Issue-9 March 23, 2005
From the Editor
There has been some question whether I made it out alive from Dublin
after giving a paper on economic sociology and heterodox economics—well
I did but barely. My talk was received with a bit of skepticism and a
good deal of honest and interesting discussion. Consequently the next
time I give the paper it will be a lot better. In this Newsletter, there
are some new calls for papers and announcements of summer schools—such
as the summer school on economic development at Cambridge. You should
also note the seminar on Kalecki at SOAS. And then there is the call for
participants for the conference on radical economics and the labor
movement in the 20th century. Also check out the new books: the history
of thought book by Alessandro Roncaglia is my favorite because he taught
me the history of economic thought when I was a graduate student. And
then there is a new edition of Understanding Capitalism. Finally there
is a new institute at the University of Lancaster headed up by Steve
Fleetwood and Bob Jessop—it is heterodox in orientation, so check it
this issue:
- Call
for Papers
- The Fifth Cambridge Advanced Programme on Rethinking Development
- The
Research Network Alternative Macroeconomic Policies
- European
Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)
- Association
for Social Economics, Call for Papers, Annual A.S.S.A. Meetings, Boston,
Massachusetts, January 5 – 8, 2006
- Union for
Radical Political Economists, Boston, Massachusetts January 5-8, 2006
- Joint
Session with URPE and IAFFE
- Conferences, Seminars and
- Participants for Conference on Radical Economics and the Labor
- School of
Oriental and African Studies-Seminar on Kalecki
- The Institute for
Industrial Development Policy- Summer School
- RIN – Roskilde
Institutionalist Network- Workshop
- International
Summer School on Institutional Economics with the theme: “Institutional
Economics in the 21st Century”- AFEE Summer School
- STOREP Summer
School on the History of Political Economy: The Historical Roots of
Heterodox Economics
- Capacity Building
and Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and International
Economics: 2 weeks course
- A Cornell Special
Summer School Session
- Heterodox Job Postings
Heterodox Journals and Newspapers
- Economic Sociology: European Electronic Newsletter
Heterodox Books and Book Series
- "Advances in Heterodox Economics”, Series editor: Frederic Lee
- The Wealth
of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought, by A. Roncaglia
- New Books
from Pluto Press
Understanding Capitalism, by S. Bowles, R. Edwards, and F.Roosevelt
- The Price
of Water by Stephen Merrett
- Heterodox Graduate Schools
- The Department of Economics and International Development at the
University of Bath- PhD Scholarship
- University
of Western Sydney- PhD Scholarship
Associations and Institutes
- Lancaster Institute of Advanced Studies and the Inaugural Research
Heterodox Websites
-Talking Economics Bulletin - March 2005 www.talkingeconomics.com
Heterodox Announcements
- Tufts
Institute Awards Economics Prize to Columbia’s Richard Nelson, Cambridge
University’s Ha-Joon Chang
- New
Discussion: Basic Income for Canada
Call for Papers
The Fifth Cambridge Advanced
Programme on Rethinking Development Economics
Hosted by Development Studies Committee,
University of Cambridge
with support from the Ford Foundation
14 July – 30 July, 2005
Queens’ College, Cambridge, England
The programme is mainly intended for
young academics. This year’s lecturers whose participation is confirmed
are, in alphabetical order, Ha-Joon Chang (Cambridge), Andrea Cornia (Firenze),
Michael Ellman (Amsterdam), Diane Elson (Essex), Shailaja Fennell
(Cambridge), Ben Fine (SOAS), Ilene Grabel (Denver), Jomo, S.K.
(Assistant-Secretary General, UN), Martin Khor (Third World Network),
Sanjaya Lall (Oxford), Deepak Nayaar (Delhi), Jose Antonio Ocampo
(Under-Secretary General), Peter Nolan (Cambridge), Gabriel Palma
(Cambridge), Erik Reinert (The Other Canon Foundation), John Sender (SOAS),
Ajit Singh, (Cambridge), Howard Stein (Michigan), Lance Taylor (New
School), and John Toye (Oxford). Participation by Barbara Harris-White
(Oxford) is to be confirmed.
Applications, including a CV, transcripts, and a letter of
recommendation, should be received by Dr. Ha-Joon Chang, Course
Director, CAPORDE, Development Studies Committee, 17 Mill Lane,
Cambridge CB2 1RX, United Kingdom, by 25 April. Please note that we are
not able to accept any faxed or electronic documents, with the possible
exception of the letter of recommendation. For the details, please refer
to the pages sent out with this poster. Please contact Dr. Chang,
through e-mail if possible, at hjc1001@econ.cam.ac.uk for further
For detailed information:
The Research Network Alternative
Macroeconomic Policies
The Research Network Alternative Macroeconomic Policies is currently
preparing its 9th conference in cooperation with the Post Keynesian
Economic Study Group and the Association pour le Développement des
Études Keynésiennes. The conference will be on Macroeconomics and
Macroeconomic Policies - Alternatives to the Orthodoxy and it will take
place in Berlin, 28 - 29 October 2005 (see the attached call for
papers). The conference is intended to contribute to an improvement of
European heterodox networking in macroeconomics. But non-Europeans are
of course also invited to submit papers. On the one hand, the state of
heterodox macroeconomics shall be discussed. On the other hand,
perspectives for European economic policies will be debated.
The submission of papers and sessions (3
papers) in the following areas is encouraged:
• Alternatives to the new consensus approach to macroeconomics
• Theories of monetary policy and monetary policies of the ECB
• Theories of fiscal policies and fiscal policies in the EMU
• Theories of wage policies and wage policies in the EMU
• The Maastricht Regime and its effects on the EMU and on specific
• EU enlargement under the conditions of the Maastricht regime
• What can European policy makers learn from economic history?
• Alternatives to the Maastricht regime and its elements (ECB-strategy,
Stability and Growth Pact)
• Comparisons of European macroeconomic policies to other countries
The deadline for submissions is 15 June 2005. Please send short
abstracts to: PD Dr. Eckhard Hein (eckhard-hein@boeckler.de)
Scientific Committee: Prof. Philip Arestis (Cambridge), Dr. Giuseppe
Fontana (Leeds), Prof. Claude Gnos (Dijon), PD Dr. Eckhard Hein (Duesseldorf),
Prof. Arne Heise (Hamburg), Prof. Edwin Le Heron (Bordeaux), Dr. Achim
Truger (Duesseldorf)
There are no conference fees. Meals will be covered by the Hans Boeckler
Foundation. Participants have to cover their travelling and hotel costs.
Letters of acceptance will be sent out in early August. Accepted papers
can be posted on the conference website in early October.
Eckhard Hein
PD Dr. Eckhard Hein
IMK in der Hans Boeckler Stiftung
Hans-Boeckler-Straße 39
40476 Duesseldorf
Tel.: ++49-211-7778-215
Fax: ++49-211-7778-4-215
e-mail: eckhard-hein@boeckler.de
European Association for
Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)
A Pluralistic Forum- Call for Papers
Announcing the 17th EAEPE Annual Conference
EAEPE 2005 Conference
November, 10-12, 2005
A New Deal for the New Economy?
Global and Local Developments,and New Institutional Arrangements
For further information please visit the EAEPE website (http://www.eaepe.org/)
or http://www.iiso.uni-bremen.de/elsner
contact the local organizers:
Wolfram Elsner at: welsner@uni-bremen.de and Rebecca Schmitt
For detailed information:
Coordinator: Paolo Ramazzotti: ramazotti@unimc.it
For detailed information:
Research C.doc
Coordinator: Esther-Mirjam Sent: e.m.sent@fm.ru.nl
For detailed Information: Research
Guest session: Workshop on Effective Demand, Income Distribution and
In Memory of the Life and Work of Richard M. Goodwin
Organized by Michael Landesmann and Peter Flaschel: pflaschel@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de
Organized by Michael Landesmann and Peter Flaschel in connection with
the 17th EAEPE Annual Conference in Bremen, November 10 – 12.
Aim of the workshop: Forum for new contributions related to the work of
Richard M. Goodwin (1913 -- 1996), a pioneer in the field of dynamic
economic modeling of Classical, Keynesian and Schumpeterian dynamics.
Deadline for the submission of abstracts (100-200 words): April 15, 2005
Registration and registration fees: According to the guidelines of the
EAEPE conference
Paper submission: September 30, 2005
The organizers plan a Special Issue of the Journal ‘Structural Change
and Economic Dynamics’ to appear in 2006, the year of the tenth
anniversary of Richard Goodwin’s death and an edited volume of a larger
collection of the workshop papers.
Abstracts and papers should be sent as PDF-files to the following email
pflaschel@wiwi.uni-bielefeld.de where also further information on the
workshop can be obtained.
Coordinator: Maria Lissowskai : lisso@sgh.waw.pl
Further information : http://eaepe.org/eaepe.php?q=node/view/25
For detailed information: Research
Coordinator: Claude Serfati : Claude.Serfati@c3ed.uvsq.fr
Further information: http://eaepe.org/eaepe.php?q=node/view/176
For detailed information: Research
- Wolfram Elsner (local conference organizer) at iiso@uni-bremen.de
- Frank Moulaert (Research Area O Coordinator) at frank.moulaert@ncl.ac.uk
For detailed information: Research
For further information on the EAEPE conference:
Association for Social Economics,
Call for Papers,
Annual A.S.S.A. Meetings, Boston,
Massachusetts, January 5 – 8, 2006
THEME: Understanding
Living Standards
The year 2006 marks the 100th anniversary of Monsignor John A. Ryan’s
publication of A Living Wage: Its Ethical and Economic Aspects. Social
economists such as Ryan have long fought for a decent standard of
living, through paid work and welfare state supplements. Though best
known for his advocacy of a living wage, Ryan has also argued for higher
minimum wages, employee participation at work, reduced work hours, full
employment policy, improved race relations, and other aspects of
socioeconomic reform. The theme of papers for the 2006 meetings will be
how economies across the globe come to understand what constitutes a
living and how we can improve living standards, including balancing paid
work with family life and civic responsibility. Possible sessions could
•An evaluation of the work of John A. Ryan and other social economists
who address living standards
•Improved quantitative and qualitative measures of socioeconomic status
and well-being
•The role of the public and private sectors in improving living
•Policy proposals to reduce work time, improve earnings, reduce
inequality and discrimination, provide food and health security, enrich
work life, alleviate underemployment, reconcile work and family, etc.
There will be an opening plenary session, seven other sessions, and a
Presidential Address at the ASE breakfast by David George. Both members
and nonmembers of the Association for Social Economics are invited to
submit proposals. Also, anyone willing and able to organize a full
session with three or four papers and discussants on an appropriate
topic is encouraged to submit such a session for consideration.
A selection of papers presented at the sessions will be published in a
forthcoming issue of the Forum for Social Economics. To be eligible for
consideration, papers must be limited to 3,250 words of text with no
more than three pages of endnotes and references. Three hard copies and
one electronic copy of the final draft of the paper must be submitted to
the Forum editor by January 20, 2006. Each paper will be sent to two
Proposal Submission: A one-page abstract (including name, postal and
e-mail address) should be submitted before the deadline of May 2, 2005.
It is preferred that abstracts be sent by e-mail to Deb.Figart@stockton.edu.
Deborah M. Figart
Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Economics
Richard Stockton College
P.O. Box 195, Jim Leeds Road
Pomona, NJ 08240-0195 USA
Union for Radical Political
Boston, Massachusetts January 5-8, 2006
URPE invites proposals for individual papers and complete sessions for
the URPE at ASSA annual meeting. URPE welcomes proposals on radical
political economic theory and applied analysis from a wide variety of
theoretical traditions.
The deadline for proposed papers and sessions is May 1, 2005.
Proposals for complete sessions should include the session title, a
brief description of each paper, and the names, institutional
affiliations, and email addresses of the chair, discussants, and
presenters. Proposals for sessions should contain four papers. If you
are proposing a complete session, please arrange to have discussants for
your papers and a chair for your session. As the organizer of this
session, you are responsible for conveying administrative information to
session members, including confirmation that the session has been
accepted, the time and location, and deadlines.
Proposals for individual papers should include the title, the abstract,
and the author's name, institutional affiliation, and email. Individuals
whose papers are accepted may also be expected to serve as a discussant
for a different paper at the meetings. If you list the areas you prefer
to discuss, all attempts will be made to match your preferences.
Individual papers that are accepted will be assigned to sessions and
each session will have an assigned organizer. It is the organizer's job
to convey administrative information to session members, including
confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location,
and deadlines. URPE has no paid ASSA staff, so those presenting papers
must share the burden of organizing.
We regret that high quality individual papers may be turned down due to
the inability to place them in a session with papers with similar
themes. For this reason, we strongly encourage proposals for full
sessions. The number of sessions we can accept is limited by ASSA, and
we regret that high quality sessions may be turned down as well.
Please note that the date, time, and location of sessions is assigned by
ASSA, not URPE. You should receive word from URPE that your
paper/session was accepted by mid-June. ASSA will not assign dates and
times until much later in the summer.
Please note that at least one of the authors of any paper must be a
member of URPE. Contact urpe@labornet.org or 413-577-0806 for membership
information. We will confirm membership for accepted proposals.
A completed copy of the Program Registration Form (see
attached) is required with your submission. Submissions will NOT BE
ACCEPTED BY EMAIL. Only applications received by the May 1 deadline will
be considered.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the URPE at ASSA
Robin Hahnel, American University: rhahnel@starpower.net
Kristen Sheeran, St. Mary's College of MD:
Joint Session: URPE (Union of
Radical Political Economics) and IAFFE (International Association for
Feminist Economics panels)
A couple of joint URPE (Union of Radical Political Economics) and IAFFE
(International association for feminist economics panels) will be
organized for the ASSA meetings in Boston January 5-8, 2006. After some
consultation with some IAFFE and URPE members the two topics below seem
to generate the most interest:
Gender and transnational migration
Women and low wage work
If you have work in this area and are interested in participating on a
panel, please send paper title, a brief abstract and your relevant
information (affiliation, institution, address, phone, e-mail) by April
15th. The e-mail is randy.albelda@umb.edu Any work submitted should fall
within the range of approaches employed by radical and/or feminist
You can find more information about URPE at www.urpe.org and more info
about IAFFE at www.iaffe.org
Conferences, Seminars and
Participants for Conference on
Radical Economics in the 20th Century: Radical Economics and the Labor
Movement, September 15-17, 2005
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.
2005 will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Industrial
Workers of the World, the most radical union in North America. To
commemorate the anniversary, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
is hosting the conference on radical economics. The Conference theme is
the role of radical economics in the labor movement in the United States
and around the world. Radical economics includes but is not restricted
to anarchism, Marxism, syndicalism, radical Institutionalism, left-wing
Keynesianism, and plain old-fashion radical economics. Topics covered
include syndicalism past and present, local organizing education,
radical economics and democracy, industrial relations, labor, and Latin
American workers, the economics of the IWW, and Sraffa and organized
labor. There will also be a session on radical economics and the IWW in
song and theater; and if possible a tour of labor struggles in Kansas
City. Come participate in a conference that occurs only once every 100
Information about the Conference including Registration Form which
includes Accommodation information, Program, and local information, can
be obtained at its web site:
School of Oriental and African
Studies-Seminar on Kalecki
The following Economics seminars will be
taking place at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh
Street, Russell Square, London W.C.1.
Tuesday April 5 at 17.00 in Room G60. Tadeusz Kowalik (Polish Academy of
Sciences) ‘The Political Economy of Oskar Lange and Michal Kalecki’
This is a rare first hand account of two leading figures in
twentieth-century political economy. Tadeusz Kowalik studied with Lange
and collaborated with Kalecki on Kalecki’s final paper re-assessing the
Keynesian Revolution.
Tuesday April 19 at 17.00 in Room G60 Julio Lopez (UNAM Mexico City)
‘Financial Fragility and Financial Crisis in Mexico’
Julio Lopez is a Chilean economist who studied with Kalecki, and now
teaches in Mexico.
The Institute for Industrial
Development Policy- Summer School
The Institute for Industrial Development
Policy (L’institute) - a joint venture between the Universities of
Birmingham, Ferrara, and Wisconsin-Milwaukee - will hold its 8th
L’institute-Ferrara Graduate School on Industrial Development Policy in
Ferrara (Italy) between 4th September and 17th September 2005.
The aim of the School is to contribute to the creation of a
multinational network of people thinking about, analysing and
researching industrial development policy. To this end, the School aims
to attract around 15 students from a variety of countries and research
The deadline for applications is 10th June 2005. Those applying to
participate in the School must normally be registered for a Masters or
PhD degree in a relevant discipline, or engaged in research activity at
an equivalent level in a policy agency. Fluency in English (the language
for teaching at the School) is also required.
Further details, including particulars and a downloadable application
form can be found at http://www.linstitute.org/ferraraschool/2005/2005.html.
RIN – Roskilde Institutionalist
Network Workshop
New Developments in Institutional Theory and the Analysis of
Institutional Changes in Capitalism
Thursday 28 April – Friday 29 April 2005
Roskilde University, Denmark
For detailed information:
International Summer School on
Institutional Economics with the theme:
“Institutional Economics in the 21st Century”-
AFEE Summer School
The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) and the Department of
Economics at Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado, USA are
pleased to host the
International Summer School on Institutional Economics with the
theme:“Institutional Economics in the 21st Century”
Date: August 10-14, 2005
The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE) and the Department of
Economics at Colorado State University are inviting students to apply to
attend the Summer School program on Institutional Economics at Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
The Summer School will provide a rigorous training in both the
theoretical and applied aspects of Institutional economic theory. It
will also deal with the challenges that Institutional Economics face in
the turn of the new century. Students will have the opportunity to
interact with Faculty during the school sessions and in informal
gatherings planned during the workshop. Plurality, debate and
interaction will be the essential ingredients of the Summer School.
The program is being organized by Professors Ronnie Phillips and John
Marangos at Colorado State University and the AFEE Graduate Education
Admission is open to graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s.
AFEE has offered to provide a number of scholarships that will cover
student fees and room and board. A very limited number of competitive
travel stipends will be offered on the basis of merit and need. They
will cover only a portion of the costs of travel to and from the
Applicants should send as an email attachment to Professor John Marangos
John.Marangos@colostate.edu with the following material
1)Curriculum Vitae
2)A maximum 2-page statement of why you would like to attend the Summer
School. Please indicate your familiarity with heterodox and
Institutional Economics.
A committee will screen all applicants and notify participants no later
than April 1.
Dr. John Marangos
Associate Professor
Department of Economics
Colorado State University
1771 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1771
Ph: (970) 491-6657
Fax: (970) 491-2925
email: John.Marangos@colostate.edu
Association for Evolutionary Economics online at http://www.orgs.bucknell.edu/afee/
Colorado State University Economics Department online at
The Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) in
collaboration with the University of Padova is pleased to announce its
First Postgraduate European Summer School in History of Political
Economy. The topic of this year is "The historical roots of heterodox
The School will be held in Bressanone/Brixen, a small South Tyrol city
located in the valley of Isarc river and surrounded by the beautiful
Dolomiti mountains, from September 12th to September 21th 2005 at the
Accademia Cusano/Cusanus Akademie.
Classes include intensive lectures and seminars by:
Richard Arena (Idefi, University of Nice)
Anna Carabelli (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Marco Dardi (University of Firenze))
Massimo Egidi (University of Trento)
Pierre Garrouste (University of Paris1)
Bruna Ingrao (University of Roma, "La Sapienza")
Axel Leijonhufvud (UCLA and University of Trento)
Brian Loasby (University of Stirling)
Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Roberto Marchionatti (University of Torino)
Marcello Messori (University of Roma, Tor Vergata)
Margherita Turvani (IUAV, Venezia)
Jack Vromen (Rotterdam University)
Ulrich Witt (Max Planck Institute, Jena).
Students are expected to give talks on their dissertation. They can
present dissertation projects,
first draft of dissertation chapters or newly completed papers. Private
consultations with lecturers are also scheduled.
All information can be found at the following web address:
Salvatore Rizzello
Capacity Building and
Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and International
Economics: 2- week course
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are writing to announce the third cycle of our program, Capacity
Building and Knowledge Networking on Gender, Macroeconomics and
International Economics. A central component of the program is the two-
week intensive course on Engendering Macroeconomics and International
Economics. The course will take place in Salt Lake City, University of
Utah in the United States from May 26- June 9, 2005. We are writing to
solicit your support in disseminating information to potential
The program is being organized by the International Working Group on
Gender, Macroeconomics and International Economics (GEM- IWG), an
international network of economists which was formed in 1994. The
program has two objectives: first, to engage with fellow economists in
order to enhance capacity building for research, teaching, policy making
and advocacy on gender equitable approaches to macroeconomics,
international economics and globalization; and second, to increase
knowledge networking on these themes by strengthening the intellectual
links among practitioners in networks working on similar issues.
The program is intended for economists, including advanced graduate
students in economics, as well as more senior academics, researchers and
those in government. Up to 30 fellows will be admitted to the
program. The fellows of the program will be required, at a minimum, to
have completed two years of study in an economics Ph.D. program and have
passed their qualifying exams, or have its equivalent such as a
master's degree in economics. These requirements may be waived only
under exceptional circumstances. Funding is available for up to 25
fellows. Priority will be given to applicants from the global South and
transition economies.
Attached please find an application form as well as announcement on the
details of the program, which consists of a self-study module, the
intensive two-week course, and a public conference. We are certain that
among the people in your network, some will be good candidates for this
program. As the application deadline for the course is March 4, 2005, we
ask that you kindly let them know about it and that you forward this
announcement to organizations, research institutes and economics
departments of universities. If applicable, we also ask that you kindly
post this announcement in your organization's website or newsletter. You
can find further information on our program at our website
www.genderandmacro.org. including information on the first and second
cycles which were implemented during 2003 and 2004 respectively. If you
have any questions, please contact us at
genderandmacro@lists.csbs.utah.edu or cagatay@economics.utah.edu .
Thank you very much for your help with this initiative.
Nilufer Cagatay
Associate Professor of Economics, University of Utah
(on behalf of the coordinating instructors Diane Elson, Rania
Antonopoulos and Maria Floro )
For detailed information:
advertisement.doc and
application form.doc
A Cornell Special Summer School
For Undergraduate and Graduate Students Interested in Working in the
Labor Movement
Co-sponsored by the AFL-CIO Center for Strategic Research
June 12-17, 2005 Ithaca, NY
Strategic Corporate Research:
Understanding and Researching Corporate Ownership Structure, Corporate
Finance,and the Sources of Corporate Power
For detailed information: Cornell.pdf
Heterodox Job Postings
Cheney, WA
I sent out this announcement back in
February. I just found out that we will also be hiring for a visiting
assistant professor position as well. The application pool is still
open, so anyone who was not interested in the lecturer position, but
might be interested in the VAP, you should get you application packet in
a soon as possible [this weekend would be
good]. It is very important to have your list of three references as
well as your letter and vita.
The VAP will be a one year replacement for someone on leave. there is a
very good chance he may stay on leave for two years. If so, it is likely
he won't come back and the VAP would be almost assured of being
converted to a tenure track position. The VAP will pay somewhere around
If you decide to apply, send your application packet to Tom Trulove
[address in ad below] but also let me know you have applied.
The Economics department at Eastern Washington University will behiring
for a full-time lecturer position to start in the Fall 2005. This is not
a tenure track position. HOWEVER, the last four tenure track hires
started out as lecturers in the department. In fact, it seems to be the
only way to get onto the tenure track.
The lecturer will teach three courses per quarter. The pay is pretty
low,approximately $30,000, but the cost of living in Spokane is also
low. You can buy a pretty nice house on this income.
Before you delete the rest of this message, you should know that the
current department includes three heterodox economists, (four if you
count someone who thinks of himself as a Post-Keynesian), and two of our
traditionally neo-classical people are becoming so disillusioned that
they are moving toward the heterodox more each day. So this would be an
intellectually comfortable place for a heterodox person.
If you decide that you are interested in this position, you should send
your materials to the Chair of the Department, listed in the JOE ad
below. You should also let me know that you are applying. Since this is
not a tenure track position we are being somewhat less structured in our
search procedures. My email address is: <mailto:dorr@ewu.edu>dorr@ewu.edu
AF Any Field
The Economics Department at Eastern Washington University invites
applications for a nontenure track Lecturer position to begin September
2005 subject to funding. Duties are primarily teaching with emphasis on
introductory economics and the usual micro and macro principles courses.
Ability to teach other courses will also be considered. Required:
masters degree in economics, preferred Ph.D. or ABD and successful
teaching experience. Applicants should send a letter of interest,
curriculum vita and list of 3 references. Screening of applications will
continue until filled. The successful candidate will be required to show
proof of
eligibility to work in the United States pursuant to U.S. immigration
laws. An equal opportunity-affirmative action employer. CONTACT: W. T.
Trulove, Chair, Department of Economics, 300 Patterson Hall, Eastern
Washington University, Cheney, WA 99004-2431 (Fax 509-359-6732; email:
Journals and Newspapers
Economic Sociology: European
Electronic Newsletter
Dear reader,
In 2002, Daniel Miller wrote a critique of Michel Callon’s Laws of the
Market; this critique, published in Economy and Society, raises a number
of issues fundamental to economic sociology, yet a debate never ensued.
The newsletter asked Michel Callon to write a response to Miller, and is
pleased to publish it in the new issue, now available at http://econsoc.mpifg.de
(as always, the newsletter can be downloaded in its entirety in pdf-format,
or html-versions of single articles can be printed from the website). In
the mean time, Daniel Miller has agreed to follow up in the next issue.
In the article, Callon defends his highly debated performativity
program, showing the complexity of market devices and describing the
agencies involved in detail. In particular, he addresses the criticism
that his program is weak and a-political: ‘I can understand why economic
sociology and anthropology tend to concentrate on [entanglement]
mechanisms. They are a godsend for scholars who feel that they are
invested with the mission of rehabilitating social relations – values
threatened by cold and inhuman economics.’ Yet, Callon writes, ‘That’s
only half the story.’
Later in the newsletter, Patrik Aspers of Stockholm University argues
that Callon’s program is empirically valid in exchange role markets
(such as financial markets), but not so in fixed role markets (such as
production markets studied by Harrison White). In another article, Mabel
Berezin of Cornell University presents a typology that should help
economic sociologists explore the path from feeling an emotion to
The newsletter is also starting with two new columns. First of all, each
issue a leading scholar will answer ten questions about economic
sociology in Europe. We are very pleased that Karin Knorr Cetina
(University of Konstanz and the University of Chicago) has agreed to go
first. In the second new column one scholar will recommends three recent
books and articles in economic sociology. Richard Swedberg, who does not
need introduction among economic sociologists, starts off. Apart from
two book reviews (of Jens Beckert’s latest book on the sociology of
inheritance and of Axel Paul’s book on the society of money), you will
find, as usual, job ads, conference announcements and calls for papers
in this newsletter.
In the mean time, the newsletter is about to celebrate its 1000th
subscriber. The distribution list is rapidly growing: since July last
year, 134 new subscribers have been added. The Cologne-based Max Planck
Institute for the Study of Societies, that is hosting the newsletter, is
gratefully acknowledged for making this possible.
As always, articles, announcements, book reviews and conference reports
can be submitted by email. The deadline for the next issue is May 15th.
(Link to Newsletter)
Olav Velthuis
Books and Book Series
"Advances in Heterodox Economics”,
Series Editor: Frederic S. Lee
A book series
from the University of Michigan Press, series editor Frederic S. Lee.
For detailed
information. AiHE.pdf
The Wealth of Ideas: A History of
Economic Thought, by: A. Roncaglia
Alessandro Roncaglia
Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', Italy
The Wealth of Ideas traces the history of economic thought from
itsprehistory (the Bible, Classical antiquity) to the present day. In
this eloquently written, scientifically rigorous and well documented
book, chapters on William Petty, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx,
William Stanley Jevons, Carl Menger, Léon Walras, Alfred Marshall, John
Maynard Keynes, Joseph Schumpeter and Piero Sraffa, alternate with
chapters on other important figures and on debates of the period.
Economic thought is seen as developing between two opposite poles: a
subjective one, based on the ideas
of scarcity and utility, and an objective one based on the notions of
physical costs and surplus. Professor Roncaglia focuses on the different
views of the economy and society and on their evolution over time and
critically evaluates the foundations of the scarcity-utility approach in
comparison with the Classical/Keynesian approach.
Preface; 1. The history of economic thought and its role; 2. The
prehistory of political economy; 3. William Petty and the origins of
political economy; 4. From body politic to economic tables; 5. Adam
Smith; 6. Economic science at the time of the French revolution; 7.
David Ricardo; 8. The ‘Ricardians’ and the decline of Ricardianism; 9.
Karl Marx, 10. The marginalist revolution: the
subjective theory of value; 11. The Austrian schools and its
neighbourhood; 12. General economic equilibrium; 13. Alfred Marshall;
14. John Maynard Keynes; 15. Joseph Schumpeter; 16. Piero Sraffa; 17.
The age of disgregation; 18. Where are we going?
For detailed information:
Roncaglia flyer.pdf
New Books from Pluto Press
Global Corruption Report 2005
Special Focus: Corruption in Construction and Post-conflict
Suicide Bombers: Allah's New Martyrs
Farhad Khosrokhavar; translated by David Macey
On the Border
Michel Warschawski
Biotechnology: Corporate Power Versus the Public
Steven P. McGiffen
The Al Jazeera Phenomenon: Critical Perspectives
on New Arab Media
Edited by Mohamed Zayani
Global Matrix: Nationalism, Globalism and
Tom Nairn and Paul James
For Zion's Sake: The Judeo-Christian Tradition in
American Culture
Fuad Sha'ban
Ethnic Distinctions, Local Meanings: Negotiating
Cultural Identities in China
Mary Rack
For detailed information about the books:
Understanding Capitalism, by S.
Bowles, R. Edwards, and F. Roosevelt
Competition, Command, and Change
Samuel Bowles, Richard Edwards and Frank Roosevelt
Understanding Capitalism, 3/e provides an introduction to economics with
extensive attention to the global economy, inequality, the information
revolution, the exercise of power, and the historical evolution of
economic institutions and individual preferences. Its 'three dimensional
approach' focuses on competition in markets, command in firms,
governments and international relations, and change as a permanent
feature of a capitalist economy promoted by technical innovation and
conflict over the distribution of income.
•Covers standard material from both micro and macro, as well as
extensive historical and institutional analysis drawing on anthropology,
political science and sociology.
•The third edition is entirely rewritten with four new chapters on the
long-term history of capitalism, the evolution of preferences and
values, inequality, and the future of capitalism.
•The 'three dimensions of economic life'-- competition, command and
change--provide a unifying framework encompassing recent developments in
behavioral economics, information economics, increasing returns, and
institutional economics.
About the Author(s)
Samuel Bowles is Research Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, U.S.A.,
and Professor of Economics at the University of Siena, Italy.
Richard Edwards is Professor of Economics at the University of
Frank Roosevelt is Professor of Economics at Sarah Lawrence College.
For detailed information:
Understanding Capitalism
The Price of Water by Stephen
One of the few heterodox books that deal with the price of water. If you
are interested in natural resources and economic development, you should
be interested in this book.
The Price of Water by Stephen Merrett can be bought through the IWA
Publishing website at: http://www.iwapublishing.com/template.cfm?name=isbn1843390817
Or ordered from one of IWA Publishing’s distributors:
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Email: sales@portland-services.com
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Jamco Distribution Co.
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Tel: +1 800 538 1287 ext 1193
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Email: athompson@majors.com
Postage and Packing costs apply. Please make cheques payable to IWA
Heterodox Graduate Schools
The Department of Economics and
International Development at the University of Bath- PhD Scholarship
There is currently a PhD scholarship being advertised at the
AEGISresearch centre broadly located around 'spatial' & 'innovation'
sorts of things. The topic areas are broad and would suit a heterodox
person. See the attachment.
The Department of Economics and International Development at the
University of Bath is offering 4 PhD Studentships starting the upcoming
academic year.
Students with very good training and qualifications wishing to pursue
research within the Marxian or other heterodox traditions are encouraged
to apply.
Fields of particular interest:
Formal political economy
Economics of distributive justice
Labour economics
International Trade
Development economics
IMF & World Bank and WTO Policies
For informal inquiries contact:
Thanos Mergoupis: a.mergoupis@bath.ac.uk
Turan Subasat: t.subasat@bath.ac.uk
For more details see:
The closing date is 8 April 2005
University of Western Sydney-
PhD Scholarship
Research Admission and
Scholarship Application
Priority Postgraduate Research Awards
Level of Award: Doctorate unless otherwise stated
Stipend and Provisions Each scholarship will provide a tax-free stipend
of $28,837 in 2005. The stipend rate will be indexed annually.
Tenure The tenure for doctorates is 3 years and for Masters Honours, 2
Closing Date 14 March 2005
Scholarships are available in the following Schools/Research Centres:
Australian Expert Group in Industry Studies (AEGIS)
Centre for Complementary Medicine Research (CompleMED)
Health Informatics Research Group (HIRG)
MARCS Auditory Laboratories (MARCS)
School of Engineering and Industrial Design
For detailed information:
Heterodox Associations and
Lancaster Institute of Advanced
Studies and the Inaugural Research Programme
2005-6: The Knowledge Based Economy.
Scholars committed to cross-disciplinary
discussion are warmly invited to apply for visiting fellowships
available in the 2005-06 academic year to work on the ‘Knowledge-Based
The programme will involve active cooperation with eminent scholars,
younger researchers, and the local research community under the guidance
of Professor Bob Jessop and Dr Steve Fleetwood.
There are three categories of visitor:
•Scholars invited at the initiative of the IAS and funded to participate
in the research programme for up to 8 months;
•Shorter term visitors selected from applicants and who will be provided
funding for visits lasting 2-6 weeks;
•Scholars with their own funding who wish to work in the international
research environment of the IAS on topics related to the annual research
programme and meet our selection criteria for participation.
Full details are available on: http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/ias/annualprogramme/programme.htm
Heterodox Websites
Talking Economics Bulletin - March
2005 www.talkingeconomics.com
1) Three Events in March: Fair trade special / Colours of Money /
or Donation
2) Associative Pensions
3) The associative exchange takes a new step
4) Rare Albion - The Further Adventures of the Wizard from Oz, A
For detailed information:
Heterodox Announcements
Tufts Institute Awards Economics
Prize to Columbia’s Richard Nelson, Cambridge University’s Ha-Joon Chang
Tufts University’s Global Development And Environment Institute
announces that it is awarding its annual economics prize to Richard
Nelson of Columbia University and Ha-Joon Chang of Cambridge University
for their contributions in the areas of innovation and international
development. The award ceremony, which will feature lectures by Dr.
Nelson and Dr. Chang, will take place in October 2005 at Tufts
University, on a date to be determined.
The Global Development And Environment Institute (GDAE), which is
jointly affiliated with Tufts’ Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, inaugurated the award in 2000 in
memory of Nobel Prize-winning economist and Institute advisory board
member Wassily Leontief, who had passed away the previous year. The
Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought
recognizes economists whose work, like that of the institute and
Leontief himself, combines theoretical and empirical research that can
promote a more comprehensive understanding of social and environmental
“Global, national and local economies are changing faster than ever
before,” said GDAE co-director Neva Goodwin. “Richard Nelson and Ha-Joon
Chang are playing a critical role – one that Wassily Leontief would have
greatly appreciated – in helping the discipline of economics to keep up
with events in the real world.”
The inaugural prizes were awarded to John Kenneth Galbraith and Nobel
Prize winner Amartya Sen. Subsequent Leontief Prize recipients have
included Paul Streeten, Herman Daly, Alice Amsden, Dani Rodrik, Nancy
Folbre, and Robert Frank.
The 2005 prizes, awarded at a critical juncture in world trade
negotiations, recognize important efforts to deepen economic analysis of
international development and to ground such analysis in an appreciation
of social, environmental and technological realities of the 21st
century. In awarding the Leontief Prize to Dr. Nelson, GDAE cited his
pioneering theoretical and empirical work, which has examined the
process of long-run economic change with particular emphasis on
technological innovation and the evolution of economic systems. Dr.
Nelson has recently elaborated his approach to address the particular
challenges of developing countries. Among Dr. Nelson's important works
are The Sources of Economic Growth (2000), National Innovation Systems:
A Comparative Analysis (1993), and An Evolutionary Theory of Economic
Change (1985).
Dr. Ha-Joon Chang is a leader of a new generation of economists working
to revitalize the field of development economics. With the Leontief
Prize, GDAE recognized Dr. Chang’s work on the role of the state in
fostering development in poorer countries, and on the extent to which
the process of economic globalization is making it more difficult for
states to pursue such development goals. In a publishing career that
thus far only spans a dozen years, Dr. Chang has already published some
of the classics in his field, including The Political Economy of
Industrial Policy (1994), Globalization, Economic Development, and the
Role of the State (2002), Reclaiming Development (2004), and Rethinking
Development Economics (2003). Dr. Chang's 2002 book, Kicking Away the
Ladder - Development Strategy in Historical Perspective, has been met
with wide acclaim and has been translated into numerous languages.
The Global Development and Environment Institute was founded in 1993
with the goal of promoting a better understanding of how societies can
pursue their economic and community goals in an environmentally and
socially sustainable manner. The Institute develops textbooks and course
materials that incorporate a broad understanding of social, financial
and environmental sustainability. The Institute also carries out
policy-relevant research on globalization and sustainable development,
the role of the market in environmental policy, recycling and material
use, and climate change. Its six-volume book series, Frontier Issues in
Economic Thought, identified and summarized over 400 academic articles
on topics often given little attention in the field of economics.
The awards ceremony and Leontief Prize lectures are tentatively
scheduled for late October 2005. They will take place on Tufts
University’s Medford Campus.
For further information, please contact:
Minona Heaviland, minona.heaviland@tufts.edu, 617-627-3530
New Discussion: Basic Income for
Following the meeting earlier this month in New York of USBIG (Basic
Income Guarantee Network), a number of us from Canada decided to launch
a network focused on promoting a Basic Income in Canada (or, at least,
at a minimum, trying to assure that we don't lose what is left of our
We're starting with a list, which is:
"au_canada - Basic Income / Alloc. Univ"
If you wish to subscribe, send to listserv@lists.mcgill.ca the following
sub au_canada your name or simply e-mail me and I can add you.
Myron J. Frankman, Economics & IDS
McGill University, 855 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A
2T7 myron.frankman@mcgill.ca office: Stephen Leacock Building
536 tel: 514 398-4829 fax: 514 398-4938