The current issue of the Heterodox Economics Newsletter
The current issue is No. 338, January 27, 2025.
Our next issue is scheduled on February 17, 2025.
All queries should be send to
For submissions to the Newsletter you may also use our Online-Submission Tool.
The Heterodox Economics Directory
Access your all-inclusive guide to heterodox economics on the web. The Heterodox Economics Directory contains information on heterodox economic associations, graduate and post-graduate programs, journals and book-series and much more.
Any suggestions or queries with regard to the Directory should be send to
Subscription Count
As of January 1st, 2025 the Heterodox Economics Newsletter has about 9,000 Subscribers.
What is Heterodox Economics?
Heterodox Economics is an umbrella term covering various strands of economic thought as well as a series of interdisciplinary research fields. While heterodox economics is internally highly diversified, most heterodox economists agree on certain conceptual definitions (e.g. doing economics is to study the process of social provisioning in a broad sense), theoretical foundations (e.g. the role of uncertainty in economic action or the importance of the principles of effective demand and endogenous money) and a common epistemological framework, that takes the form of pluralist engagement.
These commonalities imply that heterodox economists do not necessarily reject any analysis based on the "holy trinity" of conventional economics, i.e. scarcity, rationality and equilibrium, but contest that, as in the current state of the economic discipline, economic research should always assume this holy trinity as the only relevant starting point for economic thought. Hence, while heterodox economics is on the one hand simply an open-minded, interested and critical starting point for analyzing economic issues, it also serves as a common denominator for those economic views, which are increasingly marginalized within the economics' profession.
"Heterodox economics refers to economic theories and communities of economists that are in various ways an alternative to mainstream economics. It is a multi-level term that refers to a body of economic theories developed by economists who hold an irreverent position vis-à-vis mainstream economics and are typically rejected out of hand by the latter; to a community of heterodox economists whom identify themselves as such and embrace a pluralistic attitude towards heterodox theories without rejecting contestability and incommensurability among heterodox theories; and to the development of a coherent economic theory that draws upon various theoretical contributions by heterodox approaches which stand in contrast to mainstream theory." (Frederic S. Lee, 2008. in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics)
A slightly more extensive introduction to heterodox economics is provided here.
Editorial Policy of the Newsletter
The Heterodox Economics Newsletters includes items topically related to heterodox economics and interdisciplinary economic research. It has an inclusive scope and basically relies on external submissions, which are edited according to some formal standards and compiled into a comprehensive document. Submissions can be made via as well as our Online-Submission Tool.
The Newsletter covers the following rubriques:
- Calls for Papers of all forms (conferences, journals...)
- Calls for Participants (all events where the submission of a paper is no requirement for participation)
- Heterodox Economic books and book series (typically short descriptions with links to the books)
- Queries, Newsletters and (occasional) Media Reports
- Information on awards related to heterodox economics and interdisciplinary social research
- Information on heterodox graduate programs, scholarschips and grants
- Job Postings
- Table of Contents of economic journals open to heterodox submissions published mainly in English (journal coverage in the Heterodox Economics Newsletters is largely based on automated Table of Content-Alerts; if you miss the coverage of some journal do not hesitate to contact us)
- PhD Dissertations in Heterodox Economics (if you want us to include a note on your recently finished dissertation please inform us on the title, author's name and email address, abstract, institution, date completed, and advisor's name; A longer summary is optional)
- Book Reviews (see below)
As a rule the Newsletter tries to be as comrehensive and accessible as possible and therefore includes items only once.
Book Reviews in the Heterodox Economic Newsletter
Anyone interested in reviewing books for the Newsletter should contact our book-review editor Erik Dean to request a complementary copy of the book they wish to review.
Guidelines for Book Reviews in the Heterodox Economics Newsletter can be found here.