Heterodox Economics Newsletter, Issue 110 | January 18, 2011 | 1 |
Heterodox Economics Newsletter
Issue 110 | January 18, 2011
http://heterodoxnews.com/n/htn110.html [read]
http://heterodoxnews.com/n/htn110.pdf [download]

From the Editors
I [TJ] attended the ASSA meeting in Denver a couple of weeks ago. It was nice to see many friends and colleagues. As always, there were many interesting sessions and events organized by heterodox associations. Not surprisingly, many sessions were devoted to the analysis of financial crisis and policy from various heterodox perspectives (and yet I wanted to listen to more theoretical issues).

Those who attended the Meeting might notice that someone from the ASSA administration was counting heads in every session. That was for the sake of allocating sessions for participating associations. Simply speaking, if there are not many people (except presenters, a moderator, and discussants in the conference program) at the heterodox sessions, the number of sessions allocated to heterodox associations will be decreasing next year. This is a quite absurd policy. For example, as an URPE member (among others), I feel compelled to go to URPE sessions in order not to lose any, despite the fact I might prefer a competing heterodox session (or perhaps, sessions organized by non-heterodox associations). Heterodox associations might work closer together when they are organizing ASSA sessions. Perhaps, they can put similar sessions in different time slots, reduce the number of discussants appearing in the conference program, or assign a moderator from one of presenters/discussants, etc. And of course I hope to see more heterodox crowds at the next ASSA meeting (see below the calls for papers by ASE and URPE).

Lastly, we are glad to announce that the new edition of the Heterodox Economics Directory has been published. You can download it here.

Happy New Year!

Tae-Hee Jo and Ted Schmidt, Editors

Email: heterodoxnews@gmail.com

Website: http://heterodoxnews.com

Table of Contents
Call for Papers
ASE (Association for Social Economics) at ASSA 2012
The Commoner: Property, Commoning and Commons
Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists
Critical Political Economy Research Network at ESA
Defense and Realms
Development and Commodification in Latin America: Limits and Possibilities
Dynamic Growth in the Economic and Monetary Union
EAEPE-AISSEC Session on the Policy Issues Facing The European Monetary Union
European Society for History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Conference in Mexico
History of Economic Thought Society of Australia (HETSA) Conference
International Conference on International Business (ICIB)
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology
IIPPE Conference 2011
Korean Association for Political Economy (KAPE) 2011 International Conference
Left Forum
Marxism and Culture (Call for Book Proposals)
NYC Historical Materialism Conference
Radical Democracy Conference
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences: New Scholars Session
The Association Charles Gide pour l’Etude de la Pensée économique
The Second Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network
5th Post-Keynesian Conference
6th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP)
8th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy
URPE (Union for Radical Political Economics) at ASSA 2012
World Association for Political Economy 2011 Conference
Call for Participants
CEPN Seminars of the Task group “Post-Keynesian Analyses and Modelling”
The City of London on Trial: What did financiers learn from the crisis?
Conference on Cultural Workforce Issues
Eric Hobsbawm on How to Change the World
3rd Global Commune Event: Trade Unions - Are They Fit For Purpose?
The Hyman P. Minsky Summer Seminar
International Workshop: Evolutionary Thinking and its Policy Implications for Modern Capitalism
Symposium on Karl Marx's 'Notes on James Mill' (1844)
Labour, Capitalism and Radical Critique
The Lisbon Treaty Evaluated: Impact and Consequences
Marshall Society: Keynes-lecture
Democratic Alternatives to Capitalism: Marx's Writings on Exiting Capitalism, Part 1
Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) 3rd International Summer School
2nd Annual Workshop on Global Law and Economic Policy
Union Research Summer School
Job Postings for Heterodox Economists
The Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS), Canada
Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, Canada
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
SUNY College at Old Westbury, USA
San Francisco Community College District, USA
University of Greenwich, London, UK
Conference Papers, Reports, and Articles
Economic Policy: In Search of an Alternative Paradigm, Middlesex University
IIPPE Financialisation Working Paper Series
New Publications on Taxes in the United States
Post Keynesian Economics Study Group
Rutgers University Report on the Unemployed
Conference on Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities 1960-2010
Heterodox Journals
Affinities: Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action, 4(2): 2010
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 70(1): January 2011
Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(1): January 2011
Challenge, 54(1): January-February 2011
The Commoner, 14: Winter 2010
Economic Systems Research, 22(3): September 2010
Economic Systems Research, 22(4): December 2010
International Socialism, 129: January 2011
Intervention. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies
Moneta e Credito, 63(252): 2010
Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development, 7(1): Jan. 2011
Metroeconomica, 62(1): Feb. 2011
PSL Quarterly Review, 63(255): 201
Review of Political Economy, 22(4): October 2010
Review of Political Economy, 23(1): January 2011
Heterodox Newsletters
CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research) e-Newsletter, Oct.- Dec. 2010
CCPA, January 2011
EPI (Economic Policy Institute) News, January 2011
GDAE Economic and Political Weekly, Janury 2011
Global Labour Column, January 2011
IDEAs, December 2010
Levy News, December 2010
nef e-letter, January 2011
Research Network of Innovation
Heterodox Books and Book Series
Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Behind the Curtain
Behind the Crisis: Marx's Dialectics of Value and Knowledge
Central Banking and Financialization: A Romanian Account of How Eastern Europe Became Subprime
Criticism of Theology: On Marxism and Theology III
Evaluating Economic Research in a Contested Discipline: Ranking, Pluralism, and the Future of Heterodox Economics
Green Economics: Confronting the Ecological Crisis
John Kenneth Galbraith
The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith
Keynes Betrayed: The General Theory, the Rate of Interest, and ‘Keynesian’ economics
The National Question and the Question of Crisis
The Reform of the Bolivian State: Domestic Politics in the Context of Globalization
Restoring Democracy to America: How to Free Markets and Politics from the Corporate Culture of Business and Government
Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space
Heterodox Book Reviews
The Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
Heterodox Graduate Programs and Scholarships
Fellowship program on Capitalism, the Corporation, and Economic Democracy, Rutgers University
Economics for Equity and the Environment Network  2011 Summer Internship Program
Post-doc Fellowship in Political Economy, Hertie School of Governance
Heterodox Web Sites and Associates
EMU-Cost website
Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration
Marcello Musto's webiste on contemporary research on Marx
Institute for New Economic Thinking New Blog
Queries from Heterodox Economists
Information on Popularity/Sales of Principles textbooks
For Your Information
300 Economists Call for AEA to Adopt Code of Ethics
Oxford Economics and Oxford Economists

Call for Papers

ASE (Association for Social Economics) at ASSA 2012

Chicago, USA | Jan. 6-8, 2012

“The economics of social responsibility”

The concept of social responsibility holds that individuals, communities, businesses, and governments should consider the consequences of their actions for others -- avoiding behaviors that limit the options or erode the wellbeing of others, and favoring those which enhance them. Examples of important SR initiatives include: Corporate Social Responsibility, Socially Responsible Investment, Social Enterprises, microfinance, Socially Responsible Lending, sustainable banking and finance, ethical and sustainable consumption, local- and organic-food sourcing, fair-trade supply chains, sweat-free labor standards, and ‘green sourcing’ by businesses and governments. Issues of social responsibility have been little studied in economics, despite their obvious theoretical, empirical and policy interest.

For the ASE sessions at the 2012 ASSA meetings, we welcome proposals for papers on all aspects of the economics of social responsibility. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

The deadline for proposals is April 30, 2011. All proposals should include: paper title, abstract of up 250 words, authors’ names and institutional affiliations, and contact info for the corresponding author, including email address. Proposals for complete sessions are also welcome. Submissions should be sent to Martha Starr, ASE President-elect, at mstarr@american.edu.

Individuals whose papers are accepted for presentation must either be or become members of the Association for Social Economics no later than July 1, 2011, in order for the paper to be included in the program. Membership information can be found at www.socialeconomics.org.

All papers presented at the ASSA meetings are eligible for the Warren Samuels Prize, awarded to the best paper that advances the goals of social economics and has widespread appeal. Papers can also be considered for a special P&P issue of the Forum for Social Economics. Details of these opportunities will be sent to authors of accepted papers.

For further information, visit the ASE website.

The Commoner: Property, Commoning and Commons

Call for Contributions

In legal and philosophical terms the organisation of a commons is encoded into property protocols, which structure its use, access and decision-making rights and responsibilities. Property, then, is central to debates about commons and commoning: how do commoners relate to each other with regard to a given resource and how is a commons defined vis-a- vis the rest of the world?

As discussed in Volume 1, property relations are not only exclusive, private property rights as instantiated within capitalist democracy (a particular conception of property). As a jurisprudential concept, property can be used to understand, analyse, reflect upon and organise social relations with regard to things in any context (the general conception of property). The conflation of the general with the particular conceals the historical and anthropological fact that property can be and is understood (very) differently and hence consolidates existing property regimes.

The purpose of this two volume Special Issue is to instigate further debate about property, commoning and commons. The call for contributions to the second volume continues on page two, following details about the first volume.

Download Call for Contributions.

Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists

June 14 through 26, 2011 in Havana, Cuba

Open to scholars from all disciplines, this 12 day trip will allow you to contact professional counterparts, experience Cuban reality, and pursue your academic research agenda in the company of fellow scholars.

The RESEARCH NETWORK IN CUBA will convene June 14 through 26, 2011 in Havana, Cuba. The intent is to assist in helping you conduct investigations of Cuban society by connecting you with Cuban specialists and organizations who share your interests. You will participate in the 22nd CONFERENCE OF NORTH AMERICAN AND CUBAN PHILOSOPHERS AND SOCIAL SCIENTISTS to be held at the University of Havana, June 20 through 24.

We invite you to propose a paper to be presented at the Conference. Cuban organizers will make every effort to pair your paper with one on a similar topic by a Cuban scholar. Topics are wide open and inclusive. But we are especially interested in receiving papers in the areas of:

Submit a 1 to 2 page abstract.

LICENSE: The U.S. government severely restricts travel to Cuba, but research scholars may travel legally under a general license. GRADUATE STUDENTS can obtain specific licenses to do research related to their graduate work.

COST: Approximately $1500 for a basic 12 day stay in Havana. This includes double hotel occupancy, breakfast, translation during conference and tours, and all group activities. Airfare is not included.


Additional information at www.cubaconference.org or by email to Cliff DuRand at cliff@globaljusticecenter.org

Critical Political Economy Research Network at ESA

7-10 September 2011, Geneva, Switzerland
Sessions organised by the Critical Political Economy Research Network of the European Sociological Association at the 10TH ESA Conference

Conference theme: ‘Social relations in turbulent times’. Critical Political Economy sessions theme: ‘Varieties of capitalism in crisis?’

The continued fall-out from the economic crisis has led to continuous debate about the impact of this systemic shock to the world economy. For instance, evidence could be amassed to support or refute the argument that it has had a significant impact on the future of capitalist diversity. On the one hand, it has generated common systemic pressures everywhere – the most salient being the recurrent fiscal crises of different national states – but on the other, there have been important differences in the national responses to the crisis – compare for example Germany and the United States.

In the field of political economy, a much-discussed approach has been the varieties of capitalism literature. Conceived here as wider than just the paradigmatic Varieties of Capitalism framework and inclusive of a general institutionalist orientation when studying national political economies, a weakness in this work has been the low priority placed on the wider social relations which institutions are inevitably part of. Therefore, although much progress has been made in the past 15 years, the ability of the varieties of capitalism literature to account for the developments of the past few years – and thus its more general explanatory capacity – is open to question.

As such, the phrase ‘Varieties of capitalism in crisis?’ has two distinct but connected meanings. For this reason, the CPE RN is interested in receiving abstracts which consider the evolution of empirical capitalisms – we expect our sessions to focus on but not be exclusively concerned with Europe, be it at the national, regional or supranational level – and/or conceptual issues related to the study of capitalist diversity. We seek contributions from scholars with an interest in political economy research, whatever their disciplinary affiliation (sociology, political science, economics, geography, anthropology, ethnology, development studies, area studies, history, etc.). Hence we aim to attract a diverse range of junior and senior researchers, from postgraduate students to professors.

NETWORK OVERVIEW: The network was established in 2005 as a platform to promote and facilitate research aimed at understanding recent transformations of capitalism and capitalist societies in the European Union and Europe. Its purpose is to reassert political economy perspectives in European social science, and to promote critical and emancipatory scholarship. We are avowedly interdisciplinary in our outlook, and seek to bring together researchers employing a range of critical political economy perspectives.

Defense and Realms

April 14-15, 2011 | ENSTA-Bretagne, France
Hosted by: ENSTA-Bretagne (ENSIETA) and the University of Western Brittany (UBO)
Venue: ENSIETA Campus, Brest, France

The purpose of this conference is to identify the consequences of on-going transformations on the “realms of defense”, which are both its local footprints and the transformations of defense as a social construct.

Indeed, since the 1990s, relations between the players in the world of defense have been changing because of geo-strategic transformations, spatial reorganization, budgetary trends as well as evolutions within the production of defense per se, which have disrupted its economic and social fabric. These evolutions widen the
scope of industrial activities and modify the organization of relations between armed forces, firms and local economies as well as the society.

As a result, it is necessary to evaluate and reassess defense and its missions through a thorough approach. The nature of armed forces’ missions tends to evolve, resulting in a double movement of “spatial unbundling” and globalization of their missions. There are also evolutions in the public/private boundaries as a consequence of policy choices, administrative reforms and the search for greater organizational efficiency (resulting from technological change, increasing role of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO), rise of dual services...). These mutations deeply affect the footprints of defense in several dimensions and it is therefore useful to analyze such changes and their impacts on local communities, the public/private boundaries and evolving requirements of armed forces.

This conference aims at reconsidering the interactions between defense and its stakeholders. It represents an opportunity for economists, political scientists and other researchers in social sciences from around the world to share ideas and discuss the future developments in different fields of research, notably:

Download Call for Papers.

Development and Commodification in Latin America: Limits and Possibilities

Friday, May 6, 2011 | Conference website
Hosted by Johns Hopkins University Program in Latin American Studies

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Fernando Coronil, (CUNY-Graduate Center)

Development projects in Latin America, no matter the scope or scale, have entailed processes of commodification in which particular modes of governance and economic strategies are subsumed to the logic of the market. While processes of commodification are premised on the conversion of use-value into exchange-value, the practical life of these processes can illustrate the limits as well as the unexpected possibilities of this conversion. In the region, resource privatization schemes have unwittingly cast light on the embeddedness of goods and services in human as well as market relations. Likewise, alongside the implementation of development projects, claims to and about biological material and knowledge as well as the emergence of different modes of commerce of bodies, sex and desire, regularly re-draw the boundaries between nature and culture, private and public, and North and South.

For its spring 2011 conference, the Program in Latin American Studies at Johns Hopkins University invites papers from across the social sciences and humanities to reflect on the limits and possibilities of the different articulations between (and representations of) development and commodification in Latin America. We invite papers to address these matters from a variety of perspectives that are suggested (but not exhausted) by the following questions:


Please send title and a brief abstract (200 words) indicating the applicant’s academic status, affiliation and contact information, by February 4, 2011 to jhuplas@gmail.com


Dynamic Growth in the Economic and Monetary Union

12 and 13 July 2011 | Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Organized by the Strategic Programming Unit (UPS) and the Department of Political Economy and Taxation
(ECD) of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

The deadline for receipt of proposals is: April 2, 2011

Themes of the Symposium
Proposals in French or English must imperatively be submitted electronically at: colloque2011@uemoa.int
with a copy simultaneously to Mr. Kako NUBUKPO (knubukpo@uemoa.int ) and Mr Laurent MATHIEU (lmathieu@uemoa.int )

EAEPE-AISSEC Session on the Policy Issues Facing The European Monetary Union

The 2011 AISSEC Conference in Macerata (Italy; June 23-25) will host a joint AISSEC-EAEPE
session on The Policy Issues Facing The European Monetary Union.

The aim of the session is to focus on the policy issues that the present crisis of the European
Monetary Union brings to the fore. It is less concerned with a full fledged policy agenda than with
a discussion of the problems that underlie the identification of such an agenda. Papers dealing with
any specific issue that relates to this theme are welcome.

Submission of abstracts:
Please send a 600-700 word abstract to Paolo Ramazzotti, local organizer of the joint session (ramazzotti@unimc.it) by February 7, 2011.

The abstract should clearly mention:

Important deadlines for this session only:

The conference fee, if paid before May 31, is € 50 Euro for junior participants (up to 35 years
old) and € 120 for all the others. After May 31 the fee is €60 for junior participants (up to 35 years
old) and €130 for all the others. The fee includes the biennial membership of AISSEC, all the
conference materials, catering (lunch and coffee breaks). In order to be included in the program,
registration fees of at least one of the authors of accepted papers should be paid before 31 May

Further details on the conference and on Macerata can be found on the AISSEC Conference
website: http://www.unimc.it/aissec2011

Download Call for Papers

European Society for History of Economic Thought (ESHET) Conference in Mexico

México City | 9 to 12 November 2011 | Website
"From colonial empires to globalization: history of economic thought approaches"

Suggested Themes:
Mercantilism and colonial development; America silver and the flows of precious metals; Classical political economy and the break up of the colonial order; Free trade and primary commodities export; Liberalism and Nationalism in Latin America; Nationalisms and heterodoxy; The theory of development at CEPAL.; The Marxist Heritage in Latin America; Import substitution and development; the Keynesian tradition in Latin America; Dates on the transformation of the financial system; Mainstream and heterodox economics in Latin Americ; The economics of Latin America, debates and interpretations; Alternative theories of economic development.

An abstract of about 400 words for a paper and about 600 words for a session should be submitted at the latest by 1st of June 2011. The final version of the accepted papers should be sent at the latest by 1st September 2011. Six travelling grants will be made available to the authors of papers selected by the Scientific Committee.

Send paper proposals and any question on the Conference to: eshetmexico@economia.unam.mx
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published in a volume.

Scientific Committee
Juan Pablo Arroyo, (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México); José Luis Cardoso (Universidade de Lisboa); Annie Cot (Universitè de Paris I); Harald Hagemann (Universitat Hohenheim, Stuttgart); Leonor Ludlow (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”); María Eugenia Romero Sotelo, (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

History of Economic Thought Society of Australia (HETSA) Conference

Melbourne 5-8 July 2011 | RMIT Uniersity, Melbourne, Australia

This is the second call for papers for the Twenty-Fourth Conference of the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia which is being hosted by the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing in the College of Business at Melbourne’s RMIT University. RMIT is one of Australia’s oldest universities and is situated in thevery centre of the city. The Conference will be heldfrom 5-8 July 2011 in RMIT’s historic Emily Macpherson Building.

There will be two themes in this conference, the first being the role of the history of economics within economics itself and then, secondly, a Retrospective and Prospective on Keynes to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the publication of his General Theory in 1936. But as with every HETSA Conference, papers on every area in the history of economics are sought and welcomed.

We are very pleased that the distinguished Keynesian scholar and immediate past President of the European History of Economics Association, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, will give the keynote address.

The formal deadline for submission of abstracts is March 2011.
Abstracts may be sent to steve.kates@rmit.edu.au
The conference website can be viewed on the HETSA website at: www.hetsa.org.au

International Conference on International Business (ICIB)

19-21 May 2011 | University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece

Dear colleague,

You are invited to participate in the International Conference on International Business (ICIB) 2011, which will be held at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. ICIB 2011 aims to bring together academics and practitioners in order to share ideas and methods for the exploration of foreign direct investment (FDI), the role of multinational corporations (MNCs) and the complexity of the globalized business environment.

ICIB 2011 will take place on 19-21 May 2011 and will be organized in parallel sessions of English and Greek. ICIB 2011 will focus on – but not limited to –research in the following fields:

ICIB 2011 is supported by a number of participating journals and follows a specific publication procedure. The conference program will be developed after the deadline for submission abstracts/summaries: 15 April 2011.

For further information please refer to www.icib.eu.

Yours sincerely,

John Marangos

On behalf of the organizing and scientific committee.

Download Call for Papers.

International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics

The Editors-in-Chief of the International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics (IJABE) would like to invite you to consider submitting a manuscript for inclusion in this scholarly journal. The following describes the mission, coverage, and guidelines for submission to IJABE.

The mission of the IJABE is to examine the main applications of Behavioral Economics in business and organizations, both in classical terms as well as influenced by digitalization and new technologies. Behavioral Economics arises from research that shows human boundary rationality and failures in acting in “self”—interest, loss aversion, among others—influence the making of economic choices and decisions. Despite the importance of an interdisciplinary perspective, the practical applications of this research are not well represented. The journal promotes papers that show a direct link between Behavioral Economics and concrete, practical applications at a business and organizational level, with a special focus on the effects of technology implementation and usage on economic agents’ perception, behavior, and decision-making processes. For this purpose, the journal serves as a distribution channel for research that contributes to theory and practice development in this knowledge domain.
IJABE is a new journal and is also seeking editors.  More information can be found on their website here.

International Journal of Contemporary Sociology

Special Issue On “Twenty-First Century America In Crisis: Meltdown Or Transformation?

Submission Deadline: August 31, 2011


Twenty-first century America is clearly in a state of crisis: neither the government nor the economy are effective while many social institutions remain highly problematic. Political gridlock, strident campaigns, a major economic recession combined with persistent unemployment, an ongoing housing crisis as well as educational, family-related, religious, healthcare and justice declines represent but a few of the highly visible symptoms. What do such developments reflect and what do they portend for the future? Do these trends indicate a national meltdown or a country in the process of transformation in the global context?

This special issue of the Journal is designed to expose readers to a wide variety of these trends, both historical and contemporary, exploring major factors behind them, their future impact, and possible policy implications. Planned topics include the analysis of such trends regarding political ineffectiveness at all levels, the emergence of new social movements, financial deterioration in the context of a world market, the failure of education, problems regarding healthcare, the justice system, the changing impact of the national media, and new levels/types of poverty and homelessness among others. Exploration of past and current trends, unique developments, directions of possible change, and the long-term effects on traditional institutions is particularly encouraged, interpreting them in reference to either long-term national decline or emerging transformation in response to a changing global environment.

You are invited to participate in this endeavor. If you accept our invitation, you are asked to focus on a specific trends and related factors, explore these in detail regarding their development and future societal impact, evaluating the kinds of societal effects which might consequently ensue. We are particularly concerned with developing new and relevant insights into this highly topical area.

Your participation in this project is invited. If for some reason you cannot accept our invitation, please suggest someone who might and/or distribute this invitation to other potential contributors. The present deadline for submitting manuscripts is August 31, 2011. For International Journal of Contemporary Sociology’s Author’s Instructions, please visit the Journal’s web site at: http://cla-web.auburn.edu/ijcs/index.html If you are unable to access this information, please let us know and we will forward it to you as soon as possible.

IIPPE Conference 2011

Neoliberalism and the Crises of Economic Science
May 20-22, 2011, Istanbul University, Beyazit

The global crisis of the last years of the “noughties” has cruelly exposed the deficiencies not only of mainstream economics but also of broader strands of political economy from across the social sciences more generally that have promoted neoliberalism. Media and academic commentary has focused on the inability to predict the crisis and the corresponding inadequacies of the economics profession, expecting a sort of self-criticism and reconstruction from within the discipline, whilst the inadequate treatment of the economic and the economy across the social sciences has been less harshly exposed to criticism.

In the case of economics, this has led to a spirited deference of the existing frame of analysis (What crisis? Bubbles don’t exist) and to the assertion that the discipline’s principles remain adequate but they need to be better and more realistically applied, possibly with the incorporation of other behavioural elements and techniques. Similar minor modifications to analytical frameworks have emanated from the international financial institutions and national treasuries, etc, if to some extent to allow for more discretion in policy rather than fundamental rethinks. Accordingly, the degree of rethinking within mainstream economics is strikingly underwhelming as, indeed, is the rethinking informing policy responses where neoliberal support to globalisation of finance remains to the fore, with dramatic adjustments at the expense of working people and the poor.

Although, then, the urgent issues brought about by the global crisis have made such questioning of mainstream economics both necessary and inevitable, there are also wider implications for a more inclusive reconstruction of economic understanding across the social sciences as a means to inform both academic and policy-making circles.

This conference will probe much deeper into the multiple crises of economic science, informed by the perspectives of political economy that have long been ignored and marginalised by the mainstream, whether deriving from critical political economy and heterodox economics or from the treatment of the economy from across the social sciences as a whole. The ultimate aim is to explore new avenues in promoting and developing critical political economy in view of recent developments. As well as engagements with economics and the economic, we are seeking individual contributions and proposals for panels that address Neoliberalism and the Crises of Economic Science through:

We welcome both individual submissions and proposals for panels (or streams of panels), with the latter ideally already incorporating a number of proposed submissions but allowing for others to be added as appropriate.

The deadline for submission of both individual abstracts of papers and proposals for panels is the 15th of February 2011(On line submission on http://www.iippe.org/wiki).

Potential participants will be notified by the 15st of March. The deadline for the submission of full papers is the 15th of April. Early submissions, even if only provisional, are essential both to avoid disappointment and to help in the appropriate allocation of papers to designated panels and streams that will themselves be strengthened through solicited contributions and the plenaries.

Hosted by Turkish Social Sciences Association (TSSA) and
Istanbul University Research Center for Global Politics and Administration (GLOPAR)

Download Call for Papers.

Korean Association for Political Economy (KAPE) 2011 International Conference

Global Economic Crisis and Innovation of Economics
April 14-15, 2011 | Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea

The conference aims at exploring a wide range of topics on the economic crisis (past or present), and the ways to innovate economics whose necessity is felt most seriously at the current crisis. Concerning the latter, it features a variety of heterodox alternatives to mainstream economics, including Marxist, institutional, post-Keynesian, Sraffian, and Regulationist approaches.

We are very pleased to announce that a number of distinguished scholars from around the world have already confirmed to speak at the conference. They include:

Papers concerning any aspects of political economy, as well as the above themes, are welcome. Abstracts of approximately 500 words should be sent to jkchoi@knu.ac.kr by February 15, 2011.

Registration fees are $50 USD (registration only), or $300 USD (registration, accommodation and meals for the conference period).

If you have any further questions on the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us at jkchoi@knu.ac.kr.

Left Forum

Left Forum has extended the panel submission deadline from its current date of January 15th, to February 5th. For those panel organizers who have submitted only partial panel information online, we ask you to complete your proposals now. For example, if you have not yet filled in all the speakers’ names, please do so and obtain confirmations right away.

For those of you who have just written in with ideas for panels, please transform those ideas into an online panel submission right away. As the conference organizing crunch time is upon us, prompt completion of your panel proposals is imperative.

For those who have not submitted you panel proposals yet, please follow this link to the Left Forum website: submit or update panels.

For those of you who have encountered difficulties submitting online, please either write to us at panels@leftforum.org, or call us at the number below and we will work with you to resolve the problems.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Seth Adler
Conference Coordinator
212 817 2003/2002

Marxism and Culture (Call for Book Proposals)

Pluto Press

Call for Book Proposals

The Marxism and Culture series aims to revive, renew and develop Marxism as an emancipatory tool for analyzing media and cultural practices within capitalism and class society. During the 1990s Marxism got bashed; it was especially easily mocked once its ‘actually existing’ socialist version was toppled with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Postmodernism made Marxism a dirty word, and class struggle a dirty thought and even dirtier deed. But those days that consigned Marxism to history themselves now seem historical. The crash of neo-liberalism in a now global economy has trashed many so-called certainties about the superiority of capitalism. A new spirit of critical questioning is emergent in the context of a crisis that is political, economic, social, cultural and ecological.

Marxism, however critically its inheritance is viewed, cannot be overlooked by the increasing numbers who make efforts to provide an analysis and a consequent practice. Our series is dedicated to exploring both Marxist methodologies and the role of culture in this situation, from the mass media to the avant-garde. Culture is the contested terrain on which we imagine alternative models of social being and critically decode the ways we remain tied, by habits and perspectives, values and emotions, to the horizon of capital. We welcome proposals that contribute to the understanding of our urgent situation through the prism of culture.

Books published in the series so far:

Series Editors

NYC Historical Materialism Conference

New School for Social Research, New York City | May 6-8th 2011

Information will be posted at www.hmny.org
Inquiries can be directed to organizers@hmny.org

Radical Democracy Conference

April 4 –  5, 2011 | New York, NY

Paper Abstracts Submission Deadline: January 31
Notification Date: February 18
Full Papers Deadline: March 21

The Department of Politics at The New School for Social Research, in collaboration with the Institute of Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University, is sponsoring a two-day graduate student
conference interrogating the concept, history, and implications of radical democracy. Striving to assess the legacy of antiquity on contemporary radical democratic theory, as well as explore the work of contemporary theorists such as Abensour, Arendt, Castoriadis, Mouffe, Negri, Ranciere, and Wolin, we invite you to submit abstracts on any
theme pertaining to the history, meaning, development and application, or critique of the concept OF “radical democracy.”

We strongly encourage submissions that touch upon any of the following themes, however, papers exploring other relevant topics and issues are also strongly encouraged:

Interested participants should submit a one-page abstract (up to 300 words) that includes institutional affiliation, academic level, and contact information by Monday, January 31. You will receive a notification of our decision by Friday, February 18. Full conference papers will be due by Monday, March 21. Please submit your abstract at radicaldemocracy@newschool.edu.

For more information about the conference, please visit our Web site at www.constituentpower.blogspot.com

Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences: New Scholars Session

Fredericton, Canada | 31 May – 03 June 2011
Society for Socialist Studies, Graduate Student Sessions

The most recent crisis of capital poses an immense set of challenges. Neoliberalism is deepening, chronic hunger is widespread and ecological degradation continues apace. Opportunities have nevertheless emerged. Student movements are organizing across Europe, the Middle East and the Americas, while creative projects and struggles are proliferating across the world. To make sense of all of this, the Society of Socialist Studies invites graduate students to submit paper proposals for the New Scholars Session at the 2011 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Submissions are welcome from those who have yet to complete their Masters degree. Perspectives from a wide array of disciplines and interdisciplinary fields are welcome, including history, political science and sociology, among others. Paper topics are encouraged from socialist, feminist, anti-racist and ecological points of view. Paper proposals could be in any of these areas, as well as on topics relating to the Society’s theme, “Continental Shifts, Divisions, and Solidarities.”

The theme marks an attempt to grapple with global shifting and fragmentation of capital and power. Like other changes in the past, “Continental Shifts, Divisions, and Solidarities” is an attempt to challenge to the ways we understand the world(s) around us. This is a time to rethink established epistemologies, theories and underlying

Please submit abstracts (maximum of 100 words) by January 31, 2011 to:
Matthew Brett, New Scholars chair, brett.matthew@yahoo.ca 
Contact Matthew for more information, or visit www.socialiststudies.ca

The Association Charles Gide pour l’Etude de la Pensée économique

University of Toulouse 1- Capitole (France) | June 16-17th 2011.

The issue of the Conference will be Justice and Economics: ancient doctrines and modern theories. "I would argue that the nature of modern economics has been substantially impoverished by the distance that has grown between economics and ethics”. Amartya Sen, On Ethics and Economics, 1987, p. 7.

It is now over 20 years since Sen’s observation that economic thought had tried to develop its epistemological autonomy by emancipating itself from the authority of ethics. But economists increasingly recognize that the positive dimension of economic theory does not necessarily exclude the normative dimension and that a condition for progress in economic knowledge is interdisciplinary research to invent new forms of complementarity between these two.

Possible approaches to the theme of “justice” might include, among others:

Abstracts in French or English (of no more than 300 words for a paper, or 500 words for a session) should be submitted before 28 th February 2011; to alain.alcouffe@univ-tlse1.fr, or following the instructions on toulouse-justice-2011.fr (forthcoming January 2011).

Scientific committee : Amartya Sen (Nobel Prize 1998), Alain Alcouffe (Toulouse 1), Maurice Baslé (Rennes 1), Arnaud Berthoud (Lille 1), Annie Cot (Paris 1), Alain Clément (Tours), Michel de Vroey (Louvain), Arnaud Diemer (Clermont Ferrand), Ragip Ege (Strasbourg), Michel Herland (Martinique), Serge-Christophe Kolm (EHESS), Patrick Mardellat (Lille), Emma Rothschild (Harvard and Cambridge), Bertram Schefold (Frankfurt University), Julian Wells (Kingston University).

Local committee : Hugues Kenfack, Vice Président du Conseil Scientifique, UT1, Alain Alcouffe (UT1), E. Auriol, (UT1), Philippe Jeannin (UPS), Jean Michel Plassard (UT1 1), Jacques Prades (UTM).
Conference e-mail address: alain.alcouffe@univ-tlse1.fr or christian.reina@univ-tlse1.fr

Mailing Address : Alain Alcouffe, Université Toulouse 1, 2 rue du doyen Gabriel Marty, F-31042 Toulouse CEDEX 09

The Second Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network

6-8 July 2011 | Geneva, Switzerland
Organized by the International Labour Office
In collaboration with the University of Manchester’s Fairness at Work (FaW) Research Group and the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law (CELRL)

In the most prominent global policy agendas, the economic crisis has relegated labour market regulation to a subordinate status. Yet at national-level there have been notable successes in sustaining regulatory institutions and adjusting them to recessionary conditions; and there are signs of ongoing innovation and evolution in  regulatory strategies, design and techniques in all regions. The altered economic conditions have also prompted reconsideration of longstanding research and policy themes, lending some new resonance while others are refashioned or discarded. Among the most urgent tasks for researchers and policy-makers is to determine how labour market regulation can help to promote a fair recovery: one that generates and sustains decent jobs. This project entails a set of wide-ranging and complex challenges that include identifying the role of labour regulation in curbing spiralling unemployment and halting the decline in wage growth; gauging the effect of new regulatory agendas on issues such as fairness and job quality; and identifying the role of implementation and enforcement of labour laws in the altered economic context.

To advance these debates, the Regulating for Decent Work Network is pleased to announce the Second RDW Conference, to be held in the International Labour Office, Geneva from 6-8 July 2011. The RDW Conference will be co-hosted by the University of Manchester’s Fairness at Work Research Group (FaW) and the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Employment and Labour Relations Law (CELRL). Researchers from all regions and from a range of disciplines including law, economics, industrial relations, development studies, sociology, psychology and geography are encouraged to attend.

Submission of abstracts
Abstracts should be submitted to rdw@ilo.org. They will be subject to a competitive review process. It is expected that a number of edited volumes will be published drawn from selected conference papers.rdw@ilo.org. They will be subject to a competitive review process. It is expected that a number of edited volumes will be published drawn from selected conference papers.


Further details will be available at the Conference websites: http://rdw.law.unimelb.edu.au (under construction) or http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/publ/rdw.htm

For any queries, please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at rdw@ilo.org

5th Post-Keynesian Conference

13.-14. May 2011 | Roskilde University, Denmark

The fifth Post-Keynesian conference at the Continent will be organized as a joined cooperation between the Université de Bourgogne, Laurentian University, Roskilde University and Aalborg University. The first four bi-annual conferences have been hosted by Université de Bourgogne every second year in December organized by Claude Gnos and Louis-Phillippe Rochon. This time we will try another season of the year (May 2011) and another place (Roskilde, Denmark – close to Copenhagen).

We have chosen three main interrelated themes for the conference:

Keynes made an optimistic statement in a letter to George Bernard Shaw, dated January 1935 ‘that I am going to revolutionize the way we think about economics not immediately, but within the coming 10 years’.  75 years on, we can see that Keynes was much too optimistic. Keynes’s approach has not penetrated the way mainstream textbooks present macroeconomic issues. The theoretical debates and the economic policies undertaken during the actual macroeconomic crises in Europe and in America have demonstrated that Keynes’s macroeconomic methodology has not (yet?) been understood.  What are the obstacles – method, theory, politics and/or teaching? There will be sessions on the lack of success of Keynes’s macroeconomics in all four dimensions.

The (Macro)economic Consequences of:
The General Theory after 75 years:
Teaching Keynes’s macroeconomics:

Proposals for a full session and/or for individual papers within these topics are especially welcome. They could either have a mainly political perspective related to the actual crises in Europe or they might focus on theoretical dimension, how to make a macroeconomic analysis in the spirit of the General Theory. Within the latter category we think that a special session commemorating the original contributions by the late Wynne Godley would be timely.

Submission should be send to professor Jesper Jespersen (jesperj@ruc.dk) not later than 1st February 2011, accepted papers and conference sessions will be announced on 1st March 2011. Full papers should be ready 1st May 2011 and will be made available at the home-page of the conference,

Up-dated information and registration will currently be made available on Kienet just follow the link - http://www.ruc.dk/institutter/isg/forskningen/samarbejder-netvaerk/kienet/
The Conference is in English.

Three Main speakers (to be confirmed):

A panel discussion – 75 years after the publication of The General Theory: where are we and where should we go?

The organizing committee consists of:
Jesper Jespersen, Roskilde Universitet (jesperj@ruc.dk), Mogens Ove Madsen, Aalborg Universitet mom@epa.aau.dk, Louis-Philippe Rochon , Laurentian University lprochon2003@yahoo.com, Claude Gnos , Université de Bourgogne claude.gnos@u-bourgogne.fr

Papers will be considered for publication by Edward Elgar – if possible in two volumes: 1. European economics crises in Keynesian perspectives and 2. The General Theory after 75 years 3. Teaching Keynes’s macroeconomics – why is it so difficult?

Conference fee: participation, lunches, dinner (Viking Ships Museum), coffee and fruit, 150€,
Master & PhD-Students (with supervisor recommendation), 50 €

We have made a reservation of hotel rooms in Copenhagen and Roskilde. More information and registration can be obtained from http://www.ruc.dk/institutter/isg/forskningen/samarbejder-netvaerk/kienet/

6th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP)

June 9-11, 2011 | Minervino di Lecce, Italy

The Sixth Annual Conference of the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) will be held at Minervino di Lecce, Italy, on June 9-11, 2011. The Conference will open on Thursday, June 9, at 6:30pm and is expected to close on Saturday, June 11, at 1:30pm.

The special theme of the conference is "Economic development and social cohesion: converging goals?"
Proposals for sessions or submissions of papers concerning any aspect of the history of economic thought are welcome.  Paper abstracts of no more than 200 words or a brief (≤ 400 words) description of theme, motivation, authors and paper titles for a session should be submitted to segretario@storep.org. The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2011. The Scientific Committee will send notice of acceptance or rejection within March 15th, 2011. Completed papers will be due by May 16th, 2011.

Young Scholars Award
The award is open to young scholars (under 35 years of age). In order to be eligible, one is required to submit a Curriculum Vitae and a paper abstract of no more than 200 words on any topic relevant to the history of political economy. The authors of the selected papers will receive a contribution of 200 euro to cover board and accommodation. Please submit the request and the abstract to segretario@storep.org by February 28th, 2011. The results of the selection process will be communicated by March 15th, 2011.

Scientific Committee
Katia Caldari (Università di Padova), Roberto Ciccone (Università di Roma Tre), Terenzio Cozzi (Università di Torino), Massimo Di Matteo (Università di Siena), Riccardo Faucci (Università di Pisa), Alessandro Innocenti (Università di Siena), Alessandro Lanteri (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Università di Roma), Aldo Montesano (Università "L. Bocconi", Milano), Salvatore Rizzello (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Annalisa Rosselli (Università di Roma Tre), Carlo Zappia (Università di Siena)
Organizing Committee
 Katia Caldari (Università di Padova), Alessandro Innocenti (Università di Siena), Salvatore Rizzello (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Anna Spada (Università del Piemonte Orientale), Claudia Sunna (Università del Salento), Carlo Zappia (Università di Siena)

Conference website: http://www.storep.org/convegno2011

8th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy

Bilbao,  Spain | 29th June to 1 July, 2011

The Department of Applied Economics V of the University of the Basque Country and the Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy, of the University of Cambridge, are organizing the 8th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy. The Conference will be held in Bilbao (Spain), from 29th June to 1st July, 2011.

Although papers are invited on all areas of economics, there will be two Plenary Sessions with Invited Speakers about the following topics:

Suggestions for Organized Sessions are encouraged. An Organized Session is one session constructed in its entirety by a Session Organizer and submitted to the conference organizers as a complete package. Session Organizers must provide the following information:

Besides Plenary, Organized and Normal Parallel sessions, there will also be Graduate Student Sessions. In these sessions, students making a MSc or a PhD programme can present their researches and discuss that of other students. Participants in Graduate Student Sessions will pay a lower conference fee.

The deadline to submit papers and ‘Organized Sessions’ is 25th May 2011. For more information, you can contact with Jesus Ferreiro (jesus.ferreiro@ehu.es) or Maribel Garcia-del-Valle (teresa.gvalleirala@ehu.es ) or visit the website www.conferencedevelopments.com

URPE (Union for Radical Political Economics) at ASSA 2012

Chicago | January 6-8, 2012

The ASSA in Denver this past weekend went quite well. We invite you to respond to the call for Chicago ASSA, January 6-8, 2-12. Applications are due by May 1 via the special website for this purpose. If you have any ideas for panels please contact us as you plan so we have a sense of what people are planning and in case two similar panels might be combined or planned in tandem.

URPE invites proposals for individual papers and complete sessions for the URPE at ASSA annual meeting. URPE welcomes proposals on radical political economic theory and applied analysis from a wide variety of theoretical traditions.

The deadline for proposed papers and sessions is May 1, 2011. At that time individual and panel proposals will be checked to be sure everyone is current with their URPE dues or the proposals will be set aside. Proposals for complete sessions are encouraged and should include the session title, a brief description of each paper, and the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of the chair, discussants, and presenters. Proposals for sessions should contain four papers. If you are proposing a complete session, please arrange to have discussants for your papers and a chair for your session. As the organizer of this session, you are responsible for conveying administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location, and deadlines. A registration form must be completed for each paper.

Proposals for individual papers should include the title, the abstract, and the author's name, institutional affiliation, and email. You should also complete the registration form. Individuals whose papers are accepted may also be expected to serve as a discussant for a different paper at the meetings. If you list the areas you prefer to discuss, all attempts will be made to match your preferences. Individual papers that are accepted will be assigned to sessions and each session will have an assigned organizer. It is the organizer's job to convey administrative information to session members, including confirmation that the session has been accepted, the time and location, and deadlines.
URPE has no paid ASSA staff, so those presenting papers must share the burden of organizing.
We regret that high quality individual papers may be turned down due to the inability to place them in a session with papers with similar themes. For this reason, we strongly encourage proposals for full sessions. The number of sessions we can accept is limited by ASSA, and we regret that high quality sessions may be turned down as well.

Please note that the date, time, and location of sessions are assigned by ASSA, not URPE. You should receive word from URPE that your paper/session was accepted by mid-June. ASSA will not assign dates and times until much later in the summer.

Please note that anyone who presents a paper (but not the chairs or discussants) must be a member of URPE (except at joint sessions with other groups, in which case they can be a member of the other organization) at the time of submission of the paper or panel proposal.

Contact urpe@labornet.org or 413-577-0806 for membership information. We will confirm membership prior to accepting proposals. Applications should be submitted online on the URPE website www.urpe.org, beginning April 1 (instructions will be available by March 1 on the website). If you have questions or problems with the online submission, please contact Fred Moseley at the email address below. Only applications received by the May 1 deadline will be considered. If you have any other questions, please contact one of the URPE at ASSA coordinators below:

Fred Moseley, Mt Holyoke: fmoseley@mtholyoke.edu
Laurie Nisonoff: lnisonoff@hampshire.edu

World Association for Political Economy 2011 Conference

The Sixth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy.  Co-sponsored by the Union for Radical Political Economics

May 27-29, 2011 | the University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA
Responses to Capitalist Crisis: Neoliberalism and Beyond

Paper Application Deadline Extended to February 1

Topics for the Sixth WAPE Forum
1. Class analysis of the responses to the financial and economic crisis.
2. Is neoliberalism on the way out or will it survive the economic crisis? What might replace it?
3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the revived Keynesian economics?
4. What problems are posed by the rising national debt in many countries?
5. The prospects for major institutional and regulatory reform in the global economy and in various countries.
6. Class analysis of the growth of right-wing movements in response to the economic crisis.
7. Lessons from the history of past capitalist crises for the current situation.
8. The problems of, and opportunities for, building socialism in the midst of capitalist crisis.
9. Can the euro survive the current economic crisis?
10. The danger that tensions among states due to the economic crisis may lead to serious conflict.
11. Can the East Asian Model be accepted by the other countries?
12. Indigenous people in the United States
13. Human Development Economics in Political Economy

Proposals for both individual papers and complete sessions are welcome.

Please send your application, including curriculum vitae and a paper abstract of 500 words (in Chinese or English), to Professor Xiaoqin Ding at wape2006@gmail.com.

Deadline for applications: Original deadline January 15, 2011, extended to February 1, 2011.
Applicants will be notified about acceptance of their paper by February 15, 2011.
Papers (in Chinese or English), of up to 6,000 words, will be due by March 31, 2011.
Website for the Forum: http://urpe.org/conf/wape/wape2011/wape.html

Call for Participants

CEPN Seminars of the Task group “Post-Keynesian Analyses and Modelling”

3rd Season, 2010-2011

Download Program.

The attendance to the seminars is free. Most of these seminars will take place at the MSH of Paris 13 (See http://www.mshparisnord.org/acces.htm), and most of them will be in English. Further information on the CEPN's website: http://www.univ-paris13.fr/CEPN/ You can also send an E-mail to Lang.dany@univ-paris13.fr (associate professor, Coordinator of the task group "Post-Keynesian analyses and modelling") for further information.

The City of London on Trial: What did financiers learn from the crisis?

The Schools of Arts and Social Sciences, city University London, cordially invite you to a lunchtime discussion,
Wednesday 16 February 2011, 12:30 PM

Panel Discussion

Northampton Suite, 4th Floor, University Building, City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB | maps & directions: www.city.ac.uk/maps

Chair: Professor Christina Slade, Dean of the School of Arts and Social Sciences

Email us to reserve a place: Dean-Arts-SocialSciences@city.ac.uk

Conference on Cultural Workforce Issues

March 10, 2011 | Northampton Suite, City University London, Northampton Square, London

Until relatively recently, conditions within cultural labour markets were of little interest to policymakers. They were assumed to offer "good work", and the only policy goal was to support their growth, and ensure we had a skilled workforce. But data on the unrepresentative nature of the cultural labour market and concerns about declining social mobility, have led to something of a change of mind.

This half-day conference explores some of the less desirable aspects of cultural work, as a way of thinking about the policy and leadership challenges that they present, and what may be done to improve working conditions and entry to the sector. 
Information on regestration can be found at the conference website here.

Eric Hobsbawm on How to Change the World

Professor Eric Hobsbawm in discussion on his latest book, How to Change the World: Tales of Marx and Marxism.

In his major new work, Eric Hobsbawm addresses the history of Marxism in the 162 years since the publication of Marx's Capital and assesses its continuing relevance as a challenge to capitalism.
This event is free but places are strictly limited. As we anticipate high demand we ask that you send your details to Stefan Dickers to confirm your place: Stefan.dickers@bishopsgate.org.uk

3rd Global Commune Event: Trade Unions - Are They Fit For Purpose?

Saturday, January 29th | Out of the Blue Centre, Dalmeny Street, Leith, Edinburgh

In both the UK and Ireland today, the overwhelming majority of trade union leaders have signed up to social partnerships. These effectively reduce unions to a free personnel management service for the employers. However, the traditional Broad Left response of electing alternative leaders has shown itself unable to counter social partnerships. Indeed many current union leaders, who now accept social partnership, were themselves earlier Broad Left members. The third Global Commune event, jointly sponsored by the Republican Communist Network and the commune, asks the question - “Trade unions - Are they fit for purpose?” A number of different approaches to organising workers will be discussed in workshops over the day.


11.00 - 12. 30: Panel followed by workshop sessions and follow up plenary

1. Working within trade unions - the rank and file perspective - Allan Armstrong
2. Working with the IWW - Alberto Durango
3. Building the Independent Workers Union - Tommy McKearney
4. Supporting workers from outside - an autonomist perspective - Mike Vallance
5. How do communists organise in trade unions? - Stuart King


1.30 - 15.00: Community unionism -Should trade union membership be confined to employed workers? Patricia Campbell and Paul Stewart


15.00 - 15.15 - break

15.15 - 16.30
Repeat workshops followed by plenary

There will be a chance to continue the discussion informally afterwards. Further information can be had by contacting Allan Armstrong at: allan.armstrong.1949@hotmail.co.uk

The Hyman P. Minsky Summer Seminar

June 18-26, 2011 | Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Annadale-0n-Hudson, New York

The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College is pleased to announce that it will hold the second annual Minsky Summer Seminar June 18–26, 2011. The Seminar will provide a rigorous discussion of both the theoretical and applied aspects of Minsky’s economics, with an examination of meaningful prescriptive policies relevant to the current economic and financial crisis.

The Summer Seminar will be of particular interest to graduate students, recent graduates, and those at the beginning of their academic or professional careers. The teaching staff will include well-known economists concentrating on and expanding Minsky’s work.

Applications may be made to Susan Howard at the Levy Institute (howard@levy.org), and should include a current curriculum vitae. Admission will include provision of room and board on the Bard College campus. A limited number of small travel reimbursements ($100 for US fellows and $300 for foreign fellows) will be available to participants.

Due to limited space availability, the deadline for applications is March 31, 2011.

The Summer Seminar program will be organized by Jan Kregel, Dimitri B. Papadimitriou, and L. Randall Wray.

International Workshop: Evolutionary Thinking and its Policy Implications for Modern Capitalism

22-23 September 2011 | Offley Place, Great Offley, near Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.
Since our previous announcement we have enlisted one additional speaker (Ulrich Witt) and we have opened up an online registration facility on http://www.uhbs-groe.org/p7.htm. (Details of fees etc. are also given on this website.)
The workshop is organised by the Group for Research in Organisational Evolution (GROE) at the University of Hertfordshire. The workshop theme is:

The workshop will start at 9.30 am on 22 September and finish at 5.00pm on 23 September 2011.
This workshop is designed to provide in-depth discussion of cutting-edge issues, in a forum that permits the attention to detail and definition that is often lacking in larger, conference-style events. The expected maximum number of participants is 40. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Symposium on Karl Marx's 'Notes on James Mill' (1844)

2-6pm, Saturday February 5, 2011 |  the London Knowledge Lab, 23-29 Emerald Street, London WC1
Sponsored by Marx and Philosophy Society

Andrew Chitty and Martin McIvor will lead a discussion of this fascinating early text by Marx.

An English version of the text is available at http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/james-mill/index.htm . An alternative translation is in the Penguin Early Writings collection, titled 'Excerpts from James Mill's Elements of Political Economy'.

Attendance is free and open to all. To register e-mail Meade McCloughan: m.mccloughan@ucl.ac.uk

Directions and map: http://tinyurl.com/ywmsvc Tube stations: Holborn and Russell Square.

Marx and Philosophy Society: http://www.marxandphilosophy.org.uk/

Labour, Capitalism and Radical Critique

Dr. Peter Thomas (Brunel University – Historical Materialism) gives a lecture in University of Tampere (Finland) 28 January 2011 (at 14-16, Linna Building K110, Kalevantie 5)
Themes: Labour-Power (Arbeitskraft)
Die Organisationsfrage as regulative idea?
Info: Mikko Lahtinen, kevattuuli@kopteri.net

The Lisbon Treaty Evaluated: Impact and Consequences

31 January - 1 February 2011 | Woburn House, Tavistock Square, London
A UACES conference, supported by the European Commission.

UACES invites you and your colleagues to register for 'The Lisbon Treaty Evaluated', a two-day conference assessing the impact and consequences of the Treaty's first year. The conference is intended to encourage creative and informed thinking that will contribute to the ongoing debate on the ‘Future of Europe’.
The conference comprises a series of research panels as well as plenary sessions: Professor Helen Wallace (LSE) will present a keynote address on the opening day of the conference.
Guest Speakers include: Andrew Duff MEPJohn Palmer (Visiting Fellow, Sussex European Institute and founder political director of the European Policy Centre)John Peet (Europe Editor, The Economist)
For more information about the conference, including a full programme and how to register visit www.uaces.org/lisbon

Marshall Society: Keynes-lecture

Wednesday 26 January, Kings College

Democratic Alternatives to Capitalism: Marx's Writings on Exiting Capitalism, Part 1

Sunday, January 30, 2011, 1:00 PM Community Room B, Westside Pavilion, Los Angeles
(Westside Pavilion is at Pico & Westwood Boulevards; Community Room B is on west side of the mall, third floor, near Landmark Theater; free parking in mall lot)
Speaker: Kevin Anderson, author of Marx at the Margins
A discussion of Marx on the Paris Commune of 1871, an experiment in socialist freedom in which both capital and the state were challenged in what he called “the political form at last discovered under which to work out the economical emancipation of labor.”
Suggested reading: “The Paris Commune,” from Marx’s Civil War in France
Sponsored by West Coast Marxist-Humanists

Research Network Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM) 3rd International Summer School

31 July - 07 August 2011, Berlin, Germany
Venue: IGM-Bildungsstaette Berlin-Pichelssee

Theme: "Keynesian Macroeconomics and European Economic Policies"
The summer school aims at providing an introduction to Post-Keynesian economics and to the problems of European economic policies as well as presenting some ongoing research to interested graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers. It will consist of overview lectures, a panel discussion, student study groups and academic papers and it will feature leading international researchers in the area, like Robert Blecker (USA), Gary Dymski (USA), Eckhard Hein (Germany), John King (Australia), Marc Lavoie (Canada), Malcolm Sawyer (UK) and Engelbert Stockhammer (UK). Issues of monetary economics, the theory of growth and distribution, and the relation of Post-Keynesian Economics to other heterodox traditions, but also to the now prevalent New Keynesian approach, will be covered as well as applications of Keynesian theory to issues of the finance, unemployment, monetary policy and macroeconomic policy coordination in the EU.

Language is English. There is a fee of EUR 100,- (reduced: EUR 50,-) for each participant for accommodation and meals. Travelling costs cannot be covered.

Application: Send a letter of motivation (explain why you want to participate and how the Summer School relates to your study and research interests and/or your MA/Phd dissertation plans and/or you work area; max. 2 pages); your CV; the questionnaire (see hyperlink below) including an address of one academic adviser, who may be contacted for reference, to mailto:susanne-stoeger@boeckler.de no later than *March 15th, 2011*. Applicants will be informed by mid-April and accepted participants will be provided with a reading package for the summer school.

Please forward this call for application to interested students and networks. More information, questionnaire and updates on the summer school: http://www.boeckler.de/36370_111761.html

More information on the research network: http://www.network-macroeconomics.org/

2nd Annual Workshop on Global Law and Economic Policy

May 31st - June 10th, 2011 Harvard Law School.

IGLP: THE WORKSHOP is an intensive ten day residential program designed for DOCTORAL and POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLARS. The Workshop aims to promote innovative ideas and alternative approaches to issues of global law, economic policy and social justice in the aftermath of the economic crisis. The initiative will bring young scholars and faculty from around the world together with leading faculty working on issues of global law and economic policy for serious research collaboration and debate. In 2011, we will inaugurate a series of new Pro-Seminars designed for small groups of scholars engaged in collaboration aiming toward publication.Alumni of past IGLP Workshops are particularly encouraged to apply to participate in these new Pro-Seminars.

The 2011 Workshop will focus on deepening our understanding of heterodox traditions for understanding global political economy. The ongoing economic crisis has challenged conventional thinking about the relationship between global economic life and national or local political choices and legal arrangements. The result is an opening for new thinking. To date, the academy has not taken advantage of that opening. We are convinced that doing so will require us to revisit and revive the many experimental and alternative traditions of thinking about the international political system, legal order and economy which have existed alongside mainstream thinking for more than a century. This year's substantive streams will focus on the ability of heterodox traditions - from sociology, political theory, economics and law - to contribute to our thinking about ways forward from the crisis.
For more information, including how to apply, please visit our website at http://www.harvardiglp.org/iglp-the-workshop/

Union Research Summer School

June 12-17, 2011 | Ithaca, New York

The AFL-CIO and Cornell University are sponsoring a Strategic Corporate Research Summer School on June 12-17, 2011 in Ithaca, New York. The course (credit or non-credit) is designed for undergrad and grad students who are interested in working as union researchers and campaigners. The registration deadline is May 17.

Scholarships are available if taking the course for credit. To obtain a registration form and other information, go to http://www.sce.cornell.edu/ss/programs.php?v=STRATCORP&s=Overview or contact Kate Bronfenbrenner at (607) 254-4749 or scrsummer@cornell.edu.

Job Postings for Heterodox Economists

The Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS), Canada

An economist

The position may be staffed at the junior or senior level and on a contract or permanent basis. The position involves conducting analysis and applied research on trends in and determinants of productivity, living standards, and economic well-being in Canada and other countries and developing policy recommendations to improve performance in these areas.


The CSLS is a national, independent economic research organization based in Ottawa.  Its objectives are to contribute to a better understanding of trends in and determinants of productivity, living standards, and economic well-being in Canada through research and to contribute to public debate by developing and advocating specific policies to increase the living standards of Canadians.  For additional information on the CSLS, go to www.csls.ca.

Interested parties are asked to email a covering letter and CV to CSLS Executive Director, Andrew Sharpe at andrew.sharpe@csls.ca by January 31, 2011.  All applications and inquiries will be treated in strict confidence. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, Canada

A Research Director to contribute to its research programs, which include Aging, Competitiveness, Productivity and Economic Growth, and Canadian Federalism. As Research Director, you will be responsible for identifying research priorities, taking part in the development of projects, and overseeing their execution and completion.

The position requires a strong analytical mind and a highly developed critical sense, ability to synthesize ideas and bring a multidisciplinary approach to research, and excellent written and oral communication skills. The ideal candidate is dynamic and versatile, has strong project management abilities, is a team player, and is at ease working with academic and other experts. A master's degree or higher (preferably in economics or a related public policy field) and at least three years' experience in public policy are highly desirable, and functional bilingualism is essential. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience.

Please submit a letter of application, c.v. and salary expectation by e-mail to smcintyre@irpp.org, by fax to (514) 985-2559, or by mail to IRPP, 1470 Peel St., Suite 200, Montreal, QC, H3A 1T1. Please respond before February 18, 2011. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

A legal advisor to cover the Asia-Pacific region

The posting is available through this link:

The deadline is January 31. 

SUNY College at Old Westbury, USA

Assistant Professor
The Department of Politics, Economics, and Law at the State University of New York, College at Old Westbury invites applications for a full-time tenure track position for Fall 2011 at the Assistant Professor level in the field of Labor Relations. The Department offers two interdisciplinary majors: 1) Politics, Economics, and Law and 2) Industrial and Labor Relations.
QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must have a JD or Ph.D. in a relevant social science, such as economics, political economy, political science, sociology, or law and must be authorized to work in the United States. The ideal candidate would be a dynamic scholar and activist with some teaching experience, record of scholarly publications, direct experience with labor movements, and a strong commitment to social justice and the empowerment of working people, who would develop new outreach programs in labor relations. Areas of focus may include, but are not limited to: globalization and global labor rights, immigration, labor and employment law, labor economics, labor history, collective bargaining and organizing, gender/race/ethnicity and work, or public policy.
The teaching load is three courses per semester, and class sizes are small to allow for a focus on effective teaching. Most ILR courses are scheduled in the evening. Salaries are competitive. Review of applications will begin on February 1, 2011 and continue until the position is filled.
TO APPLY: Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcript of highest degree earned, three letters of reference, syllabi of courses taught, summary of teaching evaluations, and a writing sample to: SUNY College at Old Westbury, Search Committee: PEL-URPE, Office of Human Resources, P.O. Box 210, Old Westbury, NY 11568; or e-mail application materials as attachments in MS Word format (only if application to include attachments total less than 15 pages) to: hrsearch@oldwestbury.edu.

The College at Old Westbury is located 25 miles east of New York City, on a 600-acre campus on the north shore of Long Island. Old Westbury prides itself on interdisciplinarity and on a faculty committed both to excellence in teaching a diverse student body, as well as to strong research agendas. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. The State University of New York College at Old Westbury is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

San Francisco Community College District, USA

Economics and Statistics Instructor

Posting Number: 0100078
Filing Deadline (All postings close at 4:00 PM): 02-11-2011

Job Type: Faculty - Tenure-Track/Part-Time Pool

Examples of Duties:

City College of San Francisco Minimum Requirements:

Desirable Qualifications:

All application materials must be submitted online through the CCSF website.
To obtain additional information and apply, please visit our website at http://jobs.ccsf.edu.

University of Greenwich, London, UK

Lecturers in Business Economics


As part of our on-going development strategy, the Business School is seeking Lecturers in Business Economics. You will be part of the International Business and Economics Department which provides a range of successful undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the fields of International Business and Economics.

The school is seeking an academic capable of conducting quality research and lecturing on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in international applications of Business Economics, Institutional Economics, Financial Economics, Microfinance or a related area. The role will involve conducting research in a relevant discipline. You may also be involved in developing new part time and flexible learning courses in your area of teaching and research specialism.

The Department hosts the Centre for Business Network Analysis and the Public Sector International Research Unit and research complimentarity with these groups would be very welcome. The Department was rated 1st in the UK for Economics in the 2009 National Student Satisfaction Survey and 2/3 of the Department's research was rated world-class or world-leading in the last UK Research Assessment Exercise.

Salary Scale: £33,128 - £37,882 per annum inclusive of London Weighting.

We aim to be an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all sections of the community.
To obtain further particulars and an application form visit our website http://wwww.gre.ac.uk/jobs/1746g7/job-reference-1746g7, email Jobs@gre.ac.uk or write to the Personnel Office, University of Greenwich, Avery Hill Road, London, SE9 2UG quoting reference.
Applications should be returned by 5pm on 4 February 2011.

Conference Papers, Reports, and Articles

Economic Policy: In Search of an Alternative Paradigm, Middlesex University

Below is the link to the papers presented at the conference on "economic policy: in search of an alternative paradigm", Middlesex University:


IIPPE Financialisation Working Paper Series

The IIPPE Financialisation Working Group is pleased to announce four more additions to their Working paper series by Ivan Lesay, Avgitidou Athina, G.C. Harcourt and Jan Toporowski.
The IIPPE Financialisation Working Paper series offers PhD students and young researchers the opportunity to have their papers reviewed by two academics who are working in their field of research. This process gives young researchers the chance to gain valuable feedback on their work and offers the possibility of making their work visible to a wider audience and helping to prepare it for publication.
Avgitidou and Ivan's papers on Financial crisis: The myth of free market ideology and current regulatory reforms and How Fit For Development Is The European Investment Bank? Development Economics Discourse Analysis
were reviewed by one junior and one senior academic and recommended for publication as working papers.
Despite the focus on promoting and supporting young researchers’ work, we are particularly happy to also announce the publication of G.C. Harcourt’s valedictory lecture The Crisis in Mainstream Economics. The
lecture, which was given on the 12th of May at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), is also available as a Audio File on the IIPPE Financialisation Working Group Web Site.
Last but not least, Jan Toporowski has submitted his provocative paper on Marx’s Grundrisse And The Monetary Business Cycle, which was presented at the 1st IIPPE conference in Crete in September 2010.

If you are interested in submitting your work for review and publication as an IIPPE Financialisation Working Paper please send your paper to ak82@soas.ac.uk and jm60@soas.ac.uk. We particularly encourage submission from PHD students and young researchers who are preparing their work for an academic publication and are interested in feedback and advice from academics in their fields. If you have a preference for a potential reviewer please indicate so. A list of current reviewers can be found on the IIPPE Financialisation Working Group web-site. Alternatively, if you are aware of an academic within IIPPE who you feel would be more suitable to referee your paper, please indicate this as well and we will try to accommodate. In a similar vein, we would also appreciate any academics within and outside IIPPE, who have some interest in financial topics and who would be interested in acting as referees to get in contact with us. The workload is minimal (maximum a paper a year), but a greater pool
of referees would allow us to match the paper with the best expertise in the area and would be a great support to young researchers.
For further information on the IIPPE Financialisation Working Paper series and/or IIPPE more general please visit: http://www.iippe.org/wiki/Financialisation_Working_Group

New Publications on Taxes in the United States

The Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE) announces the publication of two new papers on taxes in the United States by Senior Researcher Brian Roach.

A working paper, titled “Progressive and Regressive Taxation in the United States: Who's Really Paying (and Not Paying) Their Fair Share," provides an in-depth look at the current and historical distribution of the tax burden in the United States. The results show that the overall federal tax system is quite progressive. But when state and local taxes are included as well, the overall U.S. tax system is only slightly progressive. Further, most of the progressivity of the overall tax system occurs in the lower half of the income spectrum. At upper-income levels, progressivity levels off and actually reverses at the highest income levels. Thus claims that America has a “highly progressive” tax system do not appear to be valid. There is no clear long-term trend in the progressivity of the U.S. tax system. Relative stability in tax progressivity stands in stark contrast to rising economic inequality. While changes in tax progressivity could have partially offset the rise in income inequality, this has not been the case. Analysis of the compromise plan to extend the Bush tax cuts shows that the progressivity of the plan is much closer to the original Republican proposal than President Obama’s proposal that would have eliminated the Bush tax cuts for high-income households.

An educational module, titled “Taxes in the United States: History, Fairness, and Current Policy Issues,” provides students with an overview of the U.S. tax system, including the historical development of tax policies. The difference between progressive and regressive taxes is explained and current data are presented showing how the tax burden falls on different groups. The student reading consists of 34 pages which includes discussion questions, glossary, references, and additional resources.
You can download the papers here.

Post Keynesian Economics Study Group

The website has been updated with the four latest talks from the Keynes Seminar which took place during November:

Visit http://www.postkeynesian.net/keynes.html to find these and many others.

Rutgers University Report on the Unemployed

 "The Shattered American Dream: Unemployed Workers Lose Ground, Hope, and Faith in their Futures."

A new survey of unemployed American workers documents dramatic erosion in the quality of life for millions of Americans. Their financial reserves are exhausted, their job prospects nil, their family relations stressed, and their belief in government’s ability to help them is negligible. They feel hopeless and powerless, unable to see their way out of the Great Recession that has claimed 8.5 million jobs.

The survey shows that only one-quarter of those first interviewed in August 2009 have found full-time jobs some 15 months later. And most of those who have become reemployed have taken jobs they did not really want for less pay. Moreover, the recession has wreaked havoc on the retirement plans of older workers. These are some of the main findings of The Shattered American Dream: Unemployed Workers Lose Ground, Hope, and Faith in their Futures, a new report from the Heldrich Center. The Heldrich Center first interviewed a national sample of 1,202 unemployed workers in August 2009, using the web-enabled KnowledgePanel® conducted by Knowledge Networks of Menlo Park, CA. Just over 900 were re-interviewed in March 2010, and 764 were re-interviewed between November 5 and 28, 2010 for this report.

Here is the complete report summarizing the findings.

Conference on Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities 1960-2010

2nd-4th December 2010, Roma Tre University, Italy

Heterodox Journals

Affinities: Journal of Radical Theory, Culture and Action, 4(2): 2010

Special Issue: "What is the Radical Imagination?"
Edited by Max Haiven and Alex Khasnabish

Read and download for free at: www.affinitiesjournal.org

Interventions: Struggles
Interventions: Provocations
Interventions: Openings
Peer Reviewed Articles

The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 70(1): January 2011

Journal website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0002-9246&site=1

Cambridge Journal of Economics, 35(1): January 2011

Journal website: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/page/3924/1


Challenge, 54(1): January-February 2011

Journal website: http://www.mesharpe.com/mall/results1.asp?ACR=CHA


The Commoner, 14: Winter 2010

Special Issue: Property, Commoning and the Politics of Free Software
Journal website: http://www.commoner.org.uk/

Download complete issue or click to download individual chapters below. All PDFs are in A5 page size, suitable for printing two pages per A4 page.

J. Martin Pedersen - Property, Commoning and the Politics of Free Software
Massimo De Angelis and J. Martin Pedersen - Preface / Volume 1 [PDF]
CHAPTER 0 — Introduction: Property, Commoning and the Politics of Free Software [PDF]
CHAPTER 1 — Free Culture in Context: Property and the Politics of Free Software [PDF]
CHAPTER 2 — Properties of Property: A Jurisprudential Analysis [PDF]
CHAPTER 3 — Free Software as Property [PDF]
CHAPTER 4 — Conclusion: Property and the Politics of Commoning (including bibliography of the entire essay) [PDF]

Economic Systems Research, 22(3): September 2010

Journal website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09535314.asp

Book Review

Economic Systems Research, 22(4): December 2010

Journal website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09535314.asp

International Socialism, 129: January 2011

Journal website: http://www.isj.org.uk/

Book reviews

Intervention. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies

 Vol. 7 (2010), Number 2 | Jg. 7 (2010), Heft 2
Special Forum on Macroeconomic Theory and Macroeconomic Pedagogy
Special Issue on The global financial crisis – Analysis and policy options
Editorial to the Special
Book Reviews

Moneta e Credito, 63(252): 2010

Journal website (articles are available here): http://sead-pub.cilea.it/index.php/MonetaeCredito/issue/view/24/showToc


Mother Pelican: A Journal of Sustainable Human Development, 7(1): Jan. 2011

Journal website: http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv07n01page1.html

Climate Change: A Test Case in Human Development


Metroeconomica, 62(1): Feb. 2011

 Journal website: http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0026-1386

PSL Quarterly Review, 63(255): 201

Journal website (articles are available here): http://sead-pub.cilea.it/index.php/PSLQuarterlyReview/issue/view/25/showToc

Review of Political Economy, 22(4): October 2010

Journal website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/crpe

Symposium in Memory of John Cornwall
Other Articles
Book Reviews

Review of Political Economy, 23(1): January 2011

Journal website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/crpe

Book Reviews

Heterodox Newsletters

CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research) e-Newsletter, Oct.- Dec. 2010

Download the full newsletter here.


14/2010—Limits of Quantitative Easing
13/2010—Macroeconomic Surveillance Within the EU
12/2010—Will the U.S. Dollar Remain the Global Reserve Currency?
No. 94—Public Finances in Support of Growth in the EU Mediterranean Partner Countries
No. 420—Distinguishing persistent from occasional innovators: the case of Polish manufacturing firms
No. 419—Long Term Care in Romania
No. 418—Complementarities between barriers to innovation: data evidence from Poland
No. 417— Oil‐led Economic Growth and the Distribution of Real Household Incomes and Consumption in Azerbaijan
No. 416—The System of Long‐Term Care in Poland
No. 415—The System of Long‐Term Care in the Czech Republic
No. 414—The Lithuanian Long‐term Care System
No. 413—The Bail‐Out! Positive political economics of Greek‐type crises in the EMU

CCPA, January 2011

EPI (Economic Policy Institute) News, January 2011

More people, fewer jobs

The latest unemployment report released last week contained more sobering data. Although the nationwide unemployment rate dropped to 9.4% in December from 9.8% in November, a large part of that decline reflected unemployed workers who left the labor force and were no longer counted among the unemployed. 

Poverty and the social safety net
Last year, the Census Bureau reported that 14.3% of Americans were living in poverty in 2009. But the methodology used to measure poverty in America has long been a matter of dispute and on January 4, the Census Bureau released some alternative estimates. These new calculations show that, when accounting for the current cost of living in different parts of the country, far more people have poverty-level incomes.

Read the full newsletter here.

GDAE Economic and Political Weekly, Janury 2011

Global Labour Column, January 2011

IDEAs, December 2010

Website: www.networkideas.org or www.ideaswebsite.org

Featured Articles
News Analysis
IDEAs Working Paper Series

Levy News, December 2010

Upcoming Events
Veblen-Commons Award
New Publications

Read the full Levy News here.

nef e-letter, January 2011

BBC World Tonight explores the shorter working week
nef begins new project on criminal justice
Citizen's panel builds economic democracy from the ground up
New publications
Read the full newsletter here.

Research Network of Innovation

Heterodox Books and Book Series

Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Behind the Curtain

By E Ray Canterbery.
World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-256-606-5| website

"Because he is a gifted writer who avoids jargon and unnecessary abstraction, Professor Canterbery defends his points in ways that are accessible to general readers... there are a number of issues he raises that are well-researched and convincingly argued." -- Journal of Economic Issues

Download Chapter 1: Greenspan and the myth of his purity

We would like to point your attention to an important classic title. For a limited time, you can get your copy at a 25% discount from our online bookstore. Quote GOLDENTITLES as you order. This offer is valid from now till 10 February, 2011. Do recommend this important title to your library and colleagues.

Behind the Crisis: Marx's Dialectics of Value and Knowledge 

By Guglielmo Carchedi.

Brill 2011. Historical Materialism Book Series 26. ISBN 978 90 04 18994 2 (HB) | website

Much has been written since Capital was first published, and more recently after the demise of the Soviet Union and the consequent triumph of neoliberalism, about the irrelevance, inconsistency, and obsoleteness of Marx. This has been attributed to his unworkable method of inquiry. This book goes against the current. It introduces the issues that are presently most hotly debated, it evaluates them, and it groups them into four headings, each one of them corresponding to a chapter. At the same time, it submits a new reading of Marx’s method of social research and on this basis it argues that Marx’s work offers a solid foundation upon which to further develop a multi-faceted theory of crises highly relevant for the contemporary world. 

Central Banking and Financialization: A Romanian Account of How Eastern Europe Became Subprime

By Daniela Gabor

Palgrave Macmillan, November 2010. Series: Studies in Economic Transition ISBN: 0230276156 (HB) | Website

At the beginning of 2009, Eastern Europe became the source of increasing concerns, as it was feared that the large foreign borrowing of its banking system could trigger an economic cataclysm. This book explores how and why Eastern Europe became subprime, taking Romania as a paradigmatic case study. It explains the region's vulnerability through the growing financialization of banking activity, money and currency markets. Central banks, it argues, have played a key role in this process by offering an ‘institutional home’ to global forces and reorienting practices of monetary management to the requirements of financialization.

The book advances a conceptual approach to the political economy of central banking that distinguishes between monetary theory, policy narratives and practices of monetary management. This re-politicization is fundamental for understanding how central banks are produced through, and operate within, processes of neoliberal financialization.

A sample chapter can be downloaded here: http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=466882

Criticism of Theology: On Marxism and Theology III

By Roland Boer
Brill 2011. Historical Materialism Book Series, 27. ISBN: 978 90 04 18974 4 (hb) | website

Criticism of Theology provides a detailed and critical commentary on the continued fascination with religion by yet more significant Marxist philosophers, historians and critics: Max Horkheimer, E.P. Thompson, G.E.M. de Ste. Croix, Michael Löwy, Roland Barthes, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Antonio Negri. Simultaneously critique and construction, Criticism of Theology carefully analyses their work through close textual readings, with a view to locating hidden gems that may be developed further. The book continues the project for a renewed and enlivened interaction between Marxism and religion, being the third of five volumes in the Criticism of Heaven and Earth series. 

Evaluating Economic Research in a Contested Discipline: Ranking, Pluralism, and the Future of Heterodox Economics

Edited by Frederic S. Lee and Wolfram Elsner

Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-4443-3945-1, Hardcover, 200 pages | Series in the Studies in Economic Reform and Social Justice | website

This book challenges the view that using SSCI journal citations (especially its impact factor score) and peer
review are the best ways to evaluate economic research. In a contested discipline such as economics, these methods are used by mainstream economists to attack and dismiss heterodox economics.

In this book, the authors investigate discrimination against heterodox economics by examining case studies in
Australia, Italy, and the United States. In addition, they show how SSCI journal citations can be used to promote heterodox economics and heterodox research without simultaneously denigrating mainstream economics and its research. Finally, the book concludes with the unexpected position that a contested economics discipline results in the creation of better economists who are more capable of contributing in an open and intelligent manner to economic-social policy issues.

Evaluating Economic Research in a Contested Discipline features the first extensive rankings of heterodox and mainstream economics journals and rankings of US graduate programs. The book also examines the impact of national research assessment exercises on heterodox economics in Italy and Australia.

The book is published in conjunction with The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, with support from the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation.

Download Flyer (with 20% discount offer).

Green Economics: Confronting the Ecological Crisis

By Robin Hahnel

M.E. Sharpe. December 2010. 978-0-7656-2796-4 Paperback List Price: $35.95 | website

This book's pluralistic, non-dogmatic, and committed investigation of the values of ecological sustainability, economic justice, and human dignity provides a balanced analysis of environmental problems and their potential solutions.

Author Robin Hahnel employs techniques of cost-benefit analysis to illuminate where mainstream economics can be helpful, where mainstream economics can be misleading, and where heterodox ideas can provide important insights. He focuses primarily on climate change, reviews the history of climate negotiations, and provides guidelines for an effective, efficient, and fair post-Kyoto treaty.

M.E. Sharpe is offering the following discount to HEN supbscribers: 20% Discount Price: $28.76

Click here to purchase the print edition. Simply enter discount code CAT11 to save 20%!  To order 180-day online access visit the Sharpe E-text Center.

John Kenneth Galbraith

By James Ronald Stanfield and Jacqueline Bloom Stanfield
Series in Great Thinkers in Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, December 2010, ISBN 9780230242685, HB | website

This book is a thoroughly engaging depiction of the life and work of a Canadian farm boy who went on to become a jet-setting celebrity. Over a career that spanned three-quarters of a century, John Kenneth Galbraith became the world's most famous economist, a confidant in presidential politics and an iconic figure in progressive American liberalism. This great Public Intellectual led us all to consider the dangers of an obsolete Conventional Wisdom, the complexities of an Affluent Society, and the implications of the emergence of powerful organizations.

This book demonstrates the relevance of Galbraith's ideas to the current global economic crisis and beyond to the endemic problems of capitalism. It conveys his inveterate optimism that an evolutionary, pragmatic, and behavioral political economy can guide us to a reformed democratic capitalism that is economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable.

This book is essential reading for all interested in the history of economic thought and political economy.

Download Book Flyer (with 20% discount offer).


The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith

Edited by Steve Pressman
1st edition January 12, 2011. Routledge;  ISBN-10: 0415617391 ; ISBN-13: 978-0415617390. $122.50 | website

When John Kenneth Galbraith passed away on April 29, 2006, the economics profession lost one of its true giants. And this is not just because Galbraith was an imposing figure at 6 feet, 9 inches tall. Throughout his life, Galbraith advised Presidents, made important professional contributions to the discipline of economics, and also tried to explain economic ideas to the general public. This volume pays tribute to Galbraith’s life and career by explaining some of his major contributions to the canon of economic ideas. The papers describe the series of unique contributions that Galbraith made in many different areas. He was a founder of the Post Keynesian view of money, and a proponent of the Post Keynesian view that price controls were necessary to deal with the problem of inflation in a modern economy where large firms already control prices and prices are not determined by the market. He promulgated the view that firms manipulate individual preferences and tastes, through advertising and other means of persuasion, and he drew out the economic implications of this view. He was a student of financial frauds and euphoria, and a forerunner of the Post Keynesian/Minskean view of finance and how financial markets really work. This book was published as a special issue of the Review of Political Economy.


Keynes Betrayed: The General Theory, the Rate of Interest, and ‘Keynesian’ economics

By Geoff Tily
2nd edition. 2010. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN-10: 0230277012 (pb).


First published in 2007 and now re-issued in paperback with a preface putting the work in the context of the global economic crisis (and a bit of ‘told you so’) and revised title.  Given the appended review there is no need for me to say more, except that it’s only £18, inc p & p, from Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Keynes-Betrayed-Interest-Keynesian-Economics/dp/0230277012


'…such an important book…not merely another book on the history of Keynes's monetary thought. It provides compelling evidence of where 'Keynesians' of all shades have gone wrong and simultaneously provides them with the ammunition to generalize what passes for modern monetary theory and macroeconomics. It enables macroeconomists to put Keynes back into Keynesian economics.' - Colin Rogers, University of Adelaide, Australia

'This is an extraordinary book and a major and significant contribution to Post-Keyensian literature.' - Jan Toporowski, School of African and Oriental Studies, University of London, UK

'Above all, this book is a good read, which may achieve that rare combination of a high level of scholarship with relevance to the policy advisor.' - Mark Hayes, University of Cambridge, UK

The National Question and the Question of Crisis 

Edited by Paul Zarembka
Emerald Group, Bingley, UK 2010, Research in Political Economy Volume 26, ISBN: 978-0-85724-493-2 |

This volume focuses on nationality's efficacy in much of world affairs, andon the background and current issues surrounding global crisis. As one of the most famous Marxist revolutionaries, Rosa Luxemburg vigorously promoted her own conceptions, often opposing Lenin, her contemporary. In this volume, Narihiko Ito offers a much needed, extensive analysis of her position on the nation state versus national autonomy. This is followed by a critique of the current Iranian conjuncture, offered by Farhang Morady.

The Reform of the Bolivian State: Domestic Politics in the Context of Globalization

By Andreas Tsolakis
First Forum Press/Lynne Rienner Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-935049-27-2 | website

Restoring Democracy to America: How to Free Markets and Politics from the Corporate Culture of Business and Government

By John F. M. McDermott
Penn State University Press 2010. ISBN 978-0-271-03724-0 | website

Read the except from this book (by courtesy of John McDermott).

Uneven Development: Nature, Capital and the Production of Space

By Neil Smith

Verso, June 2010. Paperback, 328 pages. ISBN: 9781844676439 | website

New and updated edition with a new foreword by DAVID HARVEY

Heterodox Book Reviews

The Marx and Philosophy Review of Books

New reviews just published online in the Marx and Philosophy Review of Books
New comments and discussion and a new list of books for review all at www.marxandphilosophy.org.uk/reviewofbooks/

Heterodox Graduate Programs and Scholarships

Fellowship program on Capitalism, the Corporation, and Economic Democracy, Rutgers University

The Fellows Program at Rutgers University's School of Management and Labor Relations invites applications for fellowships to study employee stock ownership and profit sharing and broad-based stock options in the corporation and society in the United States.

The fellowships will be awarded for the 2011-2012 academic year to outstanding PhD candidates or post-doctoral scholars or faculty in the areas of economics, economic and business history, labor studies and employment relations, law, management and business, public policy, and relevant social science and humanities disciplines. The general theme of the fellowships includes research on the idea, practice, and public policies involving broadening the ownership of capital assets in the corporation and in society, such as the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), as well as other approaches whereby consumers may have capital ownership of enterprises and individual citizens may have access to broader opportunities for capital acquisition in the economy. The relevance of these and other related ideas to the concept of economic democracy and democratic capitalism may also be examined. The Fellows are typically supported at their home institution but they may be in residence at Rutgers University. The period and length of the fellowship may vary between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. The fellowships may be used for research, travel, or living expenses. Fifteen fellowships will be awarded: four Beyster Fellowships in the amount of $25,000. including the J. Robert Beyster Visiting Professorship, five Louis O. Kelso Fellowships in the amount of $12,500., two Robert Smiley Fellowships in Economic History in the amount of $5,000. for archival research, and several other related fellowships. The fellowships would permit the student or faculty member to associate with several scholars engaged in this area of research and receive mentoring and support and assistance with datasets and archives from a group of more than fifty fellows across the United States.

Applicants may submit the following information by email or letter by January 31, 2011 or February 25, 2011 depending on the specific fellowship deadline: 1) A statement of no more than 1500 words describing the proposed research project including its current status and broader significance; 2) A curriculum vitae; 3) Three letters of reference (included in sealed envelopes or submitted separately by email or mail.) Address: Search Committee, Fellowship Programs, Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations, Levin Building Room 216, 94 Rockefeller Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08854. For more information, please email: beysterfellowships@smlr.rutgers.edu or fellowship_program@smlr.rutgers.edu or see http://smlr.rutgers.edu/research-and-centers/beyster-fellowship-and-fellows-programs Recipients will be announced by March 15, 2011.

Economics for Equity and the Environment Network  2011 Summer Internship Program

Economics for Equity and the Environment Network (E3) is a national network of economists developing new and better arguments for environmental protection. We support improved decision making in public policy by involving our economists in dialogue and cooperation with NGOs, decision makers, the public, media and stakeholders. We support and promote research that demonstrates fair and effective solutions to real world environmental problems.

E3 Network’s internship program offers economics graduate students the opportunity to work directly with environmental organizations. Graduate students gain real world insights into environmental protection and explore possible avenues for their research and professional development. Organizations benefit from the expertise and training of these junior economists. Recent interns have been placed with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Union of Concerned Scientists, International Rivers Network, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Conservation Strategy Fund, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, Clean Air-Cool Planet, Forest Guild, New Voice of Business, Center for Environment and Population, Stockholm Environment Institute, Global Development and Environment Institute, and The Trust for Public Land.

Interns will be placed with an environmental organization for 8 weeks and will be paid a stipend of $5000. E3 prioritizes graduate students who are dedicated to applied economics research and who support E3’s commitment to social justice. Applicants must be willing to relocate to accommodate their NGO placement. The deadline for applications for summer 2011 is February 21.

To apply, please email the following information to Kristen Sheeran (director@e3network.org), Director, by the deadline. Curriculum vita One letter of reference A three-page statement of your research interests and how they relate to E3 Network’s mission.

For further information, visit http://www.e3network.org/internship.html

Post-doc Fellowship in Political Economy, Hertie School of Governance

Jointly at the Political Economy Cluster and the Centre for Fiscal Governance.
DL for applications is 31 January.

For more information, download Announcement.

Heterodox Web Sites and Associates

EMU-Cost website

A new website www.emu-cost.net supporting a grant for European application European monetary unifications, from Antiquity to modern times (EMU) .

You will find galleries of books published by the potential participants, information on all the participants and institutions, and a video of presentation of the application.


The initial objective of EMU consists of an interdisciplinary approach to furthering our understanding of the changes brought about by European monetary unification in the light of historical and social experience.
EMU will stimulate collective research by organizing a strong network of researchers, replacing the current fragmented national perception of monetary and economic history, linked to the political divisions of Europe in the last centuries, with a global perception.

COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology. It contributes to reducing the fragmentation in European research and opening the European Research Area to cooperation worldwide.

COST has clearly shown its strength in non-competitive research and public utility problems. It has been successfully used to maximise European synergy and added value in research cooperation and is a useful tool to further European integration


Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration

New Transnational Social Network Union to Crack Capitalism and Protect
Life, Peace and Justice on Earth

This space is an experiment for constructing a new type of transnational social network union that aims at brining individual industrial and non-industrial workers in the Global North, the precariat in the Global South; peasants, domestic, immigrant and jobless workers together with social movement activists from other struggle fields, activist/researchers and many others who has to work in order to reproduce his/her life and to provide an open space where we can connect our networks and struggles to each other.

GAIA project is an open invitation for inventing a world wide, common, grassroots, wiki social movement union that will aim an immediate alteration of capitalist social, cultural, and political order.

Marcello Musto's webiste on contemporary research on Marx 

A new website from Marcello Muston about contemporary research on Marx, here.

Institute for New Economic Thinking New Blog

The Money View
We are happy to announce the launch of a new regular feature on our website, a blog called “The Money View,” written by Perry Mehrling, a top economics professor on our Advisory Board. The Money View will regularly engage current financial news and policy debates from the standpoint of the classics of monetary theory. Mehrling starts with the idea that capitalism is essentially a financial system, which means that we need to take a money view in order to understand how it works.

Mehrling is an economics professor at Barnard College, Columbia University, and a scholar whose research lies at the intersection of monetary and financial economics, with special emphasis on historical and institutional approaches. His most recent book is “The New Lombard Street: How the Fed Became the Dealer of Last Resort,” which traces the evolution of the banking system through the 20th century until now.

The Money View blog is one of several new features on the website that we will be rolling out in the early part of this year as we build our content and grow our online community. Please take some time to watch short video segments of some of our recent interviews with Charles Ferguson, the director of the controversial documentary “Inside Job” that takes on academic practices in economics, or with Adair Turner, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority, the top financial regulator of the United Kingdom.
We invite you to comment on The Money View or other content and get engaged in our community by registering an account on our website. Stay tuned as we update you more frequently in the exciting year ahead.

Queries from Heterodox Economists

Information on Popularity/Sales of Principles textbooks

I am in search of information regarding the popularity, in terms of sales, of principles textbooks. I have done some rudimentary online searches for this information, but it is unclear to me which textbooks generate the largest sales volume or even where to find this information. I am wondering if the sales figures are compiled in a relatively easy to access format. As an addendum, the purpose of my search for sales figures is based on an interest in surveying the most "popular" principles textbooks in an effort to see the degree to which any of the most widely sold books include any heterodox ideas. Thank you for your assistance.

Contact: Justin A. Elardo, PhD elarco_justin@hotmail.com
Portland Community College

For Your Information

300 Economists Call for AEA to Adopt Code of Ethics

300 economists have issued a public letter arguing that the American Economics Association should adopt a code of ethics for economists. Read the Letter from the 300 economists here.

See also "The Economics of Economists' Ethics: If they read their own research, economists might disclose conflicts of interest more often", by Annie Lowrey, Slate, Jan. 5, 2011.


Oxford Economics and Oxford Economists

(From Fred Lee)

On my department web site I have placed two manuscripts—see the links below (it takes a few seconds after clicking on the links for the manuscripts to show up). One consists of recollections I collected from students and economists about Oxford economics and Oxford economists. All the originals are lodged in Bodleian Library, Oxford. The second is a very hard to get autobiography by E. L. Hargreaves. Both deal with Oxford in the interwar and post-war period and may be of interest to anyone engaged in research in this area or on for example the development of the Marshallian school outside of Cambridge. If you have any questions about the manuscripts please feel free to e-mail me leefs@umkc.edu