on the changing nature and dynamics of multinational enterprises in the global economy.” – David Teece, University of California, Berkeley

Edited by Alfred Chandler (Harvard Business School) and Bruce Mazlish (MIT), published by Cambridge University Press, Leviathans includes “A primer on multinational corporations” by GDAE researcher, Brian Roach, and “The social impacts of multinational corporations” by GDAE Co-director, Neva Goodwin. The book covers the scope, history and development, cultural and social implications, and governance problems of multinational corporations, with an emphasis on their role in the globalization process. Read more on the GDAE web site:

Order at 20% discount:

Related publication: GDAE's teaching module on Corporate Power in a Global Economy, available free as one of GDAE's Topical Modules on Contemporary Issues .

"Advances in Heterodox Economics”

 A book series from the University of Michigan Press, series editor Frederic S. Lee.

For detailed information. AiHE.pdf


Heterodox Associations

Ideas website:

Special website for development economists of a heterodox persuasion;
The website contains pdfs of very interesting papers, some already published but easy to get here, and others pre-publication long versions, v. interesting.
'IDEAS has been established with the purpose of building a pluralist network of heterodox economists engaged in the teaching, research, and application of critical analyses of development.' - from its website.
"IDEAS" is the acronym for International Development Economics Associates.


Heterodox Announcements

Capacity Building and Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are writing to announce the third cycle of our program, Capacity Building and Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics. A central component of the program is the two- week intensive course on Engendering Macroeconomics and International Economics. The course will take place in Salt Lake City, University of Utah in the United States from May 26- June 9, 2005. We are writing to solicit your support in disseminating information to potential applicants.

The program is being organized by the International Working Group on Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics (GEM- IWG), an international network of economists which was formed in 1994. The program has two objectives: first, to engage with fellow economists in order to enhance capacity building for research, teaching, policy making and advocacy on gender equitable approaches to macroeconomics, international economics and globalization; and second, to increase knowledge networking on these themes by strengthening the intellectual links among practitioners in networks working on similar issues.

The program is intended for economists, including advanced graduate students in economics, as well as more senior academics, researchers and those in government. Up to 30 fellows will be admitted to the
program. The fellows of the program will be required, at a minimum, to have completed two years of study in an economics Ph.D. program and have passed their qualifying exams, or have its equivalent such as a
master's degree in economics. These requirements may be waived only under exceptional circumstances. Funding is available for up to 25 fellows. Priority will be given to applicants from the global South and transition economies.

Attached please find an application form as well as announcement on the details of the program, which consists of a self-study module, the intensive two-week course, and a public conference. We are certain that among the people in your network, some will be good candidates for this program. As the application deadline for the course is March 4, 2005, we ask that you kindly let them know about it and that you forward this announcement to organizations, research institutes and economics departments of universities. If applicable, we also ask that you kindly post this announcement in your organization's website or newsletter. You can find further information on our program at our website including information on the first and second cycles which were implemented during 2003 and 2004 respectively. If you have any questions, please contact us at or .

Thank you very much for your help with this initiative.


Nilufer Cagatay
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Utah
(on behalf of the coordinating instructors Diane Elson, Rania
Antonopoulos and Maria Floro )

For detailed information: advertisement.doc and application form.doc


Heterodox Queries

The Fondazione Centro Ricerche Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa

The Fondazione Centro Ricerche Studi e Documentazione Piero Sraffa, as part of its activities to support research in the field of the revival of the Classical approach to economic theory, offers a Senior Fellowship and a Junior Fellowship for the academic year 2005-06, addressed to scholars (preferably from outside Italy) interested in Classical political economy and the work of Piero Sraffa.

The Senior Fellowship of Euro2,000 for a period of one month (dates to be agreed upon) is intended for an advanced scholar engaged in research on the subjects of interest to the Fondazione. The fellow will have use of the facilities of the Fondazione and will be invited to introduce and discuss his or her work in one or more seminars.

The Junior Fellowship of Euro7000 (plus travel expenses) entails residence in Rome for a period of 5 months from 15 January 2006. It is intended primarily for a scholar enrolled or about to enrol in a Ph.D programme. Applications from scholars who already have a Ph.D or equivalent research experience however will also be considered. In addition, the Fondazione will admit other qualified students who can fund their stay from a different source. Participants in the programme will be expected to conduct readings concerning the Classical economists, Sraffa's contribution and later developments with respect both to the critique of Marginal theories and the revival of the Classical approach. Short essays will be written on assigned themes and discussed with supervisors fortnightly.

Applications must reach the FONDAZIONE CENTRO RICERCHE STUDI E DOCUMENTAZIONE PIERO SRAFFA, VIA OSTIENSE 139, 00154 ROMA, ITALIA, tel. (++39) (06) 57374037; fax. 57374254) by 31 March 2005. Candidates should include; (i) a curriculum vita; (ii) a short description of the applicant's research interests and published or unpublished writings, with abstracts of those which relate to the lines of research supported by the Fondazione; and, for the Junior Fellowship, (iii) a testimonial by a senior scholar well acquainted with the applicant's work. For further details, please write to <>.

A query from Serap Kayatekin

Dear colleagues

I am interested in possible influences from International Relations Theory to Development Economics in the period from the immediate aftermath of World War II to the 1970s. Could anyone direct me to the relevant sources? At this point I am interested in direct academic influences.

Many thanks

Serap Kayatekin

